
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 122 A blind date .

In a beautiful location of the forest, a restaurant was made between beautiful scenes of nature, waving cold air is developing coldness in bodies.

Under the open sky, the roof of stars and the dim light of the moon with burning fire to overcome the cold of the surrounding environment; the restaurant was shining.

" Please take a seat," Alin said,

" Thanks." a reply came,

Alin was there with a girl, he was looking more charming than other days.

" You are looking graceful, I didn't expect," she said,

" What didn't you expect? " Alin asked,

" No, no, I mean was I didn't expect that I'll meet a nice in a blind date." She said,

" Ok, what's your name?" Alin asked,

" I am Rose and you? " She answered,

" I am Alin. Rose; what would you like to eat? " Alin asked,

" Whatever you want to order," Rose said,

" If you don't mind then I'll order fried rice. Because I have come here many times and I have tasted each dish, but fried rice. Fried rice is the best dish of this restaurant and in this cold weather." Alin said,

" Yes, sure," Rose said,

" Waiter, two plates of fried rice." Alin bawled,

" As we are talking, it seems we are pretending to be nice. But I met you; so I want to know your thoughts." Rose said,

" I believe in this, pretend to be nice is just a formality. We both are here to know each other, to understand each other. Ask me; what do you want to know ?" Alin said,

" What's fictional and reality? " Rose asked,

" Fiction, fiction could be anything; where freedom to imagine and gain anything. We would like to imagine as we want in our life. fiction; where you can live with your though, their none will judge you and your thoughts.

The reality, it's not more different to fiction. In reality, we can create what do we want, we worked to want that and we gain it. But, only two things made it completely different to each other.

We can control most things in our lives but we can not control everything in our lives. Other one is, feel. We can feel both sides of life. Happiness and sadness, we cry when we hurt; we smile when feeling good. In fiction, we can erase wounds and create prosperity, but here when a little thing can hurt us and give us pain to entire life." Alin answered,

" I agree with you," Rose said,

" Now I am gonna ask you a question? " Alin said,

" I 'll try my best to answer," Rose said,

" What is like and love? What's the difference between these two? " Alin asked,

" Some peoples think there's no difference between like and love but it's as directions icons such as east and west. We can like anything such as colours, cars, places, and persons. Sometimes we meet some persons and we think we can not live with you them. That they have made the need of our lives,

we can decide easily what do we like and what don't we like.

On the other side, love. It's unexpected, complicated, puzzled and beautiful. We think that we know everything about ourselves but it's not true we like another one and our heart loves another one.

Influence of attraction we believe we have fallen in love. Our heart knows actuality, but to listen to sounds of heart it's not easy. When we fall in love then we don't know about that, when a person comes in our eyes and indwell in our heart." Rose said,

Alin remembered he learnt memories of Jae.

At one time when I saw Jae and her helplessness,

I thought Jae is an innocent and clean heart girl.

Her eyes attracted me and were saying me to believe in her. When she saw her innocent nature; which was fake I lost in her. I didn't recognise what's right and wrong. I was neglecting the truth and I didn't listen to everyone.

Where Xavia, I were insulting her; I arose questions about her character and I didn't have a go at to understand her.

" I don't care, what do you understand me!

She is innocent! I'll not gonna explain you." Xavia's words.

In first eyesight, I thought she's can't be pointed in her entire life. What was I say here, " You are spot on the name of girl! "

When I came in Jae's ploy and I slapped her.

She saw me with fierce eyes. I was filled with fury to Xavia despdespite it why did I feel not well to saw her wounds on hands.

" Alin, Alin, Alin," Rose called,

Alin was lost in his thoughts, Rose called his name many times but Alin didn't pay attention to Rose.

"Where are the lost? He is smiling." Rose noticed,

" Alin, Alin, Alin! " Rose shouted in his ears.

Alin came out from his thoughts and said, " Xavia, sorry Xavia! "

" What! " Rose spoke surprised,

" Oh, no! Sorry, sorry! What were you tell me your name? what? Rose! Yes Rose; sorry, sorry." Alin spoke disconcerted,

" Alin, where were you lost? And why are you calling me Xavia?" Rose asked.

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