
The Tales of The Magic Lover

An average looking Female Teacher are coming home after works. She was a anime lover but she don't time anymore after she got a job. In this mundane life something suddenly happened... Maybe she can live a better life after this event.

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7 Chs

7. Melen

At the moment they are at the side of a huge lake walking toward a city. The fishing city, Melen finally in front of them. Right now Aina looks really tired while our Elin is in perfect condition as if she never use any of her stamina. They are right now walking slowly towards the fishing city.

Melen city is a port town developed by the Poseidon many years ago to become this big. At this time the town is dubbed as "Orario entrance to the sea" as many merchants are coming here to trade through the sea. Becoming one of the meeting point between Orario and the rest of the world.

The lake where they reside is Lolog lake which also long time ago served as an exit for the water monster of the dungeon to the word as they are connected to the lower part of the dungeon. That was until Zeus and Hera familia defeat the Leviathan and use the remain of it as a seal to ward off the monsters from that point.

At this point our Elin and Aina is walking towards the city. They can smell the sea long before they reach the lake. This is a unique scent that can be smelt nearby a sea as this scent is produce by a bacteria as they digest phytoplankton.

They keep walking as they can the gate of the city. The gate is very medieval looking made by stone bricks and two huge wooden gate. You can also see many hole use by the guard to look over and defend the city. Right now the wooden gate is opened with couple of guard looking at every visitor of the city. They don't come to check every one of them as it's very busy with mostly merchants looking to trade in the city.

The continue to walks before they reach the gate and walk past it. Fortunately the guard don't come to check at them as they don't really bring many things. Aina also bring a weapon but it's really common with how many adventurer in the city. They did garner some looks mostly only at Elin while passing other people but nobody interrupt them. They then decides to look for a meal since they are hungry and Elin is quite interested with Melen food.

*sigh* "We finally arrived." *sigh* "It was really tiring." - Aina

"Really?" - Elin

"Yeah... I don't know how you're not tired." - Aina

"Well I don't know neither, maybe it's just my physique." - Elin

"Well that's true you looks to work out quite a lot." - Aina

Aina looking at Elin from head to toe.

"..." "Yeah. Anyway this town is really busy. There is a lot of merchants too." - Elin

Elin change the conversation since she never workout except when she is in PE class when she is still in school

"Well, that true. It's a port after all and how it's close Orario, it not a surprise merchants coming here trading some dungeon materials or some fishes." - Aina

"Yeah, that's true." - Elin

"Since we arive here, how about we try this city food. You never been here after all." - Aina

"Is it alright? I don't have any money right now after all." - Elin

"Nah, it's alright and I don't wants to eat alone. It's nicer with some other people." - Aina

"Okay then, lets go!" - Elin

They then walks while Elin follow Aina. As they walks Elin notices many different shop at the sides of the road. A mix of scents also can be smelt with how many food vendor and restaurants there. As they walks many people also took a glance at Elin while they walk past them.

"Wow, you are really attract a lot of people." - Aina

"..." - Elin

"Hmmm... is something wrong?" - Aina

"N.. No... this is just embarrassing..." - Elin

"Oh yeah you are a shut in." - Aina

"What?!! no, I am not!! I was even a teacher in my place. I am not a shut in!!" - Elin

Elin is triggered by Aina word.

"Hmmm.... is that so?" - Aina

"Well, other than that I usually in my house or going out for groceries. But, they don't stare at me like this." - Elin

"I see." - Aina

They keep walking while some people is glancing at Elin. After a while the scene also change. Many fish vendor is on the side of the road different than before and fishy the can also smell the fishy smell. They then enter a small restaurant.

*clink* *clink*

"Welcome at our restaurant. Is there anything we can help." - The restaurant owner

"Yeah, we wants to have some meal. Do you have any recommendation?" Aina

"How about some tuna casserole? The tuna is also fresh from the sea, we bought it this morning." - The restaurant owner

"That would be nice, also can I have a black tea. How about you Elin?" - Aina

"Same with you." - Elin

"Okay, two tuna casserole and black tea then." - Aina

Elin finally eat some meat. She surprised with how Aina is fine with it, well by her story it's been a while since she left the Alf's forest many years ago and decide to reside outside the forest. Elin then looks around the inside of the restaurant. The restaurant have a nice rustic feeling with some sunlight coming through the windows. A bar can also be seen indicating the restaurant change into a bar at night. Right now there are also some customer at the restaurant. They then decide to have a seat at the table nearby a window while the can look at the bustling road of the city.

"The restaurant feels really nice." - Elin

"Yeah, we can see the road too." - Aina

"Anyway, will we part way after this? you want to see your friend after all." - Elin

"Yeah, I guess we will." - Aina

"Thank you then. You really helped me." - Elin

"No problem, that's what people will do if they meet someone in the need after all." - Aina

"How about you? Will you continue your plan?" - Aina

"Yeah I will go to Orario." - Elin

"Please be safe then. If you decide to go to the dungeon you can also ask Eina for any help. Maybe I can also help you also then." - Aina

"Thank you, but no that would be enough. You really have help me a lot." - Elin

"I am glad." - Aina

The foods then arive at the table and they decide to eat and rest for a bit while looking at the bustling road. The casserole taste really good and the fish taste really fresh since they were caught recently. They keep eating peacefully enjoying their food when suddenly there is some ruckus in the road. The people on the road move sideway as if to allow some people walk pass them.

"Move away you weaklings!!!" - ?

A really rude guy can be heard while they are looking outside. Elin froze for a bit since she have some inkling about who the group are. The peoples keep move away until the group is nearby the restaurant and the can see who the group are. A group of adventures are walking while they are led by a blonde pallum, a gruffy looking dwarf, and other guy while the girls are walking behind them talking with themself.

Elin shocked and a suddenly become nervous. From here she can see Ais and Lefiya cute and all as they are still a teen, the twin beauty Tione and Tiona, a catgirl, a pretty elf, and other cute girls of the familia. Then there is also Finn, Gareth, Raul...

'Just get to the point!!!' - Elin

She suddenly lost her nervous for a bit. Anyways here she is in flesh beautiful and all, Reveria Ljos Alf, one of her favourites character. She know she really like her as a character but when she sees her in person she just stunned lovesturck like an idiot.

Riveria Ljos Alf, a stunningly beautiful high elf with jade like colored hair tied into ponytail that reach her waist, beautiful green eye, and pointy ears. She is also pretty tall compared to other girl. She have a mature persona as if she is a mother dealing with her childrens. She is really beautiful, they said that she more beautiful than some of the goddess

*Riveria Appearance*

"Ahh it's Riveria-sama and her other familia friends. Should I just go to her right now and talk about my conversation with the king? Yeah, I should do it. You want to come too?"- Aina

"..." - Elin

Elin didn't answer still lovestruck like an idiot. She really just gonna ignore and stay and lost her chance to meet her crush like that. What a loser.

'Hey!!! I know!!! I know!!! but...." - Elin

She really is still thinking and gonna lost her chance.

'Ahhh... lets just do it then...." - Elin

"Ye... Yeah I am also quite interested." - Elin

"Let's go then." - Aina

Aina caught her hand before paying and left the restaurant to meet with the vice-captain of Loki Familia.


Thank you once again. Double chapter since I forgot to upload it yesterday.

I am on my work right now while write this, really fun.

Anyway what do you think?

Thank once again. See you next time.