
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasía
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74 Chs

Chapter 17

Days blurred into weeks as Tara, fueled by a relentless pursuit of justice for Anika, delved deep into Dhritiman's letters. Inspector Khanna, intrigued by the potential connection, assigned a dedicated team to investigate the businessman mentioned in the letters – Ashok Mehta, a name long faded from public memory.


Uncovering Mehta's whereabouts proved challenging. Years of living a reclusive life and strategically placed investments had kept him under the radar. Yet, with dogged determination, Tara and the investigators pieced together fragments of information. They discovered Mehta had suffered significant financial losses after Dhritiman exposed his corrupt practices. His once-powerful conglomerate was now a shell of its former self, a fact that fueled their suspicion.

Meanwhile, at the Priya Center, the vibrant spirit began to slowly return. Anika's death had left a void, but her fellow artists, inspired by her memory, organized a memorial exhibition. Her bold, thought-provoking works, displayed alongside student creations, resonated with a newfound power, a silent commentary on the darkness that threatened their haven.

One evening, as Tara stood amidst the bustling exhibition, a young student named Maya (named after Tara's great-grandmother) approached her, clutching a worn sketchbook. "Ms. Chowdhury," she said, her voice barely a whisper, "I found this in Anika's studio the day she died. I thought it might be important."

Tara opened the sketchbook, her heart pounding in her chest. Inside, amongst Anika's vibrant sketches, was a single page filled with cryptic symbols and coded messages. It was clearly a hidden message, a language Anika was trying to decipher.

Anika, it seemed, had stumbled upon something bigger than she could have imagined. The coded message, Tara realized, might be the key to unlocking Mehta's involvement, a missing piece in the puzzle of Anika's murder.

With renewed hope, Tara contacted a linguistics expert at the university who, after weeks of painstaking analysis, managed to crack the code. It was a simple substitution cipher, revealing a series of incriminating emails detailing a plot to discredit the Priya Center and silence anyone who threatened to expose Mehta's past.

The evidence was compelling. Armed with the deciphered message and a trail of financial transactions linking Mehta to a petty criminal who frequented the area on the night of the murder, the police swooped in. Mehta, cornered and with his web of lies exposed, confessed to orchestrating the attack on Anika, fearing her art would unveil his buried secrets.

As Mehta was taken away, a wave of relief washed over Tara. Justice for Anika, however, was bittersweet. The weight of the past, once again, had cast a shadow on the Center. But amidst the darkness, Tara saw a flicker of hope.

The coded message, a testament to Anika's courage and her relentless pursuit of truth, became a rallying cry for the Center. It served as a reminder that creativity, like truth, could not be silenced.

In the aftermath, the Priya Center emerged stronger. Anika's unfinished masterpiece, displayed alongside the deciphered code, became a powerful symbol of her legacy. It served as a constant reminder of the fight for justice and the enduring power of art to expose darkness and inspire change.

The tangled ties of Tollygunge, though forever a part of the Center's history, no longer held the power to define it. The symphony of creativity, with a renewed resilience, continued to play, its melody a tribute to Anika, a testament to the enduring spirit of the Priya Arts and Education Center, and a reminder that even in the face of darkness, a single brushstroke of truth could change the world.