
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 127 " I am bane! "

" Run, run, run... Come from this side. " father said,

Both son and dad take a turn, son shouted: " What's that? Ahh...I can not believe my eyes! Dad, are

you seeing? "

They both saw a disastrous, dreadful scene.

Sour routing them; bodies' backlash log was round around up them.

Along the way, we're seeing lied dead bodies as if they are decorated.

" Dad, when we'll run. Everything has finished. Who did it? In a little time; everything changed! How does it possible? " the son said,

Son was crying, he was lost hope to see those all bodies; he kneel because he was lost each way.

" No, my child! I don't know; when shall we run but

I'll run till the end of the world to protect you. Don't give up, if you'll live then I don't need anyone! You are my treasure. " father said,

" No. Today's night will engulf everything! Hope, happiness, dreams lives and families. Dad, can't you see those lifeless bodies. Not our family, all city or states comes into it.

He caught him and run. A sound procreate.

" What's that? " He raved,

" Dad, they are coming. We can not run; the benefit is that we have to accept our death, it's our destiny! "

son said,

" I am going to check it," he said,

He took a rod in his hands and put forward his steps; where sounds were coming.

" So; it's were coming from there." he raved,

He bent to see; he said, " What is there? Come out,

come out. See; we'll not harm you so come out."

From the gloomy place, from inside a hand came out and then a younger boy came out.

" Who are you? " he asked,

" I, I....I....I... " he murdered,

A younger boy, logged in the dirt was shivering.

He asked, " Younger boy, what were you doing inside the car? Don't stress we'll not harm you.

Who are you? "

" I..I..I...I am.." boy raved,

He started to cry. He asked, " little boy what's happen? Where are your family? "

" Family. " He uttered,

.He wetted his cheeks to hear the word of family.

" Yes, where are your family? " the man asked,

" They are not these words some horrific, awful creature or souls killed them. I hid behind the car to save myself, what'll do?

You, you, you are one of them! You are not human,

you both are monsters. Leave me, leave me, please leave me. " he begged,

" No, we are not monsters; we are human. If you'll stay here; those creatures shall eat you. Come with us ." the man said,

those dad, son and child were running together to find a shelter.

" Dad, there. We can bide there. "the son said,

He saw a place; which was a factory area and pointed there to hide.

" Yes, we can hide there. Now; none will find us! Son, you are frightened uselessly. " father said,

" What did you say? " a sound came behind them.

It was terrible sounds, it can scared soul.

Both son and father were frightened, their eyes spread in fear. It was hard to take an eath from them.

Brutality can scintillator invoices.

" Where did it sound came? Who's behind us? " father said,

" What did you say, you have to conserve your life!

Not! Your death is behind you. " voice heard,

" What! Dad, a minute ago; none was there! I am scared. "the son said,

Father and son; they both turned behind. They were surprised because there was no child; who was found inside the car.

" You all shall die because you have to die! " Vin said,

They are both scared, and step by slide feet behindhand.

" Who? Who? Who are you? " the man asked,

" You standing vis-a-vis of death and dared to ask me who am I? I am your bane, bane of your lives.

Bane of each life! Vin roared,

Listen to Vin's roar; birds flew away in fear. Thunderbolt thundered in the sky, in the dark of night; abruptly thunderbolt's light brighten up. As if it was proclaiming Vin's words.

Vin come in demonic carnation; he altered in rabbitfish. His two big black wings draw out from his back and spread surrounding; his eyes colour changed in blackish red.

In thirst of blood and hunger of vengeance; Vin roared. Unexpectedly, two teeth grew inwardly.

He screamed, heard his screamed they both were freeze in fear.

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