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As Adam's first class approaches, his heart beats faster. He tries to think of some ideas but finds them ordinary.
Rose leads Adam to their classroom, and they take their seats. The teacher enters, and the class begins. There are just twenty students, including Adam, Rose, and Ryan.
Teacher: "So, students, how are you all?"
All students except Adam: "Moderately fine, sir!" (in a monotonous voice)
Teacher: "(laughs) Let's raise the downward curve; we have a new friend here."
All the students giggle, looking at Adam.
Teacher: "He got admission through talent search. Let's not lower his confidence, at least not now."
Ryan: "Who knows how he attempted that test, maybe through a crook?"
All students laugh.
Teacher: "At least try to keep your father's reputation, Ryan. Don't crack silly jokes, not in front of me. Let's give our new student a warm welcome."
Teacher starts clapping, and everyone joins in.
Adam: "Thank you, sir."
Teacher: "This clapping is not for free; you now have to provide a joke so everyone can laugh."
Adam: "But I don't know any jokes."
Teacher: "Then you have to leave my class."
Adam: "But sir, isn't this a hypothetical class?"
Teacher: "I know, but you need to know one thing: you can never be a great scientist without knowing the art of staying light-hearted. Am I clear?"
Adam: "Yes, sir."
Teacher: "Start then."
Adam: "Ah... I once heard that love is the deepest ocean, but after studying physics, I realized that it was wrong. Hypothetical questions are the deepest."
All the students: "Booo, Booo."
Teacher: "One last chance, crack it or move out."
Adam to himself: "Oh man, what's happening here....ahhh."
Adam: "I should have taken the Stark internship offer rather than cracking jokes here."
Everyone smiles.
Teacher: "Your Delta C test is over; now answer my question?"
Adam: "Sure, sir."
Teacher: "Why is gravity so weird?"
Adam: "Einstein's theory of general relativity gives a mathematical formulation for gravity, describing it as a 'warping' of space. But gravity is a trillion trillion trillion times weaker than the other three known forces (electromagnetism and the two kinds of nuclear forces that operate over tiny distances).
One possibility — speculative at this point — is that in addition to the three dimensions of space that we notice every day, there are hidden extra dimensions, perhaps 'curled up' in a way that makes them impossible to detect. If these extra dimensions exist — and if gravity is able to 'leak' into them — it could explain why gravity seems so weak to us.
'It could be that gravity is as strong as these other forces but that it gets rapidly diluted by spilling out into these other invisible dimensions,' Some physicists hoped that experiments at the LHC would give a hint of these extra dimensions — but so far, no luck."
Teacher: "Alright, why does time seem to flow in one direction?"
Adam: "Since Einstein, physicists have thought of space and time as forming a four-dimensional structure known as 'spacetime.' But space differs from time in some very fundamental ways. In space, we're free to move about as we wish. When it comes to time, we're stuck. We grow older, not younger. And we remember the past, but not the future. Time, unlike space, seems to have a preferred direction — let's call it the 'arrow of time.'
The second law of thermodynamics provides a clue. It states that the entropy of a physical system (roughly, the amount of disorder) rises over time, and physicists think this increase is what gives time its direction. For example, a broken teacup has more entropy than an intact one — and, sure enough, smashed teacups always seem to arise after intact ones, not before.
Entropy may be rising now because it was lower earlier, but why was it low to begin with? Was the entropy of the universe unusually low 14 billion years ago, when the Big Bang brought it into existence?
If you can tell me why the early universe had a low entropy, then I can explain the rest of it. Entropy isn't the whole story. To me, the deepest part of the question is, why is time so different from space? Recent computer simulations seem to show how the asymmetry of time might arise from the fundamental laws of physics, but the work is controversial, and the ultimate nature of time continues to stir passionate debate."
Everyone is amazed by Adam's answers except Ryan.
Ryan: "Idiotic monkey."
Teacher: "I guess I am impressed, but still keep working hard."
Adam: "Yes, sir."
Adam takes his seat.
Rose: "I really didn't expect this from you."
Adam: "Well, you didn't tell me that the sir would ask questions instead of asking for my ideas."
Rose: "Class is not over yet."
Teacher asks other students some questions, and the class ends.
Teacher: "Adam, Rose, and Ryan, come with me."
The three of them reach the teacher's cabin, and the teacher takes his seat.
Teacher: "Ryan, you did well in the class. I called you here to work on a new project that I received from the National Science Administration (NSA). I want you three to work on this project with me. All of you have full control over the project, but every experiment should be done with my permission. If we can successfully complete this project, I guarantee your positions in any research center you wish to work in. Any questions, Adam?"
Adam: "Why are only we three given this chance?"
Teacher: "Ryan's father is the one who gave this project to our institute, and it would be a great accomplishment for our institute if we succeed. Rose has the most brilliant, calculative mind. She excels in quantum mechanics and can do all types of programming. We needed someone who could properly understand the entire story through a puzzled phrase, and I hope that you will be able to do this."
Rose: "Thank you, sir."
Teacher: "But remember, if you are unable to show me impressive results within 4 months, you will be pulled out of the project."
Everyone nods.
Later, in his hostel room, Adam thinks to himself, "Woah, today is the best day of my life. I saved Rose, earned the teacher's respect, gave answers to all the questions, and at the end, a dream project that would set my future. Then I will propose to Rose. Woaaahhhh..."
Will Adam be able to complete the project?
Will Adam be able to tell his feelings to Rose?
Will Rose accept Adam's proposal?
What might Ryan do to Adam for hurting his ego?
Read the next chapter, "The Experiments -1 - love and science," to find out.