
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasía
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A Song of Resistance

The sterile corridors of the Lunar Archives thrummed with a tense energy. Maya cradled her violin, her fingers hovering over the strings. Anya, her brow furrowed in concentration, worked the controls on the console, her eyes glued to the screen. Tara paced back and forth, the weight of their mission heavy on her shoulders.



"We only have one shot at this," Tara said, her voice barely a whisper. "If this distorted melody takes hold, it could cripple the colony."

Anya nodded grimly. "I've bypassed the lockdown for all public channels for a few minutes. Everyone in Nova Harmony will hear what we broadcast."

Maya took a deep breath, her gaze meeting Tara's. "Ready?" she asked, her voice steady despite the tremor in her hand.

Tara smiled, a spark of defiance lighting up her eyes. "Ready."

With a nod to Anya, Maya raised her violin. The familiar instrument felt reassuring in her grasp, a tangible connection to the melody's true essence. As Anya initiated the broadcast, Maya began to play.

The first notes filled the air, pure and unadulterated. It was the melody of Tollygunge, not its original form, but a version enriched by its journey across cultures and planets. Anya, using her understanding of the music interface, wove threads of Earth instruments and the colony's electronic soundscapes into the melody, creating a tapestry of unity that resonated with a deeper power.

Through the public channels, the music spread like wildfire. In homes, workplaces, and recreational areas, colonists stopped whatever they were doing, captivated by the unexpected broadcast. The distorted melody, still being pumped through the security system, clashed with the true melody, creating a cacophony that mirrored the growing tension within the colony.

But slowly, a change began to occur. The discordant notes seemed to lose their power, overridden by the unifying force of the true melody. People, recognizing the familiar yet evolved song, felt a surge of hope and defiance.

Within the archives, Tara watched in awe as a live feed displayed the colonists' reactions. Some swayed to the music, a smile gracing their lips. Others, their eyes filled with newfound resolve, began to gather, drawn together by the unifying power of the melody.

Suddenly, the harsh red emergency lights flickered and died, replaced by a soft, simulated sunlight that bathed the room in a warm glow. The lockdown had been lifted.

"They're losing control," Anya exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "The true melody is winning."

But Tara, ever cautious, noticed a flicker of defiance on the screen displaying the security system's interface. A new program was being uploaded, its code a menacing jumble of symbols.

Just as Tara opened her mouth to warn them, the familiar sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the corridor. The door burst open, revealing a group of armed security personnel, their faces grim under their visors.

"Dr. Volkov's orders," their leader barked, his voice distorted by the helmet. "Apprehend the intruders."

Trapped within the archives, with the distorted melody poised to unleash its chaos, Tara, Maya, and Anya found themselves facing a brutal confrontation. The battle for the melody's soul, once fought with music, had escalated into a physical fight for their freedom. The fate of Nova Harmony, and the unifying power of music itself, hung in the balance.