
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 41 1st Day Of Class 11 th

16 Years Later

( Place 11th standard room)

" Dear classmates, as you know I am the only boss of you all, you all have to make me happy. I want to be the monitor of class and you'll vote for me until you knew my behaviour. " Jae said,

None was able to stand against Jae. Jae is popular in class with bullying, she didn't understand anyone supra her.

" Why? you cannot be our monitor and you are ordering on us to vote for you! friends tell me, who's against her and with me. " Ami said,

She turned behind to see who's with her.

But none raised a hand in her favour, she scared.

" You, you are trash! you saw that none is with you. None a single student in this entire class to stand against me. You dared to inferior me and spoke against me. now who'll save you from me? you'll die. " Jae threatened,

" Yes Ami, you dared to inferior our friend, so we'll not let you leave! " Sophia said,

Sophia and Naria are friends of Jae, they both are always with Jae to bully all girls.

" What should we do with Ami? Should we throw her on the top of a building or should we ruin her face? what's the idea? " Sophia asked,

"No! we should locker tonight here, in an abandoned darkroom. Jae, what's the best punishment for her guts?" Naria spoke,

" These all are very little, how did she dare to speak against me! I want more than it. I want to crush her courage, after it, she'll not be able to face anyone. so, I decided she'll polish on my boots! " Jae decided,

" Vow! you are fantastic, it's a very good idea. " Sophia admired,

" Let's start Ami, go and polish on my boots. come on hurry, hurry up! " Jae said,

" Jae, I am sorry! please leave me. I promise you, I'll never speak against you. " Ami requested,

" If I condone you then tomorrow any other will come to insult me, I can't give this chance to anyone. so, let's start. " Jae said,

Naria throws brush and polishing cream on Ami's face.

" Pickup it! " Naria shouted,

Ami picked up brush and polish cream in fear, her hand were shuddering. She leaned down and caught Jae boots.

All class laughed at her.

" She is such a fool! why did she speak against Jae? " a girl uttered,

" Yes, she put her leg on the axe, she is dumped! " another girl raved with her friends.

Ami cried, her tears were falling on Jae boot.

" Oh! look at Ami, now she is weeping! " Sophia said,

" Do hurry, I don't have enough time to saw your drama. " Jae insulated Ami.

A hand caught Ami' s. hands, Ami stopped.

Suddenly all class was silent! Taciturnity ravelled.

" Ami, get up! you don't need to do this. " a sound came from her right side.

" Ami, if you get up, then you see you well! " Jae warned, Ami saw, Xavia caught her hand.

" Xavia, don't do this for me. I don't want any quarrel between you and Jae. " Ami spoke,

" Get up Ami, you don't need to do this. "Xavia said,

" Xavia, don't interface in my way! get lost from this all. " Jae said,

" Ok! then leave her. " Xavia said,

"In a condition, if you'll polish my boots! " Jae demanded,

"Please Xavia, you go! don't help me, please! " Ami requested,

" I am ready, I'll polish on your boots. " Xavia said,

" It's very nice, I also want to see you in this situation. when you'll take the position of Ami then it '

ll, be interesting to watch. " Jae said in excitement,

Xavia took a brush and started to polish on boots.

" Please Xavia! stop it I don't want to see you in this pitiful situation because of me. " Ami tried too

to stop Xavia, But she refused.

" Classmates! enjoy this, laugh on Xavia. " Sophia said,

" I said laugh on Xavia! " Sophia hollered,

But none laughed on Xavia.

Ami was besides via, she was feeling very bad that Xavia doing this all to save her.

" Great! boots are shining, I thought that you should take this job permanently. " Jae degraded Xavia.

Xavia stood up and rubbed her hands.

" My classmates, I also want to participate in monitor election. I know very well you'll support me and you'll never disappoint me. " Xavia announced,

" Haan. Hann. Hann.. you are thinking that they'll support you! you can't do anything. " Jae made laugh to the scorn of Xavia.

" Hmmm. My hands are still dirty! how do I clean it? " Xavia uttered,

Momentarily Xavia slapped inlay on Jae's cheek.

It was shocking! All class startled.

" Vow! now my hand are clean. No! too clean ." Xavia said.

Ami laughed too loud, then all class were laughed at Jae.

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