
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 118 " If I'll die ,you'll die with me!"

" Really! Are you afraid of speed? What was Sya ruin

yours? When you crushed her in the car as fruit, then where were go your fear? Now you'll see what does say fear of death; when you'll see to come close it then how'll you feel? " Vin said,

Xavia engulfed saliva from their throat in fear, her body was sweating.

" Who does know today who'll die! Who'll go maw of death? " Vin said,

" If I'll die then you'll not save, you'll die with me! "Xavia said,

Xavia caught the steering of the car and moved toward left and right on road. The car was going imbalance, Vin move off Xavia's hands from steering.

Xavia said," Ok If you have made your mind; I also have made my mind. You'll die with me!"

" Leave the steering, leave the steering !" Vin shouted,

" No, no, I'll not leave it! You'll die with me." Xavia replied,

Vin pushed off Xavia behind, and he looks forward.

When Xavia sees towards the road.

" Aaaah! " Xavia screamed,

Two big trucks were coming in high speed from afore, that road's width was not big so there were not place drive off of car on road. That two trucks have occupied all road, and we're coming near the car.

Xavia closed her eyes because she does not want to see it. When Vin sees; Xavia 's eyes are closed and she were not seeing then Vin close bus eyes and opened. His eyes' lens changed in black colour. Vin uses his powers and uplifts a side of the car, two wheels were waving in the air and by another two wheels, cars were driven off. The Angel of the car rose above 53°. With sharp speed car passed between those two trucks.

Two wheels falls on the road of the car, Xavia opened they're, she s a breath to relax and opened her eyes.

Before it, Xavia sees Vin's identity and she gets his

mystery of Vin. Vin overcome his powers and came into the human figure.

" How did you drive off the car between those two trucks? How did you do? " Xavia asked,

Xavia had doubted Vin that how did he save the car from the accident! She sees him dubiety eyesight.

" Lusi, come here. Xavia 'll gonna come anytime ;

help me. " Samantha said,

" Yes mom, I come," Lusi answered,

Moira sees Lusi is helping Samantha, she didn't

feel good she said, " Lusi, you'll not help Samantha!"

Lusi sees towards her mom and asked," Mom, why?"

" I said; you'll not help of Samantha that mean you'll not help of Samantha! Leave that flask. " Moira said,

" Mom; I didn't see Xavia for many days and I wanna prepare a surprise for her, don't stop me!" Lusi answered,

" She's not coming from Mount Everest after waving banner on top! So, you'll not talk; leave that and go in your room." Moira said,

" Mom, No! " Lusi said,

"She cuts our nose afore of society and you're excited to meet her? You'll go in your room." Moira yelled,

" Moira, stop saying nonsense to Xavia, she's my daughter and you can't say these words to her. " Samantha said,

" Oh! I was wrong I should clap to her, to her dare to dare to go against our family! Why was she need to escape from the house? I was thinking, how's Samantha? You gave her the freedom to do anything that's she wants you saw the results of your carelessness! " Moira said,

" Moira, stop it! You're going away from your large, now I'll not listen to a word to Xavia. " Samantha said,

" Mom, you're starting again to Xavia? I know her somewhat helplessness will become with Xavia.

Mom, I respect you but I do not listen to Xavia. She's not my sister, she is my best friend."

Lusi said,

" That's I'm saying you're close with her that's why you should stay away from her. In her company; you'll be like her shameless and characterless!"

Moira said.

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