
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 96 " She 'll live here with me, in this house and under same roof. "

( Place - Ronald Mansion)

" Quinn, did you see your brother? " Adia asked,

" What! Vin does not come yet? " Quinn replied,

" Yes, that I am thinking where did he go? Quinn, when you saw your brother last time? " Adia uttered,

" Mom, Last time I met Vin brother in hospital. " Quinn said,

" Where did he go? Quinn; my dear son, call Vin where is he? My heart is beating fast for Vin.

Quinn, each minute is seeming hard to me. Perhaps Vin took the wrong step because of Sya? No,

My Vin can't do it! But he loves lots his sister.

Quinn, call Vin; I wanna know where is he? " Adia said,

" Mom, I have tried many times to call him but he is not picking up phone calls. " Quinn said,

" If Vin took his life by his hands then my way will go easy. Go, go, Vin! Never come back home. Your lovely mom; Adia is the blessing of your death. " Adia said in her mind.

Adia went afore of Garie and Loria's photos, which were hung on a wall and started to her fake concern to Vin and Sya to pretend in front of Quinn.

" My dear sister Loria, I am not a good sister! I am not a good sister. Without you, I can't uphold this family! See, Sya is on death bed and Vin is lost.

How'll I show you my face in heaven? I have felt tired! I can't get on this responsibility. Where did Vin go? Before something wrong happened to Vin my life should go. " Adia wailed,

Adia's fake tears of eyes made strong a mothering image in Quinn's heart. He didn't see Adia's condition.

He comes near Adia to console her.

" Mom, don't cry. Mom; you should not feel tired to yourself. You handled your responsibility with your full energy and heart. You are the best mom in the world. " Quinn said,

Quinn rubs clean Adia's crocodile tears from her cheek.

" You feels that I am the best mom but this world will not tell it. That'll look at mat at y fiasco if Vin didn't come! " Adia said,

The main door opened; Quinn spoke, "Vin! Brother you came. Where were you go? "

Adia tuned her neck, Vin stood on the doorpost.

She runs to see Vin and asked, " Vin, where did you go? "

" Yes brother, I and mom was care for you. Look at mom; her eyes get swelled due to weeping.

How could you be such careless? " Quinn asked,

" Quinn, don't shout on Vin. Vin why are standing on the doorpost? Come in. " Adia said,

Xavia comes behind Vin, Adia gets surprised.

She asked, " Vin! Who is she? "

"Brother, what is she doing here?

You, go out of my house! " Quinn shouted,

" Wait a minute, what is going here? Vin, who's she? And she came with you? " Adia asked,

" Brother, I can't see her for a minute in our house.

Say her to go out! " Quinn said,

" She will not anywhere. " Vin said,

" Vin, is she your friend? " Adia asked,

" No! She can't be brother friend. Because a girl like her never be something for someone! " Quinn said sarcastically

" She is not my friend because this Vin said,

" What! " Adia shouted,

" What! " Quinn shouted,

" She is your wife! When did it happen? "Adia asked,

Adia get a bit shocked, she was unable to digest it. Because now a new opponent had come into her life.

" Vin, what's you think of Maya? She like you! When she come back then what do you say to her? " Adia said,

"Brother, you have trapped in her net. She is not looking good as she is looking outside. She is a beast! She is a beast! She can't be part of our family! " Quinn shouted,

" Stop your rubbish to me until you... " Xavia said,

" Brother, did you see that what was she saying?

She was appalling me afore of you. " Quinn said,

" She'll not anywhere. She'll live here with me, in this house; in under the roof with me. " Vin said,

"Brother, if she'll live here then I can't live here with her in this house on a roof! I am leaving this house right now! " Quinn said,

Vin raised some steps toward Quinn to stop but Quinn stopped him and asked, " Vin brother; always I reckon with your every decision and orders. But, this time no. No! You have to decide it that who'll live here she or I? " Quinn asked,

" Quinn, what are you talking about? " Vin asked,

" Oh! I have understood you'll say her to go out then I'll leave. " Quinn said.

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