
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasía
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74 Chs

Discordant Echoes

The celebration on Nova Harmony lingered for days. Tara and Maya, hailed as the originators of the unifying melody, basked in the afterglow of a successful festival. However, a disquieting undercurrent began to ripple through the colony. Whispers of dissent, faint at first, grew louder with each passing day.



The source of the unease was a group of colonists who called themselves the "Purists." Led by a charismatic engineer named Dr. Volkov, they believed humanity had strayed from its purpose on the moon.

"Music is a frivolous distraction," Dr. Volkov declared in a fiery address broadcasted throughout the colony. "Our focus should be on scientific advancement, on terraforming the moon and making it a self-sustaining world."

His words resonated with some colonists, particularly those who felt the harsh realities of lunar life overshadowed by the frivolity of the festival. The melody, once a symbol of unity, became a point of contention.

One evening, as Tara and Maya prepared for a farewell dinner with Anya, a holographic news report flickered on, its red banner proclaiming, "Security Breach at Lunar Archives."

Their blood ran cold. The Lunar Archives housed the colony's most sensitive data, including the blueprints for critical life support systems.

"This could be a simple robbery," Maya said, trying to sound calm. "But what if it's connected to the Purists?"

Tara felt a knot of dread tighten in her stomach. The Purists' disdain for the arts could easily translate into a desire to silence the melody, to erase its unifying influence.

Anya, her face grim, confirmed their fears. "Dr. Volkov has been vocal about his disapproval of the festival. He might see the archives as a way to manipulate the colony's dependence on music."

They couldn't ignore the threat. The melody, a symbol of hope for Nova Harmony, was in danger. With a renewed sense of purpose, Tara, Maya, and Anya set out to investigate the archives breach, determined to prevent the Purists from twisting the melody into a weapon of discord.

Their investigation led them through labyrinthine corridors and sterile server rooms, the ever-present hum of machinery their only companion. As they delved deeper, a chilling realization dawned on them. The breach wasn't a simple break-in; it was a sophisticated hack, its source seemingly originating from within the colony itself.

Suddenly, a red emergency light flooded the corridor, followed by a chilling announcement: "Security lockdown initiated. Unauthorized personnel detected."

Trapped within the archives, Tara, Maya, and Anya found themselves facing an unknown enemy, one who wielded technology and possessed a deep understanding of the melody's power. Their mission to protect the melody had taken a dangerous turn. The once celebratory atmosphere of Nova Harmony had been replaced by a chilling silence, a silence that hummed with the threat of discord.