
The Template:RWBY

a boy name Stynz woken up with a strange panel in front of him, what is he going to do? {I honestly have no idea what to put here except, this, soooooo}

Just_A_Creature · Derivados de juegos
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Side Story: A Story from Script Writer

??? PoV

I was sitting around observing the insanity that happen inside this facility for the time that I fail to count.

however, upon this time I notice someone else in the venue, this... should have not been possible... unless that person have something that still not completely awaken yet...

I look upon his ... his eyes meet mine, yet it seem like he cannot see me, he... see something behind me?

... I see..

he one of them.

why must she do something like this... it have been... such a long time already, everyone is already free... yet, she still going around doing... this.

however... I will not let this new pieces of my pawn go...

he should be my weapon, whether he know about it, or not... it... not for him to chose... I might regret this, but it better than seeing this world falling into that state again.

I sigh, before I stand up from mine monitor room, and walk into a place where I never thought I would go again...

the deepest place, in this palace of hell.

with the walk of the being call Script Writer, a new line have been made from when it feet touch the ground, it walk passed a strange box that hold a pink slime inside, another where a bird made of fire flutter it wing

it ignore all the chaos and the death that happening in front of it. for it, this is necessary... even it own life.

then it take an elevator, down to the last place it was.. the place where everything started for this.. hell.

[floor of Architecture has been reached]

it open the door with it hand, it open ajar and the thing that stand before it, shock it... one of it... past, were there... that shouldn't be happening.

IT past smile at it, before just wave it hand, as if it doesn't matter what it does now, thing have already.... gone the way it is.

it continue to walk downward the spiral of it... place. and then, there, it reach the place it suppose to be, right where it need to be.

an old wooden desk in an office like room with a picture of it best employee for each floor... or rather, the caretaker of each floor.

it reach into the desk, an old victorian pen was there, it smile, before it start writing, slowly, idea, ideal, hope, love, pain...

... it think for a moment before it remove the love part... that would be necessary, if the one has never experience lose... but from what he see, that one has experience it. a terrible one perhaps.

it chuckle, it care not for it chosen past, what it care is the next step he took.

and no matter the choice... the outcome would become what it want... for it, have make all scenario already.


Another Side Story: A Strange Woman.

Raven pant heavily while looking at the smug smile of the woman in front of her.

a beautiful woman adorn in black with occasion yellow, her hair gone down reaching her chest, and the other side with her hair just barely grow, seeming got cut by something.

a golden earring is on her right ear, her hair that have golden highlight is well adorn with her accessory.

"you wish for a battle with strong opponent, yet you yourself can't tell the difference between the one you can come out victorious and the one you cannot, how foolish" The woman close her eyes, and her smug smile disappear, replace it is a look that scream, "Pathetic" toward her.

Raven gritted her teeth, she thought this target would be easy, as she didn't even give off a feeling of danger... until they attack her, now most of her men are dead, and the woman look down on her as if she was just another pebble that come across her...

"I wonder how that child that is an amalgamation of things is doing..." the woman spoke up before she clench her hand, a strong shockwave occur three time before Raven was knock out.

"hmm... you still have a role to play in this foolish attempt of that man, but, for your rudeness, I should take one of your arm as a payment" The woman chuckle darkly, before she pulled the hand off of Raven, Raven didn't even feel anything, she still fainted.

"To think that I, still have a role to play, while my.. kind, have most fallen asleep.." the woman smile before she walk off, disappearing the moment she leave the sight, a strange white bird perch atop her head as the last thing anyone saw her.


they're roaming around, with nothing to imprisoned them now, and the "amalgamation" is being a beacon to them, to entertain them, to let them knew, they still exist, in someone mind.

they're not being, however, they were, once, a human too, but now... they just, follow their own desire, some have become a star beyond the sky.

some have come from a place we didn't even know exist...

some... come from our mistake in creating something...

there something we... do not accounted for...

we wish you success, whoever find us.

we were just... another pile of failure of the day past...

may you face this fear, and build your own future, whatever you are.

although, I wish for human to discover this, but... is it unlikely that any of us survive this till the end.

I leave this message to you, a being of the far distant future.



AN: I love Lowell, he such a great husband that know how to take care of his wife. the picture is probably in this comment.

"another hand that strangler you until you couldn't have breath"