
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 86 " You 'll live in regret in entire life. "

"The second captain, you injured your thenar ! " a female soldier said,

" Where? " the second captain asked,

"If you 'll remove your sight from the captain, then

you 'll realise. " the female soldier said,

The second captain looks at her hand, it had cut due to

the sharp edge of the weapon.

" Second captain, why didn't you tell? " the female soldier said,

" What? "The second captain asked,

" See, you are captain to another. But, don't forget you are my childhood friend and you can't hide anything from me. " the female soldier said,

" Stop the nonsense! Mind on your work, look at this still, you didn't do it. "The second captain said,

The second captain points out towards her sword.

Captain and his all army were busy in any works.

Some soldiers WPA practise off the fight, some soldiers were monitoring all places, and some were busy making weapons.

It was a secret place for the army, where they were staying; that all place was as was divided into different blocks, it was an n an extraordinary place. Advanced weapons, advanced technology and all kinds of facilities were there.

In absence of their leader, the captain and second captain was operating this stead.

" Look at your thenar, how could you care less! " the female soldier said,

The second captain drops out air on her thenar from her mouth, some green coloured crystals flow out with her mouth's air. It falls on her wound, within a second her thenar's injury becomes fine.

" What did you think? When'll you tell him? " the female soldier asked,

" I am waiting for our final battle, when it'll be got over then I'll confess my feeling to captain. "The second captain said,

" Are you sure, what he'll react? Isn't it one side attraction? " the female soldier asked,

" What's your opinion? "The second captain asked,

" According to me, you should tell your feelings to captain then not matter, what'll he answer! If you didn't tell him, then you'll live in regret in your entire life, that you never told him about your feelings. Alike like several years. "a female soldier suggested.

" Ok! I'll tell him about my feelings at a particular time. "The second captain answered,

" Best of luck! " the female soldier wished.

" What! What's the hell? Who did it?" Vin shouted,

"Yes, even I can't believe in my eyes! Who can do it? " Manik be amazed,

Vin touches ash of his hell armies, he was burning in anger.

Manik took some ash in his hands, then weeds out;

he spoke, " How'll it change in ash! Vin, you created a barrier shield to their security. Where did it fly? "

" What exactly I am thinking, who can break this powerful shield except me! " Vin said,

" Vin, you told me that a normal person can't see those dead creatures. I think they were getting dry in wait of reviving; so their bodies turned in ash. " Manik inferences,

" Manik, Shall you stop your nonsense? It's not a small issue! It's a very big defeat for us. " Vin yelled,

" But who can do this? I don't have any idea, who did it? " Manik said,

" Our biggest enemy. " a reply come,

Manik looks around him.

" Maya, you came. " Vin said,

Maya appeared, she said: " She has come, now our way will not be easy. "

" Who's she? Why didn't you tell me? " Vin asked,

" I was upset with you. " Maya answered,

Vin raised his hand and caught her throat with his powers. Maya flew in the air, she said: " Vin! Vin! Vin leave me! Vin leave me! Vin... "

" Vin! What are you doing? You are hurting Maya! Leave her. " Manik said,

" When she knows upcoming mishap then why didn't she tell me? Only her little resentfully, we defeated! " Vin spoke,

" Vin! Vin! Leave her, now there's no benefit to hurt Maya! Leave her. " Manik said,

Vin loosed his hand, Maya fell to the ground.

" Vin, are you mad? You hurt me! " Maya shouted.

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