
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 20 Vin ’s Search

" Viola, I was told you that something happened wrong but you didn't believe me. " Loria cried,

"I did not think this, it some happened as this " Garie said,

"Now, I don't listen to you, bring me my child back

until..... " she shouted,

" Control on you, I and Harry'll go for searching Vin around this place, so just stop crying, please " Garie requested.

Loria's tears were not taking the name of the stop, her life was jammed in her throat.

Garie and Harry both go to search for Vin in dark.

"Mom, is Vin brother lost? will he never be back now? tell me, mom tells me? " Quinn ( younger son ) asked,

Loria was not too well, she was not in a situation to answer anyone.

"Son Quinn, your Vin brother will be back, you shouldn't bother your mom, you go back and take rest " Adia placated,

"Loria, everything will be fine, see Garie must take Vin back. " Adiya cheer up,

Aditya placated Loria but her heart was known that what was she want? Aditya was heavily stopping her happiness afore of Loria.

Garie and Harry both gone too far too searching Vin,

The night was covering and the day's knock the door sky to come.

" Vin, Vin son, Where are you? where are you? " Garie yelled,

Harry was helping Garie by his complete heart because he did not want money, shares, properties, he understood his younger brother


Somewhat was in Harry's mind.

"Garie, we should have to search Vin in a different direction until we 'll lose enough time on the same way, so I was going left direction and you 'll go the right direction, " Harry told,

"Ok, I 'll go in the right direction, " Gaire said yes,

Harry went in the left direction, Enough time went to search Vin, So his throat was thirsty but he continues his search.

Garie also reached far out, but when he did not find Vin then tears were drop from his eyes,

He ( Garie) remembered,

Vin, a son called me dad, I said,

"Da... Da... Da... " Vin tried,

Well done, you did good, please just try a little more, I told,

"Da..... Daddy..... " Vin enounce,

then I went to tell Loria, he( Vin) called me daddy the first time. Then I raised Vin in the air, throw up in the air again and again and then Vin sprung in the air he was truly looked cute and happy.

Tears are continued to flow on the ground,

"Vin son, I want to hear daddy once again like when you told me the first time, I want to hear you, where are you?

please god, send out Vin safely, please I don't want anything else in my life. " Garie requested to God.

Harry's courage answer finally, he turned back suddenly he feel something is behind a tree, once again he decided to watch that what's behind that tree?

He was frightened, hearth beat becomes fast,

"Who's, who's, who's are there? Did I say come out? Harry yelled

he incurred a wood stick for his safety,

"Whatever you are, come out, until I'll assail on you, I said come out, " Harry jangled.

slowly slowly, he arise steps, he can't see anyone so, he takes a breath of relaxing.

He saw to go near that tree, Vin was liest on land under that tree.