
the tension

Hi! I'm chase, um I'm currently in 11th grade. I'm not sporty or physically active whatsoever, I hate basically all my subjects except art. Now your probably thinking oh so your good at art because otherwise that's stupid to still be in highschool, but the matter of fact it's a guy in my class. He's the reason currently.

*Early morning December 3rd raining and icky*

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! *Mum yells* 'Turn That God damn alarm off chase, before I put your head through a wall!' I strech my arm out and let it flop on the alarm, *sighs* I somehow manage to get the motivation to lift my godamn body up because before I know it I'm up and changed. I walk over to my drawer that's close to my bed almost tripping over a bunch of my clothes and pick up my old scrunched up time table for school. I stare vaguely hovering over my classes and... my face lights up and my mouth is being drawn to my ears as I realise I have art just after lunch.*now I know I'm gay my mum doesn't though and would probably kill me if she found out soo*

*walked to school*

Everything as usual dragged on for millennia but before I knew it lunch was in arms length. butterflies swirled my stomach and I felt as if I had been taken on a roller-coaster.*Lunch bell rings* I placed myself in the library as routine and watched everyone else play and fool around out side, eventually I got bored so I decided to wonder the library. I was dragging my finger along the anime section as if sizing up my next meal when fluffy blue and black hair caught my attention. My eyes drifted off to follow it and My eyes deepened in my face and my Cheeks started to paint red swirls on themselves. There he sat, Cory as handsome ever his forest green eyes enchanted by a drawing he had begun.His veins in his hands were bulging as he grasped his pencil as looking if it were about to break, his bag was sprawled on the ground and hair dangling over his face.

It took me 10 minutes over serious debate with myself to decide whether I should go over there or not. In the end I started walking over as the 1st lunch bell rang, It rang in my ear and Cory had turned around because I had knocked the shelf next to me in pure surprise. I made eye contact or tried to look at his eyes through is thick fluffy hair, I swear I saw his eyebrows move up in an embarrassed kind of way. he turned back around and said in his deep mesmerising voice. "Hey your chase aren't you." I was utterly relieved as now one person would actually address my as chase in this school. Now I had many names in this school such as gaybo, asshole, shit stain and for the teachers they addressed me by my last name tanner. I looked shocked but still replied yeah! I walked up to behind his right shoulder and gazed upon his work and the slight trimmer in his hand." Hey Cory." I said in a prying tone. "Yeah what's up" he replied softly. "Don't you ever get lead on your hand or jumper." I said stupidly just to spark to something. No response he just turned his right hand and revealed the coal looking smear on his hand going all the way to his elbow, now this art pad was about the size of a school bag and the table he was working at was absolutely tiny, with edges of the paper lay with slack over the edge. He looked over his shoulder and said and im not even joking right now, "Hey maybe sometime I could teach you how to draw something at my place."and smirked. I was speechless and all I could say I recall was, I-I uh yes yeah yes?Whilst Cory was intensly smirking, I knew he was about the shit himself laughing but he didn't. He seemed genuine, I finally retained grip of reality and spouted yeah!" He said "Grab a chair let's start now."So his wish was my command I took a chair from another table sat down and watched him for the remaining 20 minutes of lunch.

*Lunch bell ring*

When the bell rang Cory let out a sigh of irratance but I didn't seem for me, it seemed for the end of lunch surprisingly. I ended up explaining That we had art together and his mouth seemed to grin and he said "I know." And said "I've always noticed you, unlike some other f**kwits in this school." I looked down at my shoes a little embarrassed until, His warm large hand wrap softly around my hand and says " I'm sorry if I came out to much, I never notice how I place words. That's why I don't have many friends." he said with a quivering voice.I looked up at him, his hand still in mine and let out a soft smile and said "I understand what that's like." And I start rubbing the ball of my thumb on his hand.*lady starts yelling* We both instantly turned around in utter shock the librarian was yelling at us to get the hell out there. We ended up walking to class together and sat beside each other chatting and him mostly helping me until 4th period bell went.We said Our goodbyes and agreed we should walk home together On Friday.

The rest of the day dragged so long, I was extremely bored and about to fall asleep when the bell for home rang. I sprung out of my seat with drool hanging from my mouth and my big toothy grin plastered on my face.

I waltzed out of the school next to Cory talking with him unaware of the 12th graders behind us....