
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 99 Xavia lost her patience

Xavia has lost patience, she sees some candles was burning corner of the room.

" I was thinking that, she and Vin like each other.

But! Here I am seeing unexpected visuals. " Adia said in mind.

Adia was looking at Xavia from outside of the the door, she was seeing and listening to each word of Xavia.

" What'll you do? You can't go anywhere from here. " Vin's image said,

Xavia takes up a candle from the corner and one by one she starts to burn the room. She fires raising drapery, wooden things, almirahs and on the bed.

" What's she doing? She is burning Vin's room! " Adia uttered,

That fire started gradually dissipate in all rooms.

" You can burn this room but you can't burn this truth! " Vin's image said to Xavia and laughed at her.

Xavia 's blood had boiled in ire, she threw that candle on the mirror. In an assault; the mirror falls into several small pieces.z

In her out of spite, Xavia devoured the room.

In blazes of fire were spreading in the room, step by smoke fills in the room.

Between the blazes of fire, Xavia come out and kicked on the door. It fell outside.

Xavia clear out from that room.

The fire alarm made noise in the home. Each people and servant runs towards Vin's room.

" Bring water pipe to damp down the fire of room. " Quinn shouted,

" Yes! " the servant replied,

In some minutes, some servants get the achievement to blow out a fire of the room.

" How did room come in contact of fire? " Quinn shouted,

All servants were standing in n ing a line. They didn't know how did room catch fire?

Adia also stood there, she knew the truth but she didn't say anything words against Xavia.

"Well done Xavia! Well done! I was thinking that you are a little spark against Vin; but you! You gave a big shocked me! I have seen fire in your eyes to finish Vin's game. " Adia thought in mind.

" How could be you all such careless persons! You all don't deserve your job. So, tell me; how did it occur? " Quinn asked,

Vin came toward his room, he was looking flurried.

He gonna goes to his room, but Quinn stopped him.

" Brother, what are you doing? Still, fire came in control; you'll burn. " Quinn said,

Vin ignored him and goes into his room.

He entered the room, he saw; everything had burnt and altered in ash.

Hurriedly Vin opened a wooden box, which was placed above the almirah. He take off it, it was almost burning.

He opened it, some toys, clothes, photos etc things were in the had burnt almost.

Vin holds these things in his hands and sees with woeful eyes.

He was sad because it was some valuable memories of his parents.

For some moments Vin gets emotional.

" Who'll be responsible for it? You all are bastards, slackers. Tell me how it occurs until I'll fire you all from your job. " Quinn shouted,

"Sir, we don't get any idea of this incident! Please don't fire us from the job. " a servant requested,

" You are concerned about your job, what happened to us if it fire spread in all houses? We all could die!

You have to give a sufficient answer. until that door is open to you all. " Quinn said,

Vin came out, he was hiding his pain.

" Please sir, please! Don't fire us from our job. Where'll we go? "all servants said in a tone to Quinn,

Xavia was looking at that from far, she was standing some distance away from them.

All servants were requesting to Quinn, they were soliciting for their job.

" Sir please don't do this with us, next time we'll keep an eye on the safety of the house. Next time we'll not give you a single chance of complaining. " servants requested,

" Go out of my house! " Quinn yelled,

All servants were gonna go with their sad faces., Xavia didn't see their pain.

" Stop! "Xavia shouted

Everyone looked over to Xavia.

" They all are faultless because I was tin hin e brun room, I am responsible for this incident. " Xavia said,

"What! Do you burn room? " Adia asked surprisingly,

" You did it! "Vin asked,

Without fear, Xavia sees in Vin's eyes.

" Yes, I did it; I burnt your room. " Xavia said.

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