
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 133 Will second master accept the proposal ?

" No! I don't want it." the second master shouted,

" Are you sure that you don't want power and you would like to be the second mas to ever?

I am feeling poor to you, you! You'll work under lord X for your entire life. You all are preparing for that

big war, in it, you can lose your life! " the book said,

A mysterious book was trying to get a second master, it was manipulating her mind. It gives her temptation as like as chalk and cheese.

" I'll not listen to you anymore! Tell me to think, why are you? Why are you supporting me and none other person! If I'll get power, rules etc; it'll not in free. I have to pay the cost!

So, tell me what's your motive behind me? What are you trying to do by me? " the second master asked,

for some seconds it book things and then answered," I have unbelievable powers but I can not use it myself so, I want to help you. " the book said,

" It's ridiculous! You are under lord X and you'll support me? Why should I think to you? " the second master questioned,

" Ok, you don't wanna be! You don't need me! Think to your love what happen when he'll not accept you? You'll break down so much, how'll you live without it? " book asked,

The second master collapse in thinks; she was remembering master that how much she loves him. If he didn't accept it, then what'll her?

Book takes the gauge of the second master that she is coming in its talks.

Book said, " What are you seeing that master did not accept you and how'll you feel that time!

But; you can get everything, Include love of master in your life by my powers. If you want that not in life, in all lives master and you stay together in past, in present and future.

So, what did you decide? You still don't need me?

I am leaving this decision on you. " the book said,

The second master starting to influence of talks of the book; she thinks how'll it be when she and master live together. Impact of book, she begins to come in the influence of the book. Suddenly, she realised

that she is a second master; many responsibilities are on her.

" What we're thinking? Am I mad? How can I think it, I can't take off my responsibilities due to love.

My love is not that selfish that I'll fall weak!

I'll not accept its proposal!

No! I am not supporting you. I can't be weak that I need other's help; I am going. " the second master answered back.

Again the second master goes her way, she raised her feet in a bright and good way.

" You are going, ok! Go, go, go... But remember a thing; a day you'll come to me! You'll beg me to help you! Early you'll need me because there is none of you. " the book said,

The second master ignores those think and leave it place.

" I, I don't believe in this thing! It's hard to believe it! " Alin uttered,

" Alin, where are you lost? You are sitting here for 2 hours and you didn't eat anything! Alin! Alin! Alin! " Alin's mom yelled,

" Just leave him, he'll not listen to you! " Alin's dad said,

" Why? Why'll he not listen to me? I am his mom.

If he'll not listen to me then whereof he'll listen! " Alin's mom asked,

" Because; as he is smiling and not answering you, I am sure that he is the love of someone. " Alin's dad explained,

" How did you know it? " Alin's mom asked,

" Look at him; ever you saw him this much in good spirit? " Alin's dad asked,

Alin's mom sees Alin, she smiles.

" Yes, you were right. I didn't see him this much pleased before it. " Alin's mom said,

Alin leaves the dining table and goes into his room.

" Alin, Alin, Alin, Alin.... at least eat food. You didn't eat aught. Alin, Alin, listen to me Alin! Where are you going? " Alin's mom called him.

" Don't shout on him. " Alin's dad said,

" I ,I...I am shouting at him! " Alin's mom asked waxily,

" No, I was not it means. I was saying that now he has gone out of your rein. So, don't vociferate against him. " Alin's dad said.

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