
The Tellers (My story devouring system)

He always read books and novels, he read everything that he could get his hands on, uninterested in modern life. Why? Cause modern life was nothing like those stories, he wasn't the protagonist nor the antagonist, he didn't have a power that made him stand out, he couldn't protect and provide for his family and his story was low tier garbage. Stories currently ruled the world and granting powers to many and "Tellers" stood on top of this world, however he didn't have a useful story. He came from an an average family, an average home with an average life. He isn’t from a tragic background nor is he from a beautiful beginning. Honestly he felt like an extra. He wandered through countless libraries and bookstores in search for more stories for something to spark anything in his life until... “Come give me your stories, let me consume your stories to sate my hunger and If you are worthy you shall be given my power” Well well well something interesting just appeared...

kinorhyt · Fantasía
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8 Chs

6. Combat Exam

The people who pounced towards Felia were all flung black


An almost explosive sound could be heard echoing throughout the arena.

A crater appeared beneath Felia's right foot, and the people who charged at her were flung back crashing onto the ground.

Those who didn't attack were frightened right out of their minds, knees shaking and sweating profusely, however for some of them being was scared was something that they could not afford to do, this academy was their one chance to move higher, those who thought that grit their teeth and ran towards her again.

Felia stared at those running to her and spoke "at least you have spirit, but spirit alone can't win battles". This time she charged towards the group charging her.

With her small stature she quickly and efficiently weaved through those who attacked knocking more than half of them out. The ones who still remained barley held onto to consciousness, their legs shivered and knees buckled.

"How are we supposed to beat that!" A kid who wasn't fighting and was too afraid to engage in combat yelled out.

Felia looked at the kid and slowly walked towards him. Despite his larger stature he felt infitismally smaller then Felia due to the pressure.

Those who were just standing there grew even more fearful and tried to runaway. When they tried to do it Felia just slowly hunted them down. When she fought she was quick and precise, her movements flowing like water. She didn't seem like she was in a rush, slowly taking her time.

Whenever she was attacked she would let the force flow through her and redirect the attack back ten times harder. Her movements were quick as if she were wind itself, there was no wasted movement as she effortlessly dispatched everyone one by one.

Felia moved around and dispatched people left and right. Till she came across someone she couldn't dispatch as easily. A young girl tall in stature reaching about 175cm, her hair was a jet black with a bob cut and her body well toned while hidden by her baggy clothing her arms appeared well toned. She wore sports shoes, white sweat pants and a mismatched short sleeve black shirt.

As Felia approached her, she could sense something different about the girl, and changed her usual attacking style that she had displayed, increasing her speed and seemingly avoiding a head on confrontation.

'Ho. To think that of all classes the healer class applicants had someone with such battle prowess. Her proportions appear to be good as well, suiting the body type of a fighter.' though Felia as she approached her.

Felia approached her ignoring the rest who were tired, scared and wounded and darted with all her might. She zigzagged around her trying to confuse her before immediately changing direction towards.

"Let's see how well you handle this!"

Felia darted towards her and seemed to almost fly in at an incredible speed as she stuck out her hands trying to knock the girl out.

The girl easily took a step to the right and dodged Felias fist, her face remaining expressionless. Felia continued her relentless assault for a good 20 seconds, the whole time the girl just kept dodging despite her large stature she easily moved as her feet seemingly floated of the ground.

Felia immediately stopped her attack and looked at the girl.

"You shouldn't be in a healer class"

The girl didn't respond her black eyes shined with a golden hue trembled and stared back at Felia.

Felia who had been immensely holding back thought she could let herself go a little cracked her neck and darted towards the girl again. This time the girl responded to the initial punch by stepping backwards, as she moved backwards she quickly shifted her weight darting back forward after minutely changing her direction.

The girls fist seemingly slammed into Felia stomach

Or so she thought


A muffled impact could be heard, her fist had been caught by Felia.

Before the girl's fist even made contact Felia had placed her hand infront her stomach predicting her move and blocking it.

The girl eyes trembled as what she thought was a sure fire hit didn't make it through, she immediately stepped back and created some distance.

"I don't know your circumstances or why you have tried for the healers, so I won't ask, but if you change your mind and want to battle come and find me"

Felia looked at the girl once more and finished it, in an instant Felia appeared behind the girl, the girl who seemingly had a fighting chance fell to her knees. She wasn't unconscious but she couldn't easily stand up.

Felia continued to dispatch those that were left some managed to last longer than she expected. As she fought a sigh rang in her head.

'There isn't anyone that interesting or good besides that girl. Well I shouldn't expect much it is the healer batch after all, but they should at least be able to last longer then this.' Felia thought this as she continued to pick off people. As she continued she could feel that from far across the stadium passed countless people, she could feel someone watching her ever so intently.

That person was Jun En


Jun En had been analysing the fight the entire time, he saw all the fights go down and had been watching them. He started to intently watch the fight, well more like the one sided beat down that Felia was dishing.

He tried to keep up with the moves but they were hard to see at his currently ability. One thing was for sure, there was no chance that he would win if he went head to head with Felia. At this point he noticed the girl with golden hue in her eyes that Felia was battling.

Hmmm, her movements are minute but efficiently achieved, but it's not like I'm a martial arts master so what am I to say.

Jun En studied the girl's movements more intently.

Wow, she surely is an impressive fighter. This whole time she had only been dodging and not a hit landed on her. She seemed to flow like water and move like wind.

At the time she was about to attack Jun En realised that her punch would not make it. Despite having amazing physical ability she was severely behind Felia.

In just about five minutes Felia made quick work of half the applicants, which numbered to around 200. The rest were slowly picked off one by one.

Until only one remained, Jun En had been waiting and analysing behind waiting for his chance. He got to his feet slowly and looked at Felia.

She slowly walked towards his direction and with slight annoyance spoke "let's get this over with quickly"

She dashed forward in a moment covering the remaining distance between the two, throwing multiple jabs at Jun En.

Jun En quickly reacted by stepping back attempting to evade the punches, however a couple of these jabs hit Jun En, despite them being jabs it felt like a full force punch from a buff grown man hammering into Jun En and crushing his body.

His uncharacteristically high dexterity helped him dodge the stronger jabs but two still made contact hitting his stomach and chest respectively causing him to become slightly winded.

Seeing that only two of her punches went through Felia was slightly surprised but it wasn't far out of expectations. Despite Jun En's dexterity the fact that he got winded meant that his body wasn't built properly to take a hit.

Felia stopped her light assault and looked at Jun En "not bad but that was nothing let's see what happens when I kick it up a gear" Felia dashed forward again this time slightly faster continuing her assault of light jabs.

This time Jun En got hit with a majority of them, as the previous two had slowed him down. Multiple fist crashed into his body with a force slightly stronger than before. The final jab aiming towards Jun En's neck, he was unable to dodge it in time and this caused him to fall to his knees.

As Felia was about to walk away and declare the exam over Jun En got back up, he wasn't too seriously battered since Felia had held back. He checked his current health.

HP: 25/40

He had lost almost half his health, but somehow he felt even worse do to where the attacks had been directed. Jun activated his ability [second chance], he had two charges left, unlike other healing abilities which the majority could only heal others, there were quite an amount of healers that could heal themselves.

There was no doubt that many in the exam could have done the same thing, but feeling the pressure against Felia they forgot what they could do and fell to panic. Jun En remembered and quickly used one charge on himself leaving himself with only one use left for the day. His health instantly increase by 15, increasing himself back to full health.

HP: 40/40

Felia looked at Jun En slightly interested but at the end of the day he still couldn't physically beat her so there was nothing that was impressive about it.

Jun En instantly dashed tried to dash towards the other side of the stadium. Felia amused continued to follow him interested in seeing what he intended to do.

Jun En reached the other aside of the stadium and approached the area where a small crater was previously formed by Felia.

He picked up some rubble on the and some rocks that had been pulverised into dust. When Felia leisurely moved towards him he darted towards. Hiding both the rock and dust he approached Felia.

Felia saw this and shook her head, she thought something interesting would happen but it was nothing. Just as she was about to laugh a kick at Jun En, before she could twist her body she was hit with a rock or a piece of concrete smacking her in the face. It didn't damage her that much only leaving a slight scratch but she was slightly surprised and caught off guard.

In that moment Jun took the dust in the other hand and threw it towards her eyes again attempting to blind her. Felia's eyes became irritated as she couldn't easily open them and she became slightly pissed.

Just as she was blinded Jun En attempted to kick Felia


A familiar muffled sound was heard, however it wasn't from Felia blocking, but rather it was from Jun En's foot making contact with her stomach. His attack had barely done anything. Felia was still in the same spot, despite her eyes still being closed and irritated from the dust she smirked. Grabbing Jun En's leg and tossing him to the side.

The fight proceeded in a one sided pummel as Felia kept smacking Jun En down every-time he got back up. Jun En tried everything he could think off, he could always make contact with Felia but his attacks would never affect her. As he tried different methods he stamina slowly dropped as he was stopped at overturn. At this point it seemed as if Felia was toying with him.

Despite Jun En's extensive analysis his body could not keep up with his ideas nor his thoughts, his physical attributes failing in comparison to Felia. Jun En just like everybody else fell quickly.

Just like that it marked the end of the combat exam for the academy

Felia walked away from the applicants all keeling over on the ground, she shook her head in disappointment before looking towards the girl who put up more off a fight and Jun En before walking away.

In the arena a voice was amplified and heard

{okay may the applicants please move to the next round of testing}

and so the day continued…


The exams came to a close and many let the campus with heavy footsteps and a heavy heart. Jun En was one of those people.

'Crap' he though he had put in enough effort but now realised there were so many people, who were more talented and stronger than he would ever, but you can't cry over or regret what has been done. With that Jun En made his way home.

The next week he waited for the email about the whole the exam to be sent. Nervoulsy he sat infant of his computer.


The notification ringed in his years, as he hurriedly opened the email.

[First off we would like to thank all those who have participated in this exam in order to enter our academy, even if you didn't get accepted then don't worry there is always a next time. Life is tough and in order to adapt to this life one must grow stronger…]

The email seemed to continue on offering words of comfort to those who had failed to enter. As he read the email his heart sank thinking that he was one of these people who failed, he quickly skimmed to the last part of the email and read the following words.

[Congratulations candidate #1004 you have been accepted into the academy, after the examination your current rank among current applicants is 490. Please work hard for the future and see you soon]

As an optimistic man Jun En breathed a sigh of relief he did it he made it, despite his current rank being near-last he still made it.

It was commonly known even outside of the academy there was a ranking system, this ranking system was supposedly to encourage people to work harder when attending the academy. There were different types of rankings such as cohort, academy and finally world. Cohort rankings were those within the same year or attending the same grade, academy rankings was as the name suggests school wide and world rankings were concerning tellers around the world.

Those in high rankings no matter which one would always gain many privileges as well as fame, while those at the top of world ranking were hailed as the kings and queens of teller society, the top 5 rankings for the world have never changed for a long time, as tellers got more powerful they broke human limits this allowed some to appear to live forever or for very long times. The top five were known as the five monarchs and their places have never changed, they were seen as humanities strongest beings and hope.

There are tens of thousands of tellers around the world and many were trying to climb to the top. Jun En hadn't officially gotten his licence which recognised him as an official teller yet so just like the other students they were unranked.

Chohort wise being ranked 490 may seem actually decent seeing as there thousands of applicants, but it was near the bottom of the barrel in teller society, meaning that Jun En had barely qualified.

Despite that, it was good enough for Jun En he was going to climb to the top after starting at the academy. As they all say being at the bottom only meant that for Jun En there was only way he could move and the was up.

So the semester for the academy began.