
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 4 The prophecy

(Place nether region)

" My Lord, a person wants to meet you. " said the butler.

" who is that " yelling master.

" he is introducing himself a black mask man," said the butler.

" send him " order the Lord devil.

Mask man come to meet Lord devil and greet him. Mask man was. put his face in black clothing. A sword was placed on his waist. Only his black eyes can see on his face else parts was cover by a mask. An evil spell was on his right hand. which indicates some special soldiers like black mask man who is working for Lord devil. Black mask man works to send some secrets of different matter.

" My Lord, I have a top-secret news of heaven," told the black mask man.

" Well," said Lord devil.

" My Lord, superior god finished Valentina," said with peon's eyes.

" It is very good news, now none can't stop our brave giants from hunts those weak, cowards kings for enjoying to food. " master sayest with a creepy smile.

Black mask man releases a deep breath.

"Tell me without any hesitatingly "sayest Lord devil.

" I think that sword have lost or finished with the end of Valentina," told the black mask man.

" How could this happen "the master shouted with wrath.

" that superior god cursed Valentina have to rebirth as human " Blackman said with a low voice.

Lord devil threw some sumptuous stone for him and order him r him to go.

" If Valentina sword has been destroyed then how could we revive our dead army "? questioned master to lord devil.

Master show his sadness to the devil with desperation.

" No, that sword is immortal in itself. it can't be finished, it's could be under restraining in any magical holy place. answered Lord devil

" How shall we get that sword, "said the master.

" That sword can find only two persons, Valentina and Kian "answered Lord devil.

" Kian's soul power was captivity in Valentina. and now those all have down and out . " said the master.

" Yes, but due to the death of Valentina my son Kian's power now is independent. as we know king's power was trapped Valentina so, indirectly the curse is on also Kian. that mean Kian will take rebirth " Lord devil completed his sentence.

suddenly a prophecy announces with a terrible howl.

" Oh, the devil you are vanity on your son. A day he will be against you, he will leave the way of badness, this is a game of time. your kingdom will end with your karma. "

The eyes of Lord Devi turned in red bloody to listen to este prophecy. Terrified anger on Lord devil face was not explained in words.

"I'll make sure this does not happen again, I shall put all my efforts to prove that you were wrong " screamed Lord devil.