

I woke up on a nice warm day, my Grandmother told me to get her some grocerys. I saw that a lot of people had a ring of some sort,

it made me jealous. Even my friend has a ring, it was fire, but it wasnt the "Great Fire". But I still had pure energy, though it is not

that powerful it gets the job done. I haven't seen a robber ever in my life, its not a bad thing but I want to hit someone with this energy.

My uncle Rolter had killed someone with his ring he said he had to but he couldn't get over the guilt, he gave the ring to my cousin Ravi,

named after the protector of Planet Urainium, but the protector of earth's name is Mahngahli, but his nickname is "Mahngahli The Great".

My bully got his hands on a ring, it wasn't good news for me, he could blast me to smithereens, I got anxious. Before I new it I got hit

by this wind it felt like, to my "surprise" it was none other then Brandon. "NERD! HAHA! Get up" he said as he knocked me back down. My cousin

Ravi saw this and laughed, "Ok enough Brandon", he said as he wiped the tears of laughter away. They were friends so thats why Brandon obeyed.

They were friends because they grew up in the same village and both had a bad backstory, I was going to make fun of them for it but deep down

I knew mine wasn't any better, my father left, my mother died, and my sister with a horrible sickness. I wanted this day to be over but I knew

time would go slow, my dad left because he thought my moms family was to soft. I still remember the words before my father left. "Look you're

the man of the house now, you take care of your sister Donny and your Grandma and Grandpa Wroel and Guu love you son and I hope we meet again

in the meare future". Till this day I dont know why he said he hopes we meet again, but that ring he had wasn't the wedding ring it was the ring

of Gravity. I woke up the next morning and school was over, and now I could go to seek higher education or go to Wringfowrd, pretty ironic the

fact that it had the word Wring in it. Im so bored, there was a knock on my door, my Grandma walks in with box, she told me "This box contains

something your grandpa had and your dad told me to give it to you.", I opened the box, to my surprise it was a ring, light cyan with some sort

of Ancient writing, but I knew what writing it was, it said, "Telekenisis", I couldn't believe my eyes. "So is this was father meant by he hopes

we meet again?", I couldn't stop thinking about that, maybe my dad wanted me to become a Warrior to fight him one day. I thanked grandma

and headed to Wringfowrd.