
The Thread Nicker (PJO OC/SI)

Waking up in a dark room is never a good thing, especially when the last thing you remember was it being day outside. Dive into the world of Percy Jackson with an original character that has been reincarnated, with a system??? What mischief can this new demigod bring to the table? Support: patreon.com/user?u=74488456 Go check out the perks!

JustTiller · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

The Elemental Nations

" Normal Text"




King woke up in some grass and noticed himself reverted to 5 years old. He quickly opened his stats to confirm what the systems told him.

[Harlequin Liones

Level 40


Mp: 8,000/8,000 Currently Locked!

Str: 19(62)

Dex: 25(83)

Vit: 20(67)

Int: 19(63)

Wis 19(63)

Luck: 56]

~So my luck stays the same that makes sense because luck has nothing to do with age and training. The system also locked my Mp is that because I do not have my Chakra unlocked yet?~

[Due to Inductive Reasoning and figuring out a part of the game mechanics 5%of total Int and Wis have been added!]

~Awesome so training and the things I did as a kid to level up stats will increase the amount of my points I can use.~ King thought and then it hit him. "WHERE AM I??" King yelled loudly forgetting about his stats he stood up and took in his surroundings. He placed his version of the sword of the thunder god away in his inventory after all he didn't need people after him for the famed weapon of the Second Hokage. His wood style would make him a big enough target.

King slowly started walking out of the grass trying to find out where exactly he was or at the very least find a road. He continued on his path and kept finding nothing. Eventually, he made it to a shoreline. ~So I'm near the ocean? That narrows down where I am~. King thought, ~There must be an easier way to figure this out.~ He slumped onto the ground. After he finished his sulking he stood up and started following the shoreline after an hour or so of walking he started to see some ruins. King quickened his pace at the site of the buildings knowing it could lead to some clues. Coming to the ruins he looked around and found something he was familiar with. ~Is that?~ King thought as he swiped away dust on a sign. Once he did we were greeted with a Red Swirl. ~Is this Uzushiogakure?~ King was gapping at this. Then he realized something. ~I can't get through anything here because of their sealing prowess. Unless I have Uz-~ his thoughts were caught off as he remembered something important. He was a Player who could practically do anything. King opened the player store and started his search for something very important.

[Uzumaki DNA

Thought to be a near-extinct clan wiped out during The Second Great Shinobi War. They were very well known for their seals, sword skills, longevity, and massive/ special chakra. This vial will give the player the bloodline of the Uzumaki!

Cost 450,000 D]

Smiling to himself King hit the purchase option

[452,410> 2,410D]

King pulled out the vial and was about to drink it. Ping

[Warning the system only allows 2 additional Bloodlines added. Once you make your choice about the two bloodlines you can not change them are you sure you want to use this vial?]

[Accept/ Decline]

Tapping the accept option. King drank from the vial.

[A new bloodline has been added Uzumaki! The player may inherit some traits from this bloodline!]

[Perks added!]

[Longevity (Passive)

The player can live longer than normal. The player also has increased healing.]

[New Skills! Chakra Chains level 1/100 (0%)

The Chakra chains of the Uzumaki clan can seal and stop the movements of anything even the strongest of Tailed Beast. They can drain the chakra from other people ensnared.

The player can Produce 2 chains

Attacking Chains: Damage: Int+Wis*1.5

Sealing chains: Strength: Int*4

Chain Barrier: Durability: 2,000

Cost of activation: 2,500 Attacking, 3,000 Sealing, 3,000 Barrier]

[New title: Uzumaki Clan Member- Added Experience when training in Sealing /Rune arts and Sword Skills.]

King kept his smile as he walked to the Ruins and felt himself cross over a barrier. ~Well, I guess home sweet home.~ King started adventuring. He spent hours and hours searching through the ruins of the Uzumaki clan. He finally found the library. He tried to make his way down the hall but he felt a barrier this time it did not let him through. He looked up and saw writing on a frame of the shelve but he couldn't read it.

~This must be like a form of test I can't get in there because I don't have enough knowledge. I also need to learn this language. I have about 7 years here until Naruto and the rest of the rookie 12 are active so let's get to work.~ Walking out of the library he made his way to the water's edge and started drinking. Looking away he then noticed what the system meant by inherited traits. He had a purple ring around the pupil of his eyes and red streaks in his hair. ~Well, it certainly does add to my appearance.~ He thought running his hand through his hair. King backed away from the water and then sat in a meditative stance. King took some deep breaths and closed his eyes concentrating trying to pull out his Chakra. After a few minutes, he stood back up and sighed even with this max meditation ability he had no luck opening his chakra.

~There is no way that the clan was not pillaged of all resources so the probability of finding something is next to none.~ King thought with a sigh looking out at the Ruins of a once great nation in all but the title. Making his way through the rubble King finally stumbled upon a tinted yellow book in a foreign language to him. Picking up the time-worn book he then received a notification from his system.

[A worn-out book of Beginner's introduction to the language of Seals and of the Elemental Nations do you wish to learn this?]

[Accept/ Decline]

King hit accept and got the skill for understanding the new language

[Kanji Level 1/50 (0%)]

King took out the skill disc he obtained from killing the Teumessian Fox and poured all the stat increase into this skill. At the backlash of the influx of knowledge, King passed out.

An Hour Later

King woke back up and noticed it was around midday and that he could read everything said. Extactic about the new information at his hand he now searched even more vigorously for any sign of scrolls or books that he could learn from. Soon he found himself nearing the North West edge of the ruins a place that seemed furthest from the sea that nearly fortified the land. Looking with the system observation ability King discovered a hidden seal snug in-between two rocks near an innocent-looking wall. He was cautioning forward to the seal as he took a closer look.

[Uzumaki Blood Seal]

[A seal that is keyed to the blood and chakra of certain individuals or groups. This seal deals backlash to all of those who are unable to meet the bloodline requirements needed to open such a seal.]

King took a knife and cut open his thumb and then proceeded to smear it on the seal. A crimson swirl started to glow brightly seemingly in approval of the blood given to it. Soon the blood was sucked into the seal and the innocent wall started to tremble before opening up. The room that it was opened to was filled with parchment and shelves of scrolls. He saw some kanji on the ground in front of him and it read, "Descendents of the Uzumaki clan are welcomed to the knowledge of our ancestors and their ancestors before them. Before going too far one must prove themselves worthy of advanced knowledge." King stepped into the room to browse the various scrolls available to only find that he was stuck at the first shelves by a barrier not allowing him to pass. ~So I have to prove myself by mastering the basics first.~ King nodded in approval at the idea and then started on the first shelves.

King would read until sundown then he retired to a worn bed that was put off to the side of the room. The next morning he had developed a routine. In the morning he would condition for 3 hours this included running, push-ups, and other exercises to gain back his strength and dexterity stats. After that, he would clean up get some food that he took out from his inventory, and then study in the clan library and meditate to close out the day. On the first day of his routine, he found himself tired out and sluggish the fact that he couldn't use all his stats he felt like he was starting over. He sat cross relaxing trying to find his chakra. This time as the time passed he felt a warming sensation in his stomach like he did with his magic when he learned from his father, and he pulled at the sensation. The power was radiating off King it was very dense kicking up dust.

[Ping! The player has unlocked their Chakra! All stats have increased due to this! +5000 Mp]

[Hp: 9,075/ 9,075

Mp: 13,000/ 13,000

~Str: 46 (62)

~Dex: 62 (83)

~Vit: 50 (67)

~Int: 47 (63)

~Wis: 47 (63)

~Luck: 56

~Control: 10]

King opened his eyes and he felt terrific he looked at the stat page and was happy that he was almost to full strength. He also noticed the stat labeled control, assuming it was his level of Chakra Control. The rush that he was feeling from unlocking his Chakra quickly left him and he fell asleep in the grass.

Once King woke up he headed down to the Library like his routine dictated this time he was able to pass through the first barrier where he was greeted with intro-level Kenjutsu styles for The Raging Storm, Intro Sealing, chakra control, supplementary jutsu and kata for The Whirling Fist Taijutsu style. Once he took a minute to awe at the information in front of him he started looking for something important to his progress.

"Ah ha! I've found it." King yelled out holding up a scroll. "Shadow Clone Jutsu" Even though the Jutsu was made by Lord Second he gave the Uzumaki Clan a copy of the scroll because of their high chakra levels. King instantly opened the scroll and started reading.

[Ping! By reading about a technique the Player had learned it.]

[Shadow Clone Jutsu Level 1/50

A solid clone made of Chakra can only be effective if the person has high chakra levels.

Cost: 500*clone amount

Dispels in 1 punch

Requires 1 hand sign once maxed no hand signs required]

Reading the base of that skill King was not satisfied so doing what any rational gamer would do he searched for an answer which he found in his inventory. All the skill discs he saved.

[4 level 25 skill disc

10 level 10 skill disc

20 level 5 skill disc

22 level 1 skill disc]

King had over 300 levels worth of skill discs and he was ready to use them. He pours 50 levels into the Shadow Clone Jutsu using 2 25-skill discs maxing it out.

[Shadow Clone Jutsu Maxed

100mp per clone

5 hits to dispel or 1 killing shot

No hand signs for small amounts of clones.]

Smirking at the notification he made his way out of the Library and made a cross with his fingers "Muli-Shadow Clone Jutsu." He called out pouring out enough chakra to create 50 clones. "Okay, first things first. Check if you can access the system." He called the clones and checked and they had the system it was just limited to the stats and skills. "Okay that's fine," King spoke. "Now I need you all to break into groups of 12 and get started on leaf concentration, the taijutsu style, kenjutsu style, and intro to seals. Even though we have our runes seals are still diverse and using the Kanji can make our runes even harder to break and copy once we are back. I'll be exploring the village to see if I can find anything useful. Once your group has maxed out a skill dispel 3 at a time in 2-minute intervals. I don't need to pass out." King explained waving off his army.

King left the clones and explored the ruins some more. ~I don't know if my metals will work on the people of this world because of their properties. I need a good weapon. I can use my knives but I am a swordsman after all.~ King said rummaging through rubble looking for a suitable weapon or scrap to make one. Closing at the end of the day he had found several broken and forgotten weapons. King made his way back to the clones when he stumbled upon the ruins of a Forge. He was thankful that he had found it he did not have the skills to make a forge and felt conflicted about spending more of his money to get those skills. He summoned 3 clones to help him move the rubble and get the forge in working condition. He spent the afternoon breaking down the metals. Once he has done breaking down the two swords he had enough metal to make Kunai, shuriken, and a sword. He made the kunai and shuriken and made a standard long sword. He forged through the night.

King had finished his weapons and kept them on his person. He used some hides he had off Hellhounds to make his weapon pouches keeping his throwing weapons there while he set the sword on his back. He made his way back to where he left the clones. They were all still going he had a few pops when they were messing with the sword katas but he didn't gain anything from them. "Okay dispel time let's see the progress," King spoke. In groups of 5, the clones dispelled as King sat on the ground waiting for them all to go away.

[Ping! New skills have been made and upgraded!]

[Leaf concentration 25/25 Maxed]

[Sword style: Raging Storm Basic Forms: level 22/25

The player uses swift and unpredictable movements to take out their opponents. The player can add chakra to their weapon to make it stronger.

Damage: Str+Wis+Int]

[The Whirling Fist Introduction: 25/25 Maxed

The whirling fist made for Uzumaki decent in the beginning is about moving flowingly around your opponents but at higher levels it incorporates sealing and chakra chains in battle.

Damage Str*1.5]

[Rune Arts have Mutated due to new skills.]

[Sealing Rune Arts 425/1200

Basic Sealing Rune Arts 300/300

Moderate Sealing Rune Arts 125/300

Advance Sealing Rune Arts 0/300

Master Sealing Rune Arts 0/300]

King nodded at his progress and was pleasantly surprised at how much he accomplished. He made a clone and had a spar with it to see his muscle memory from what he learned. Pleased with the results he made his way back to his makeshift hut and went to sleep.

Time Skip

It has been 6 years since King had jumped to the world of Naruto. He had spammed shadow clones like a Kage in desperate need to get rid of paperwork. The usage of the clones was nerfed he needed them to work longer before he got a level up in any category but he slowly made progress. He had managed to level up 4 times and have all his stats back to normal. After all, when you are on an island where only 2 other known people can get on all there is to do is train.

[Harlequin Liones

Level: 44


Mp: 14,000/ 14,000

~Str: 66

~Dex: 87

~Vit: 71

~Int: 67

~Wis: 67

~Luck: 61

~Control: 77]

[Advance Whirling Fist Level 37/50 (88%)]

[Advance Raging Storm Level 49/50(12%)]

[Water Walking Chakra Control Level Max!]

[Chakra Chains level 94/100 (98%)]

[Advance Sealing Rune Arts level 138/350]

[Master Water Manipulation 75/100]

[Master Earth Manipulation 75/100]

[Master Fire Manipulation 67/100]

[Wood Manipulation Maxed!]

[Solar Manipulation 784/1000(62%)]

All of the skills he had set out to advance had been done and he also worked on his wood-style moves as well as simple supplemental Jutsu even some elemental jutsu. He finally got to put to use the Body Flicker scroll he had gotten as a reward. Today marked the day he left Whirlpool. He had everything packed and all the scrolls he felt he needed were all copied to new blank scrolls via Seals needless to say King felt he was ready for anything.

Making a boat out of his wood manipulation he left the island looking back taking it all in as he sailed away. He's a destination in mind? Kirigakure. The bloodline purges had started over 3 years ago and King knew if he wanted some experience that was the place to be. King had plans that he wanted to get done.

King had been sailing for a few hours using the makeshift boat. He finally hit the shore. Keeping in the mist he made his way around silently. "Halt who are you!" King heard a voice behind him. He was surprised someone had found him until he turned around.

[Ao, Bakugan Theif, Level 54]

"I said who are you?" Ao said narrowing his eye at King. King sighed and raised his hands in a non-threatening manner. "My name is Harlequin Uzumaki Liones. I have come here from the Village Hidden in the Whirlpool. I heard about the Bloodline Purges and I wanted to help." King said calmly staring the Man down. "Prove it. You may have some red hair streaks but I don't believe you are an Uzumaki!" King smirked and then released some chakra bringing to life his Chakra Chains. Ao was surprised to see this and then apologized. "Okay so you are an Uzumaki but how can a kid like you help us?" "Take me to the leader of the Rebellion and I'll explain," King responded. Ao thought for a moment and then spoke again "Okay but you will have to be Blindfolded. If you try anything I'll kill you." Ao said threatening. King nodded as he was blindfolded and Body Flickered away.

Rebellion Camp

Mei was not happy at all the war that she was fighting was terrible. They were outnumbered and outgunned. She was getting desperate and thought about asking somewhere else for help. "Lady Mei I have brought in someone who claims he can help our cause." Mei turned around to see Ao with a smaller boy in tow. "You think this is a joke Ao we are losing this war we need real answers!" She yelled slamming her hands onto the table. "Well, Mei- San I believe I can help you," King spoke up. "My name is Harlequin. I am an Uzumaki and have usage of the famous Chakra chains. The same ones are capable of suppressing the Nine Tails. Even though I am not fully adult yet I know my chains can hold down the Sanbi." "Oh yeah prove it!" King just smirked and laughed a little. "Ao here said the same thing!"

King summoner the chains willing them to take off the blindfold. "See I can provide the help you need to end this war Mei-San." "Why help us?" Mei asked staring down at the boy. " I think this war has gone on 4 years too long. People have died just because of something they can not control much like the Uzumaki Clan. I know that Kiri was a part of the attack force on my clan but. I do not want to see another village go through the same thing that we did." Mei looked at King and then spoke after several minutes. "Fine, you can help. The war has been reaching a climax and soon I fear Yagura will make an appearance and try to kill everyone. If that happens can your chains stop him?" King nodded. "Yes and if those can not stop him I have something else that will stop him for sure," King said cryptically. "Mei I have a request for once we fight Yagura." Mei looked at him and motioned him to continue. His eyes steeled and he spoke. "Once he makes his appearance have everyone leave I'll take care of him on my own. Also as a payment, I'll be taking Half of the Sanbi." The room was quiet at the declaration of King. "You want half of the Buji?" Mei asked. "Yes in exchange for taking out the Muzikage, I want to extract half of the Buji inside him. It has been done before. You can split a Buji between its Yin and Yang halves. And I will be taking one of the halves with me." "Mei looked at the boy as if he was crazy. "Why would we allow this !?!" Mei yelled. "Because I can limit the number of people you lose in this war. Also, the Buji if resealed into someone just as a half would not lose power if done properly it can make two of Jinchuriki." King said. "Fine but if people die because you can't do your job right I'll kill you. Mei said forming lava on the ground to prove her point. "Okay let's go win a war," King said with a smirk. "I think I will have you tested against one of the new Seven Swordsmen." King shrugged. "Is he the real thing or just a learner?" King asked "Oh he's the real thing has the sword and everything to prove it." Ao spoke up this time. King smiled and said okay.

Mei Ao and King walked out of the tent and to the sparing grounds. "Chōjūrō," Mei called out the boy looked at her. "Yes, Mei-sama?" He responded with a bow. "I wish for you to test this boy here to see his worth," Mei said motioning to King. "Yes, Milady." The shark-toothed boy replied. "So how do you want to do this?" King asked. "What do you mean?" "I mean pick one Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Taijutsu, or Kenjutsu. That is the one I will use in our fight." King responded. "You are overconfident Gaki just go all out no limitations," Ao yelled from the side. King closed his eyes. "Very well. Let's do this." King said as he snapped open his eyes and vanished in a burst of speed. Appearing behind Chōjūrō. King whipped around his long sword and hit him with the flat of his blade making Chōjūrō go flying. "I think that is checkmate," King said. ~The boy is only level 30 he did not stand a chance.~ Mei and Ao were surprised at the speed that was shown. "Okay, maybe there is some truth to what you say," Mei spoke. "Okay, Harlequin we will allow you to fight him and abide by your terms. Come to my tent in a few hours so we can talk more." Mei said walking away. King let out a sigh and turned to see Chōjūrō standing beside him. "Woah you are strong! Can you teach me?" King just shook his head. "No sorry I'm not the teaching type. Also, I just like to run so I do it. My speed is important to me and it's my style. You need to find your style but I'll be here to spar when you want." King explained. The blue-haired boy nodded and walked away to train. King slumped onto the ground and just watched the clouds taking in the sights.

A Few Hours Later

King entered Mei's tent. "Hello, Mei-San." King greeted. "Hello, Harlequin. It has been decided to send you out on a search and destroy mission to test your prowess in the field." King nodded. "Okay just tell me where and I'll be back once I'm done. Mind if I take Ao here so he can prove I did it?" King asked. "Just you and Ao?" King nodded. "Yup!" Mei looked at him and then said: "Fine if you're so confident." She threw him a scroll. "Okay, Ao we will leave in 45 minutes so get packed please," King said opening the scroll and looking at the information. Ao said nothing he just vanished.

King and Ao were on their way to one of the serval islands that made up Kiri. "Okay once we get there Ao please be on standby. This is my mission and I'll do it and prove myself." King spoke calmly as they ran. They were 2 miles away from the point of interest. "Okay, Ao hide your Chakra. We are entering the range of Above average Sensor Shinobi." Both of the people suppressed their Chakras and kept making their way to the point. "This the forge?" King said once he got into view. "Okay, I got this." He spoke quietly and made 3 clones. "Okay, boys you know the plan," King spoke. The clones nodded and all four applied the Transparency Jutsu and turned invisible making their way to the forge.

Two hours later

Ao was bored nothing had happened and he was concerned that the boy was captured or was a spy. Ao felt a tap on his shoulder and he spun around to see King. "The forge is still in operation." Ao pointed out. "Ohh really!" King said "Kai".

Explosions went off everywhere and all that was left of the forge was a crater. "How?" Ao looked at the boy. "Uzumaki-grade explosives, combined with a camouflage layer to blend in with its surroundings," King replied with a smirk. "Let's go and get back to Mei," King said taking off.

It took a while to get back to Mei they kept running into interference from Yugura's men. Once they got back to the camp they walked into Mei's tent. "Oh, your back. How did it go?" "Boom it went boom," King said snickering. Mei looked at Ao questioning. He cleared his throat and gave Mei his report. "Very well done both of you. Harlequin you have our trust. I look forward to working with you." Mei said standing up and putting out a hand. "I look forward to it as well Mei-San," King replied shaking her hand.


Okay, that wraps up this chapter. I hoped you all enjoyed it. I liked what I did with the Uzumaki blood twist makes it more interesting in my opinion. He still has one more slot to add another DNA type so give me some suggestions I have one in mind but I want to hear from you guys.

If you guys have any suggestions let me know by commenting. Also before he goes back to the PJO world I'll have a new stat breakdown sheet with all his new abilities! Give me power stones I guess that's what everyone else pleads for?