
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 109 Day of death anniversary.

" Because I like you too much, I don't why? I don't how I started to like you, but the truth is I like you! "

Aryan said,

In a breath, Aryan confessed his feelings, when Sya listened to it she smiles.

" Adia, 20 years have slipped past. How'll it spend we didn't get. " a guest said,

" Yes Cheng, even I didn't get how did time spend?

When Loria, Aric and Harry passed off I had

the jitters that how'll I fulfil the responsibility of 3 children?" Adia said,

Some guests were coming into Ronald's mansion.

Adia was attending all of them, everyone was come to attend grief of Vin's parents. In their Hall, a joint photo was placed on oon on n the table and some savants were preparing of yagy, they were some

incense burner.

" Yes Adia, how did you do this? You gave good rite to all children. I can't imagine how did you do it!

Responsibility of 3 children is not looking easy from any angle. " a woman said,

Adia makes a pitiful, innocent face that she did hard work.

She called, " Quinn, guests are coming where are you? "

" Mom I am coming. I just came. " Quinn replied,

Quinn came to her mom, he was wearing white clothes. He was saying something to servants.

" Yes mom, why did you call me? " Quinn asked,

" Quinn! Where are you lost? I called you to look at here some many guests has come, how' I attend them all? Where's Vin? " Adia asked,

" Mom, he went out to do any word. He told me that he'll come in time. " Quinn answered,

" Ahh! Vin, still is not here? What does he do?

Quinn, you see all guests and give them some liquor to men. Here I am attending other females." Adia said,

" Ok. " Quinn replied,

" Adia, how are you? I met you a long time after. " a woman said,

Women entered from the gate and the hugs Adia, she was seeming familiar with her.

" Kristin! How are you? Yes, don't meet for a long time? " Adia said,

" Adia, you were Fetty! How'll you shirk? " Kristin asked,

" Adia handled a great responsibility, in children's concern she didn't pay attention to her. " a woman said,

Hayley insight, my sister; she handless great responsibility. By the way, who are you? " Kristin asked,

" Kristin, you handle all females and I am going to see other settlements. " Adia said,

" Don't worry my dear sister, I'll handle it here. You can go. " Kristin said,

Adia went to near savants and asked, " is everything is ready, almost... "

She sees around her and said, " Almost everyone has come, can we start now? "

" Yes, we can start yagy. Please call elder son of Loria and Garie. " a savant said,

"Yes, I'll take him just 5 minutes. " Adia answered,

" Where has gone, Vin? That boy! I didn't understand him for many years. He is not here to take part in yagy. Without him, we can't start!"

Adia thought in mind.

" Mom, you called me. " Vin asked,

Adia sees behind her, Vin was trans- her.

"Vin! Where were you go? Look at the time how could you be an irresponsible person! " Adia yelled,

" Mom, I don't have time to list your lecture so, tell me what were you saying? " Vin asked,

" Everything is prepared, just start now. " Adia said,

" Savant, can we start now? " Adia asked,

" Yes, call late Loria and Garie's elder son. I am starting spell. " savant said,

Vin sits on a seat; savant said, "Sir, propel your both hand. "

" Adia, just come here for two minutes. " Kristin said,

"Yes, I'll come. " Adia replied,

Adia went to Kristin and else females. She asked, " Kristin, what were you saying? "

" We heard that Vin gets married! Is it true or it's a rumour? " a lady asked,

" You listen right, he has gotten married," Adia answered,

" What! " a girl shouted,

A girl shouted she was surprised.

" Sweety, why did you shout? " Adia asked,

" I didn't imagine Vin like they'll fall in love with a girl. I tried to to to make him mine. No! " Sweety answered,

" But, now he has booked! Sorry, now you can't look at him. " Kristin said,

" By the way, where is your daughter-in-law? " a woman asked,

" Ah, she is in the room. " Adia said,

" Don't you think she should sit with Vin in worship," she asked.

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