
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasía
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74 Chs

Discordant Echoes

News of the Maharaja's music festival and Tara and Maya's encounter with the rudra veena player spread like wildfire through Tollygunge. The city, once insular, now craved connections with other musical traditions. Inspired, the council decided to host their own international music festival, an invitation extended to musicians from all corners of the world.

Months of preparation followed. Renowned performers, from the soulful strains of the Chinese erhu to the rhythmic energy of the African djembe, confirmed their participation. The city buzzed with anticipation, its workshops overflowing with eager students learning new melodies and instruments.

The day of the festival arrived, a vibrant tapestry of cultures showcased in the city center. Tara and Maya, no longer just performers but cultural ambassadors, found themselves flitting from stage to stage, their instruments weaving a thread of unity between the diverse melodies.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling crowds, a lone figure cloaked in dark robes approached Tara. It was Elara, her face etched with concern.

"There's been a development," she whispered, her voice laced with urgency. "A group… they call themselves the Keepers of Purity. They believe the city's embrace of foreign melodies is a corruption of the original harmony."

Tara's heart sank. The city had come so far, only to face a new threat. "Who are these Keepers?" she asked, a tremor in her voice.

"A splinter group from the Order," Elara explained. "They believe the melody should remain pure, untainted by outside influences. They plan to disrupt the festival, to force the city back into isolation."

A wave of anger washed over Tara. They couldn't let the Keepers succeed. The festival wasn't just about entertainment; it was about understanding, about celebrating the universality of music's power to connect.

"We need to warn the council," Maya declared, her jaw set with determination.

But before they could act, a discordant symphony pierced the air. A group of cloaked figures, their faces obscured, stormed the main stage. The leader, a man with eyes burning with fanaticism, brandished a shehnai, an Indian oboe-like instrument.

With a shrill blast, the leader unleashed a cacophony of discordant notes. The melody, a beautiful fusion of the erhu's soulful cries and the djembe's rhythmic pulse, faltered, the joyous atmosphere fracturing under the onslaught of the shehnai's harsh screeches.

Panic began to ripple through the crowd. People started pushing and shoving, their initial excitement turning into fear. The carefully nurtured harmony of the festival was on the verge of collapsing.

Tara and Maya exchanged a determined glance. They couldn't fight discord with discord. They needed to respond with a melody that resonated with the city's core values, a melody that could bridge the gap between tradition and progress.

Taking a deep breath, Tara and Maya raised their instruments. Maya's sitar strings vibrated with a low, steady drone, a grounding force amidst the chaos. Tara, her violin held close, began to play a melody – not the original Tollygunge song, but a variation, woven with elements from the visiting melodies, a testament to the city's evolving spirit.

Slowly, hesitantly at first, the other performers joined in. The erhu's mournful cry wove a counterpoint to the djembe's insistent rhythm, while a lone bansuri, a bamboo flute, added a touch of melancholic beauty. The discordant notes of the shehnai, isolated by the unified melody, began to lose their power.

The crowd, initially startled, fell silent, their attention drawn to the evolving symphony. It wasn't the melody they were familiar with, but it held a strange power, a sense of unity amidst diversity. A hush fell over the festival grounds, a space where the city's past, present, and future intertwined in a unique musical tapestry.

The leader of the Keepers, his shehnai hanging limply at his side, seemed to falter. The power of the unified melody, its message of acceptance and growth, seemed to seep through his fanatical resolve.

As the final notes faded, a stunned silence descended upon the crowd. Then, a hesitant clap broke the silence, followed by another, and another. Soon, the entire festival ground erupted in thunderous applause.

The Keepers, their discordant symphony drowned out by the city's unified voice, slunk away into the shadows. The festival continued, the initial fear replaced by a newfound sense of understanding. The foreign melodies, once seen as a threat, were now embraced as threads woven into the ever-evolving tapestry of Tollygunge's soul.

Tara and Maya, their hearts filled with a mixture of relief and exhaustion, stood on the stage