
The Third Princess Overturns The World

From the 21st century she transmigrated into an ancient era unknown to history, where everything defies her common sense. In her previous life she always wanted to travel around the world but she can't even go outside the house and could only look at the vast blue sky through her window with deep longing. She was driven by her curiosity and thirst for knowledge until her last moment. Before dying she has one last wish, to see the outside world. After reincarnating, her goal was to travel around the world, however she unknowingly get caught up in a myriad of conspiracies which push her to grow stronger and stronger.

Ka_hidlaw · Fantasía
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337 Chs

CHAPTER 86: The dark overlord

That night, yu manor received guests and they have a small banquette.

Yu yue personally overlook the preparation of foods because she taught the servants how to prepare them.

Since she's very busy everyone helps her around. Lady shan shou and madam yao'er help her with the preparations.

"yu yue this food all looks delicious; I haven't tried all of these even in the most luxurious restaurants there's no other like this" madam yao'er said enthusiastically.

She always heard little fatty and patriarch de talks about how good yu yue's cooking but she hasn't tasted her cooking yet as yu yue has always been busy since she arrives here.

"right this looks like to the next level" lady shan shou said just as enthusiastic.

"Big sister, I'm so happy we followed you and got to eat this yummies" little shan shan also said happily as she helps out as well.

Yu yue smiled warmly as she said "aunt yao'er, aunt shanshou, little shan shan don't worry I'll write a recipe for you to try soon"

"I can't wait for it already" they happily said with anticipation.

Little xi wang pointed his cute white fingers on the food wanting to give it a try, so yu yue let him have a taste first.

"Delic-cious!" he exclaimed happily for once acting like a kid. Yu yue smiled tenderly full pf warmth and affection.

"Do you want to try the others?" she asked gently personally shredding bits of pieces for little xi wang to taste bite by bite.

He nodded full of excitement and this scenario continued until he falls asleep.

Yu yue brought him to his own courtyard first as she needs to prepare to welcome their guests.

She let xing er and Yu ling guard his courtyard. She even set up the highest level of arrays around his courtyard for protection.

When yu yue leave the courtyard a person who was hiding in the dark showed up. The others weren't able to detect his presence at all.

When he waves his hands a gentle force emits which makes the surroundings keep still as if frozen in time. Even xing er and yu ling also stood unmoving.

"So you're hiding here, dark overlord" a majestic silhouette appeared of a tall slender man wearing a light yellow robe of highest quality, he looks pure and holy.

Hearing this familiar voice ming xi wang opened his eyes sharply. "divine lord what are you doing here?" he snarled in a baby voice coldly.

If yu yue was here she might find this incredulous, sadly she wasn't here to witnessed these shocking side of little xi wang.

"Haha, you haven't change at all. I'm guessing base on your reaction my beloved finally returned after a thousand of millenium" he said in a voice full of anticipation and deep longing.

Ming xi wangs expression darkened, he looks at the other party as he snarled. "don't get near her again. Because of you she died miserably. What rights do you have to mess with her life again?" he throws him a dirty look full off hatred as he clenched his little hands.

Sadly, for him he has a body of a kid and he wasn't as strong as him yet in this lifetime.

The divine lord smirks at him condescendingly. "hmmp. Do you think you can stop me with that measly strength of yours?" he said as he gets near him and hold his body high with both hands like holding a cat.

Xi Wang's expression turned black in anger. His eyes flashed angrily as he flailed around. "put me down, you scoundrel!" he cursed as a terrifying dark energy emits from his body and lunge at the divine lord's perfectly smooth and goodlooking face.

"Don't move around, don't be a bad boy" he said with a teasing laugh as he casually dispelled his dark qi.