
The Thread Nicker (PJO OC story)

Waking up in a dark room is never a good thing, especially when the last thing you remember was it being day outside. Dive into the world of Percy Jackson with an original character that has been reincarnated, with a system??? What mischief can this new demigod bring to the table. Support: patreon.com/user?u=74488456 Go check out the perks!

JustTiller · Fantasía
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25 Chs

The Chunin Exams!


Disclaimer- I own nothing here but my character.


King had been in the leaf for over a week. During that time he had explored all over. Seen the Hokage monument, training ground 7, and even the Ninja Academy. He was walking around to visit Ichuraku Ramen a major place he hadn't been to yet. His week was also filled with civilian council members trying to get at his skills and into the Senju Compound. It came to the point he would have to body flicker out of the compound or wear a Henge when near the compound. After 10 minutes he found the ramen shop he walked in and sat down.

"One pork and miso ramen sir," King spoke. "You got it!" Teuchi said getting to work. ~The Chunin exams should be starting soon.~ King thought about what was happening and the Konoha Crush. He was snapped out of these thoughts when his ramen was served. He took his first bite and was awestruck. "No wonder Naruto loved this place! This stuff is awesome!" King yelled as he ate the ramen with gusto. "Oh, you know Naruto?" Teuchi asked."Yeah, his team found me on their last mission. He practically teleported when he was excused from the Hokage yelling about ramen." King explained with a small chuckle and the ramen chief just nodded with a huge smile. "Well, then your meal is on the house." King smiled. "Thanks, old man." He put some money on the counter. "But your meal was covered?" "Yeah, but that's your tip!" King said with a smile walking away.

King was leaving the shop when he spotted a familiar scene. "Run Kono!" He heard as he walked the young Sarutobi took off running. You know it's actually to watch this play out. King mused as he took to the shadows and watched it all play out. He sat in a tree watching the scene with Temari and Kankurō. "What is Suna Ninja doing in our village," Sasuke asked. "The Chunin exams are here." "Hey didn't Harlequin talk about those?" "Who is this Harlequin you speak of," Gaara asked. "Why that would be me Ichibi," King said making his presence known. They all looked where King was. "You will prove my existence. Mother wants your blood." "If you want to fight me you'll need to wait until after the exams. I'm not a registered Shinobi anywhere so I won't be in the exams. So if you want to fight me we will have to do some another time." King jumped down from the tree and got closer to the group. "However no matter what you through at me Ichibi you won't win. I can handle you and your mother easily." "We shall see," Gaara spoke as the Sand siblings walked away.

"Man, he's crazy," King said once Gaara was gone. "Hey, Harlequin what we're you talking about say Ichibi?" Sakura asked. "Hmm did you say something Sakura?" King asked. "Baka stop trying to be like Kakashi Sensei!" "Anyways good luck with the exams," King said ignoring Sakura. "Wait fight me!" Sasuke said before King left. "No." "Why are you too scared." Sasuke asked with a smirk, "No because you're weaker than me. And it would be troublesome." King said sighing and flickering away. "He thinks he's so cool but I'll beat him and you both teme. Believe it!" Naruto yelled as the present members of Team 7 left to go met Kakashi.

King was laying in the grass of one of the training fields just relaxing when he heard a commotion. "Come on akumaru let's go!" King looked up and saw Team 8 and Natsumi. "My my aren't you a rowdy one," King said standing up. "Who are you!" Kiba yelled. "No one important," King replied. "Harlequin-kun," Natsumi said with some surprise seeing him there. ~Kun? Oh, my does Naruto's twin have a crush on me or something or is she using it as just a term of endearment? Honestly, these suffixes are confusing~ King thought to himself. "Natsumi, this is the guy you were talking about?" Hinata asked her in a hushed voice. Natsumi nodded in affirmation. "Hmm it seems this person is using the training grounds as a napping area," Shino pointed out, "Excuse me Civilian-San but these are for shinobi of the village to use especially when the grounds have no one reserved for the time. I must ask that you allow us to use the field for practice as soon as our team leader will be here for such a thing." King hopped down from the branch and looked at Shino and nodded. "Of course Aburame-san your point holds logic so I will leave with ample time before your team leader arrives," King responded in an even voice. "Wait Shino he doesn't need to leave yet," Hinata said. Natsumi nodded in agreement. "Oh well hello there Hyuuga-san." King said with a small bow. "Hinata is fine Harlequin-san." "Okay, Hinata-chan," King responded with a wink in her direction which made Hinata blush a little while Natsumi started to frown. "What are you doing here Harlequin-Kun?" Natsumi asked trying to get his attention again. Turning to her he gave her a lazy smile and responded, "I got lost on the path of life and decided to take a quick stop before going again." Natsumi narrowed her eyes in disapproval at the use of Kakashi's famous phrase. "Now now Uzumaki-san you do not want to get worry lines all over that pretty face of yours now do you." King teasingly commented on the girl's look. Natsumi stopped her scowling and turned away with some blush on her cheeks. "Idiot." She said softly to him. Kiba was snickering at the teasing that was occurring to the girl and then spoke up. "Worry lines aside, Natsumi don't you need to meet up with Kakashi Sensei?" "Damn, you are right! I'll talk to you more later Hinata-Chan, see the rest of you later you too I guess Harlequin-kun." She quickly said as she started to rush off. "See ya Natsumi-chan!" King cheekily said. Natsumi eeped as she blushed more not looking back. King laughed and then said his goodbyes to Team 8 before walking off.

King was walking to the Senju main house when the Anbu came in front of him. "The Hokage request your presence." A cat-masked Anbu said. "Okay, cat-san! You know you are one of my favorites of the Anbu that come to get me. Always nice and respectful." King said. "Well, I appreciate the compliment. Come along Harlequin we mustn't keep Hokage-Sama waiting." Cat said putting her hand on his shoulder and flickering away with him in tow.

Kage Tower

"I have brought him Hokage-sama. Cat said. "Thank you, Cat your dismissed." Cat nodded and vanished away. "She's the best," King said once she left. "Yes, she's a great person." The old man said nodding. "Harlequin the council wants you to participate in the Chunin exams. Under the banner of Konoha." Hiruzen said. "Your council members are so dumb. And never listen." King said sighing. "Well, what do you say?" Hiruzen asked knowing the answer. "I'll participate. But I do so under the Headband of Uzushiogakure. By myself." King said. Hiruzen sighed, "I'm not sure if they will allow that." "If they want me in their war games that's the only way I'm doing it," King replied. "Well, saying we have a competitor from Uzushiogakure would get people here," Hiruzen said. "Yup, it would!" King said. ~This will give me a one-way ticket to making some serious cash.~ King thought. ~Don't lose it would be embarrassing.~ Isobu replied. "The exams are in 2 days at the academy. Room 301" Hiruzen told him. "Okay, I got something to take care of so cya Hokage-Sama," King said bowing before flickering away.

Streets of Konoha

King was walking the streets to find a blacksmith. Higurashi's weapon shop. (A/n A lot of Fanfiction I have read has used this shop so I am to make it easy. As well as they use this as Tenten's last name) King walked into the shop. "Hello welcome to Higurashi's weapon shop." King heard once the bell on the door went off. King looked and saw Tenten. "Hello, my name is Harlequin. I am looking for a custom order." King said. "Well Harlequin my name is Tenten. My father does the custom orders. What do you need?" "I need a plate for a headband." "Oh, are you a Konoha ninja? We have spares." She said reaching under the counter. "No, I'm not. I need one with this symbol on it." King said pointing to the Uzumaki swirl. "I need it in two days. If it helps. I can provide the metal and not need to waste an ingot on a plate. I would make it myself but I don't have access to a forge." "You blacksmith?" Tenten asked surprised as she wrote down his order. "Yeah. I made my blade and my Kunai and shuriken." King responded by taking off his weapons and showing them to her. "Woah these are good work!" She said awestruck. "Is this chakra metal!" Tenten asked holding his katana. King nodded. "Yeah. I made it a couple of years ago. It's been working." King said putting his stuff back and putting some metal in front of Tenten. "Here this should be enough for the plate. You guys can keep whatever is left after that. "Thanks come back in 2 days." King nodded. "Thanks, Tenten I app- "COME ON TENTEN! OUR FLAMES OF YOUTH MUST BE FLAMED!" A green blur came running into the shop. ~Oh, Kami,-Chaos- whatever god I have to pray to not him!~ King thought shuddering at the thought of the inescapable genjutsu. "Lee calm down!" Tenten yell. "Well, you are an interesting person," King said. "Yosh! And who is your Youthful Friend Tenten!" "My name is Harlequin." "Yosh I am The beautiful green beast of Konoha, Rock Lee!" King's sweat dropped at him. "A Taijutsu user." "How did you know." "You wear weights. Also your lack of Chakra." Tenten looked with widened eyes. "How could you tell?" "I'm a sensor. He lacks chakra. You use weapons. You have very calloused hands, and black ink meaning you use sealing for your weapons." King broke down their team. "Oh and what kind of a Ninja are you." King shrugged. "I'm not I have not been registered at all. I'm here for the Chunin exams per request of your Hokage." King said explaining. "You must be very strong! Let us have a spar!" King just shook his head. "No thanks maybe if we meet at the exams," King said. Leaving the shop.

2 Days Later, Academy

King was walking up the stairs. He now had a headband with the Uzumaki swirl on it over his forehead. He sat in room 301 and folded his arms resting. Slowly people started to come into the room. King looked up and watched. He was surprised by a group entering. "Chōjūrō?" King said standing up. "Harlequin-sama! What are you doing here!" Chōjūrō said slightly panicked. "I was asked by the Hokage to participate here in the Exams. I'm doing so under the Name of Uzushiogakure." "Mei-sama sent me here to represent the Mist. Also, it's a ritual for a swordsman of the mist to take this by ourselves." "Good luck Chōjūrō I hope to see you in the end," King said as Chōjūrō walked away. "I want information on Harlequin Liones." King looked and saw Team 7 with the Kabuto. "Okay, I got that one. Harlequin Liones of the Uzumaki clan. Representing Uzushiogakure. He is proficient in Ninjutsu and is known to use the Uzumaki Chakra Chains." Kabuto said to the rookies. "Uzushiogakure? Where is that Kabuto-San." Ino asked. "It's near the village of the Wave. Some would have called it the Wave's own Hidden Village. But it was destroyed by the Village Hidden in the Cloud, Stone, and Mist so that they could not provide help to Konoha during the second great ninja war." King spoke giving the history lesson. "Harlequin!" The rookies yelled. "What are you doing here!" Sakura yelled. "By request of the Hokage and the council I am competing in the Chunin Exams.. as you heard and can tell I am competing under the mark of Uzushiogakure," King responded pointing to the Forehead protector with the Swirl on it. "It's nice to see you again Harlequin-Kun," Natsumi said somewhat slyly taking back some of the rookies who weren't used to seeing her act shy. "Hello, Natsumi-chan," Harlequin responded with a mischievous smirk as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. Her face then turned bright red from embarrassment. While the other female rookies wore small smirks on their faces minus Hinata who was still softly smiling at her best friend's situation.

"Well, now you are starting a scene," Kabuto said. King looked around and scoffed. "Honestly the only person I have to worry about here is Gaara and that's because he is crazy and will try to kill you behind your back," King said crossing his arms. "Anyway, I'll see you all at the finals."

Time Skip

King breezed through the test he already knew what was happening. Right now they were all making their way to the Forest of Death. "Hey, Gaki! Nice to see you again." Anko said. "Hello, Anko. Dango?" King gestured pulling out a Dango stick from his inventory but making sure it looked like it came from a storage seal. "Oh, Gaki you know the way to my heart," Anko said hugging King. "Yeah yeah, troublesome women let me eat my Dango," King said eating his treat as he listened to Anko explain what was about to happen. "Okay, Maggots sign these forms." "What are the forms for?" "So if you die Konoha can not be held responsible for it," Anko said giving a sadistic smile. King tuned out the conversations just watching in the background as Anko cut Naruto's cheek and Orochimaru made his first appearance. ~Weird snake freak.~ King thought shivering at the scene. King walked into the makeshift hut and was given an Earth Scroll. "Okay let's do this," King said out loud readying himself. The gates buzzed open and King sped off.

Forest of Death

King had been running through the trees flaring his Aura sensing skill nonstop taking out people left and right in single motions. ~Well, I have all my scrolls and then some. Might as well get to the tower there is no need for me to interfere here.~ ~I hope someone gives you a challenge. It's honestly boring.~ Isobu told King. ~Once I get back home then it will be nothing it's monsters chasing me so I'm going to take advantage of my relaxation. Also, aren't you all about going with the flow? Why is my fighting people so important?~ ~Because I'm bored.~ King sighed. ~I didn't know you can be so sassy Isobu.~ ~Deal with it.~ King started to laugh to the tower.

King spent a total of an hour in the forest. He had taken out a lot of no-name teams from the rain, sand, and even the mist. King walked into the tower and unrolled his scrolls. A random Chunin popped out of the scroll. "Congrats on making it to the tower first and breaking the previous record. Feel free to relax for the next 5 days." The Chunin explained then flickered away. King explored the Tower and found nothing of interest. He made his way to his room in the tower and started a game of Go against a shadow clone.

The days passed as more people came to the Tower. King looked around and surveyed how many people were there. ~So there's Chōjūrō, teams 7,8,9, and 10, and the Suna Team. Kabuto's team isn't here changes some things.~ "Okay everyone My name is Hayate Gekko. I'll be your proctor for this exam." Hayate said coughing up a storm. King just tuned everything out knowing what was happening. He flickered to the balcony. He kicked back and just watched as the fights played out.

Shikamaru Nara Vs Kin (Canon Fight)

Tenten vs Temari (Canon Fight)

Sasuke vs Dosu (Sasuke wins)

Naruto vs Kiba (canon fight)

Hinata vs Neji

King sat up and watched this fight. Even though he know how it would end, there was something about the Hyuga-style Taijutsu that he enjoyed watching.

The blows were traded and Neji's fate Rant happened. Natsumi was fuming about how he was treating her best friend to the point where Kakashi had his hand on her shoulder calming her down. Soon Neji went for the blow into the chest and then King intervened. In a puff of smoke, Hinata vanished in her place a log and it shattered instantly. "You know it is rude to attack an opponent when they are down," King said drawing everyone's eyes to him as he held Hinata bridal style. "What you would know! You're a foreigner!" Neji yelled. "I am also a member of the clan that is allied with Konoha. I also know if Hinata wanted to she could have ended the fight with a single seal. Hmm, maybe I should activate the seal. Then you could feel some of the pain she felt." King said coldly looking down at Neji. "N-no d-don't." A soft voice spoke. King looked into his arms and saw Hinata awake but struggling to stay that way. "It's not his fault." "Here eat this. Save your strength," King said having her eat a Senzu bean. Hinata accepted and then instantly felt better. "Thank you Harlequin-kun." King just smiled as the girl drifted to sleep as he handed her to the medic ninjas. King then watched as Naruto jumped down and declared to defeat Neji. They all went back to the stands with tension in the air waiting for the next fight.

Harlequin Vs Ino

~Oh bad matchup for her.~ King thought as he jumped down from the stands followed by Ino who took her time walking down. "Honestly Ino you should give up. I'm not trying to be rude but I'm a bad match-up for you." King spoke. "I'm going to win! And prove I'm the only one for Sasuke-kun." She yelled. "I don't think you realized Sasuke Uchiha's only ambition is to kill his brother Itachi Uchiha. He won't have anyone weak holding him back. Especially fangirls." King told Ino. "I'll show you I'm not just a fangirl!" She yelled as she ran towards King engaging him in Taijutsu. King just sighed and started dodging every shot that was sent his way. "Stand still and let me hit you." "That's not how a fight works." Growling in anger she keeps swinging. "You know being under one of the Guardian Shinobi 12 and the heiress to a Shinobi clan I thought you would be good at something," King said as he ducked under another blow. "I'll show you." She made a hand sign and pointed it at King. "Go ahead do it," King said holding his hands up in the air and letting Ino fire off the Jutsu. Once it hit he got the Notification.

Gamers Mind detected an intruder! Purging Intruder! An intruder has been kicked out of the Gamer's Mind.

King smirked. As he held Ino up and put a kunai to her throat before she came back to her body. "How didn't that work!" King laughed. "The Uzumaki clan has a seal for everything. We can stop your mind techniques, the Byakugan from seeing us, and the Sharigan from copying us. Like I said it was a bad matchup." King finished as the Protector called the match and King found his way back onto the stands relaxing.

Shino vs Zaku (Canon Fight)

Natsumi vs Sakura (Natsumi Wins)

Rock Lee vs Gaara (Canon Fight)

Choji Vs Chōjūrō (Chōjūrō wins)

Kankuro (Bye)

The fights are all finished. "Everyone who passed please come down to the floor. We will know to draw lots to see who will be fighting who in the finals one month from now." They all drew their numbers and King was satisfied with his fight.

1 Naruto Vs Neji

2 Shikamaru Vs Termari

3 Shino Vs Kankuro

4 Harlequin Vs Chōjūrō

5 Gaara Vs Sasuke

6 Natsumi (Bye)

"You will meet me in the Chunin stadium in one month! Good luck training!" The Hokage said as he dismissed everyone.

Streets of Konoha

~One Month Huh. That's long enough for me to charge the Mark of 100 Healing. I should start drawing the seals now.~ King thought to himself. He went to a shop and started buying supplies. It's an uncommonly known fact that Uzuamaki made their Ink. This is something Ink found while he stayed at Uzushiogakure. He bought all the supplies he needed for his ink.

Once King got his supplies he left the store. All that's left is spring water I'll grab that tomorrow from the river near one of the Training grounds. King thought as he made his way to the Senju grounds.

The Next Day

King woke up a little past 10 he slept in which was unusual for him. He got up and grabbed an empty bottle and started making his way to the training grounds. Once he got there we heard the sound of slashing. "Ughh I can't get this Pervy-Sage!" Naruto yelled. "Keep trying Gaki you will get it." He heard an older man's voice. "Yeah, Nii-san it's pretty easy once you get used to it." King came out of the bushes and made his presence known. "Naruto what are you doing?" King asked. "Harlequin! Pervy-sage is teaching us to water walk! Isn't that cool?" Naruto yelled. "Pervy-Sage?" King asked knowing the answer. "Gaki don't get other people to call me that!" King turned and saw the toad sage, Jiraiya. "Ahh the toad sage. Makes sense why he calls you a perv. Especially with those books you write." "Don't even get me started on those books he writes again Harlequin-kun." Natsumi barked out glaring at Jiraiya. "Don't insult my writing!" Jiraiya yelled. "Whatever. Naruto comes here." King told him as he walked over to King. "Lift your shirt and channel some Chakra." Naruto shrugged and did so. Kings' fingertips lit up and he jabbed them where he saw the Kanji for the 5 prong seal. "Five-prong elemental seal- release!" King yelled.

"What did you do!" Jiraiya yelled freaking out. "His chakra was out of wack and not because of the Fox. It's because your teammate put an odd-numbered seal over an even-numbered seal cutting off his connection to the fox. He will wake up in a minute or so. Here use these." King said throwing Jiraiya a pair of scrolls. "What are these?" "They are scrolls for the Uzumaki Taijutsu and kenjutsu styles. I can see him using the Taijutsu and Natsumi could learn the sword style if she wants." "Uzumaki style? Wait your a? How did you get these." King nodded. "Yes I am an Uzumaki and these are from Uzushiogakure." Jiraiya looked in awe. "You are an Uzumaki! Oh Kami you've been to Uzushiogakure! Are you a seal master? How did you get there?" King just looked as Jiraiya ranted. "I am fairly good with seals. As for how a got there I won't say I don't want people going there and ravaging it. The fewer people that know the better." King responded. "Wait Harlequin-Kun could you maybe teach me the sword style? I assume that is the method you use right?" Natsumi asked poking her fingers together and looking down shyly. "Well, I do not see why I couldn't do that. Meet me at the Higurashi's weapon shop tomorrow at 7." King informed her and she nodded enthusiastically towards him. "See ya Jiraiya-sama good luck teaching your students," King said as he flickered away Jiraiya looked at his female student with a small smirk. "OOO someone has a crush!!!" Jiraiya said teasing her. Natsumi clenched her fist in anger as her hair started to frail around before she nailed him in the head with her fist. "Shut Up you pervert!!" She yelled loudly.

Two weeks later

King had been inside the Senju house reflecting on his tutoring of Natsumi in the Uzumaki sword style as well as checking the system on his progress of the Mark of 100 healing which should be ready in time for the main fights. Once He was done he headed outside the compound at night enjoying the sky thinking about the upcoming Crush. He felt a spike of Chakra in the village. ~Hayate!~ King thought as he ran at top speeds into the village.

"This is the end for you!" Baki said as he flung another wind blade at Hayate. "Full Counter!" He heard a shout. King was there instead of Hayate flinging back the deadly wind blade. "I don't know why you are attacking a Shinobi in this village but you will not take him," King said. "Hahaha he's already a goner," Baki said leaving in a swirl of wind. King ran to Hayate. "Hey proctor-San stay with me!" King yelled as he started using medical ninjutsu. "Stay awake. Just a couple more seconds." King kept pouring his chakra into the technique.

[-4,500 Mp]

Hayate was out of the danger zone. King picked him up and his body flickered to the hospital. He landed in front of the nurse station. "We need some help here!" Doctors and Nurses came running to help King. He placed Hayate onto the bed presented to him and they rolled him off to take care of him. After a few minutes in the waiting room, the Hokage showed up. "Well, Harlequin-kun do you think you can tell me what happened." King nodded and enacted a small silencing dome. "Hayate was attacked by the Suna Jonin. I felt the spikes in Chakra from the Senju compound so I investigated and found Hayate in that state. I used a body replacement to save Hayate and then I proceeded to counter his technique and then the Jonin tan off thinking he killed Hayate but he didn't take into account that I knew medical ninjutsu." Hiruzen nodded. "Well, you have done our village a great deal. Thank you for saving Hayate." Hiruzen said. The cat-masked Anbu came out of nowhere and whispered into his ear. Hiruzen just nodded. "Someone has something to tell you Harlequin-kun can you make your barrier darker so no one can see in?" King nodded and ran through signs and the dome got darker preventing unwelcomed eyes from watching. Cat took off her mask and pulled King into a hug. "Thank you for saving Hayate." "Your welcome Cat-san." "Yugao Uzuki. That's my name. Hayate is my fiancé so thank you for saving the person I love." King nodded and patted her on the back in the hug. "No problem Yugao." "If you ever need anything just let us know," Yugao said as pulled away from the hug and kiss him on the cheek. She then put on her mask and Flickered away with King doing the same thing.

~That was a nice thing that you did King.~ Isobu said. ~They didn't deserve his death. Orochimaru is the cause of all this. The only other thing I am going to stop is Lord Thirds Death. The old man should get some peace and not die at the hands of his student.~ King replied as he drifted off to sleep.


Okay, that wraps up this chapter! Also yay for Meddling Hayate Lives, which I feel was one of Naruto's most messed up deaths. So added some King and Natsumi moments in this chapter thought it would be cute if she went back to the Percy Jackson world with him and they form a bigger connection. A random thought on how this could work is that they (The twins) are the legacy of Benzaiten through Minato's side of the family tree. Let me know what you all think about that. If you have any suggestions let me know. Also, the next chapter will be the finals and the Invasion. Peace out enjoy!