
The Teenager's Life

Skii_senpai1 · Real
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29 Chs

Chapter 11

Everyone was surprised because they thought she was going to challenge Yuiichi for a fight. Can you tell us the whole story? Max asked. It's a big story. I will tell you everything during lunch and she goes back to her classroom. Yuiichi what should we do? asks Kei. We have no choice but listen to what she has to say. So let's just see, replies Yuiichi.

(At lunch) She is my friend Suzuki. She is in my tuition, says Megumi. For a couple of weeks, she is been acting strange. I don't know what happened but 13 days ago, she said she needs to go somewhere and went home without us. After that she is always in hurry and it seems like something is bothering her, she added. Then why didn't you followed her asks Max. I tried but she is in track club. She is so fast that I can't keep up, replies Megumi.

Why don't you ask help from Aoi? asks Yuiichi. He is fast runner than me but still that idiot couldn't catch her, says Megumi. Megumi, you don't have to say it like that. Yuiichi she seriously a fast runner, Aoi added. So what do you want us to do? asks Yuiichi. I don't want everyone, I just want Yuiichi's help, says Megumi. But both Max and Yotaro are good at running than me, says Yuiichi. Wouldn't it be a great idea to go with one of them? adds Yuiichi. No, I need your help, she replies. Okay no problem, replies Yuiichi.

(On Saturday) at 7 o'clock. Yuiichi that's her, says Megumi. She is running away, we have to follow her says Megumi. They both started running. Wow, Suzuki is seriously a fast runner, says Yuiichi. Why are you impressed? She is running away from us, says Megumi. After 5 minutes damn she beat us, says Megumi. What should we do now? says Yuiichi. Let's just wandered around and look for says says Megumi.

After some time look it's Suzuki. What is she doing in such shady place and who is she talking to? Megumi had so many questions. Suzuki, what are you doing here? asks Megumi. Megumi, who did you find me? asks Megumi. Hey Megumi, you didn't tell us that you will bring some friends with you, asks one of the person. There were 4 persons.

By the voice of that person, his age must 22-24. Look guys, she broke my hand, that's why she is just compensating us with some money, says another one. He must be of same age as first one. What do you mean by that? asks Megumi. Here's the proof he shows Megumi and Yuiichi the video. Eh? It's you who clearly come before her bike. Anyone can see that says Megumi. How can you say that? little Miss. She doesn't even have a license, how can you drive, when you don't have a license, says another man.

You can't hurt the good people of the city and break the traffic rules of the city. You should be thankful for us that we are not going to police, he added. Ohh shut up, says Megumi. Little girl, you don't want to fight against men who uses knife, do you? and he takes knife from his pockets. Hey are you serious? We have 4 people and they both are students, we don't need to use a knife, says the one of the person.

He must be the oldest on this group. His age must be around 40's. Look he don't even want to fight , he added. Megumi, let's go, says Yuiichi. What? are you stupid? asks Megumi. Are you afraid that he had a knife. You are such a loser, she added. Well well guys, don't fight against each other, I won't use knife as he come running towards those two.

Yuiichi kicked him right on the face. Oy Kin, Kin? says another one. You bas**rd and he tries to kick Yuiichi and Yuiichi blocked his kick and tried to punch it but he blocks Yuiichi's punch. Ohh, you are good little boy but I am good at boxing as he started throwing hands against Yuiichi. Yuiichi was tried to dodge all but he had to defend himself.

He uses his legs and attacks on other person's knee. The person lost his balance and then hits him straight on a face. He was unconscious as well. Ren? Oh you are good, aren't you? says the oldest person. Gon use knife, says the oldest man. But Jin-san he is a student, says Gon. Gon, you really think you can beat him in combat even though he beat Ren? ask Jin. Gon couldn't respond and uses a knife.

Sorry kid, but our leader gave me an order. Yuiichi what should we do? asks Megumi. We just have to beat him, says Yuiichi. But he has a knife, how can we beat someone who has a knife, asks Megumi. Sorry but I don't think you have enough time to talk as Gon attacks Yuiichi with knife. Yuiichi dodged it. Gon attacks continuously but Yuiichi was able to dodge it, easily. Yuiichi was waiting for a perfect chance and gets one as Gon's leg slipped.

Yuiichi didn't let that chance go. He grabs his head and knees him. Gon fell down, Yuiichi punched him on faces until he loses consciousness. What you want to do, Jin-san, says Yuiichi. You are good, aren't you? You didn't even feared once, even when Gon was using a knife, says Jin. Well I am old, so I don't think I can fight against you, says Jin.

Little Miss, here's all the money you gave us, as you can see Ren wasn't injured. He was just playing around. We are sorry for the trouble you caused you says Jin. And don't worry about that video, I will guarantee you that, we will delete it, Jin added. As they were going, Ren's phone gets a message.

Jin-san can I ask you something? asks Yuiichi. What it is? Do you know, Ikai-san? asks Yuiichi. Ohh, so I was right, it was Ikai, who teach you, how to fight right? asks Jin. Yes, Yuiichi replied. Sorry I didn't know, you were his student. I promise I won't trouble your friends from now on, says Jin. And of course I was the one who teach Ikai how to fight, he replies. Can you give me your number, I think I will need it in future, says Jin.

I couldn't think of a name for a chapter, if you have any name, please you comments. I would love our thoughts.

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