
The Tale Of The Kingdom Of Sorothin

In the Kingdom of Sorothin a great company of knights exist tasked with the scared duty of guarding the king and the noble of the land. They are the elite knights each one a well trained veteran in an art of magic and blade. They serve the throne of Sorothin loyally with their two most famous knights at the beck and call of the king but today their strength will be tested for the peaceful landscape of the kingdom has been threatened with a unnatural change.

TheLonelyNephilem · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Call To Action

(Castle Laran, Elite Knight Quarters)

A lightly armoured knight runs down the hall with a roll of parchment in his hand, he turns and walks into the room "Commander, the king has sent for you" a man with black and orange hair sighs "Alright tell him i'll be there soon" the knight nods and leaves the room while the commander changes into his black and orange armour. "Note to self Relyan don't trust the king not to push his luck with the short notice bullshit" Relyan sighs and puts his helmet on before walking out of his room and heading to the throne room.

(Castle Laran, Throne Room)

Relyan opens up the doors and notices a familiar woman with ivory hair talking with the king "Ciran?... surprised you're here so early" Ciran laughs "Well I am always up before you plus my armour isn't nearly as difficult to fit as yours is. I bet your assistant dreads it" Both of them laugh before a stern cough interrupts them and they immediately stop laughing and focus and respond in sync "My lord Siran?" Siran stands up "I called you both here as I've had to call an emergency council…we've had reports of instability in the Forsaken Valley".

Relyan narrows his eyes "Instability…in the valley? I thought the valley was deserted" Ciran nods "As did I…are you saying that something may be there?" Siran shakes his head. "No but I'd rather not take the risk of not investigating it. That's why I called you both here" Relyan and Ciran look at each other before looking back at the king "What do you want us to do?" Siran narrows his eyes slightly "I want you to take a small cell and investigate if you find anything and report it back to me" Relyan nods "And if we don't find anything?" Siran sighs "Then I'm going to have some angry nobles to deal with".

The two knights nod before they turn as the door to the throne room opens revealing the nobles in question. Relyan and Ciran take up their positions on the two opposite sides of the king's throne while the nobles take their seats at their pedestals. The king dismisses Relyan and Ciran and they head back to the knight barracks.

(Elite Knight Barracks, Hallway)

Relyan sighs "I don't like this, the valley has been deserted since we cleared out the shadows five years ago. Is the king suggesting they might have returned?" Ciran shrugs her shoulders "Maybe they were pretty difficult to kick out and we didn't leave anyone behind to watch the place afterward." Relyan nods "True…gather the new recruits then I'll take them there and with luck we won't have to fight anything" Ciran nods "I'll stay and keep the king informed just don't forget your communication Crystal this time". She hands him a pale crystal which he placed in a satchel "Thanks for reminding me". Relyan opens the door to the barracks.

(Elite Knight Barracks, Dorm Room)

Relyan sighs and slams his fist against the wall causing the place to shake, waking up the recruits who were still asleep "Rise and shine new bloods we're heading out grab your gear and meet me outside" he leaves the room while the recruits pick themselves up. Ciran sighs and walks into their room "You heard him just make sure you keep in contact, oh and Garen do not act like a fool while you're with Relyan or you will quickly find he is less forgiving than me." Garen gulps while another recruit gets to his feet and arches his back "Ow…he could have waited a few more minutes though" he sighs and grabs his gear.

Ciran nods "Indeed but Relyan doesn't like to waste time Zaren" Ciran walks into the other room "Cara, Sorin wake up your on your first mission for the king" she walks out the dorm area and thinks to herself "I hope there's nothing there but if there is Relyan can handle it he always comes back unscathed…usually"

(Outside, Castle Sironthin, The Kingdom Of Sirona)

Relyan stands on guard waiting for the recruits, his great sword safely secured on his back, he thinks to himself "I sense darkness in the valley's direction…either shadows or something worse." He sees the four recruits approaching and narrows his eyes as he scrutinises their gear. "Hm Garen has his usual sword and shield though his plate armour could do with a rework, Zaren's got his usual strapped plates over his battle Mage gear though chainmail and strapped plates won't do him any good against shadows. Cara has her bow and leather armour though still not a helmet like I told her but that can be sorted later. Sorin has her metal staff and plate armour, hm she took my advice and packed a backup weapon like the rest…good work on these new bloods".

Relyan smiles softly before his face goes back to a focused one "Good your all here I assume you know what we've tasked with from Ciran" they nod and Relyan tilts his head sideways in a beckoning motion and walks towards the gates and they follow him.

(Outside the City Of Siron)

Relyan leads the new recruits on the path to the valley and thinks to himself "The dark feeling is growing worse, the recruits probably haven't got the correct sensory magic to pick it up but I can feel it in the wind. Dark magic is at play there, but I won't fail". He stops momentarily confusing the recruits, Zaren looks at Relyan in confusion "Why'd you stop?" Relyan turns to them "There is dark magic in the air, watch yourselves whoever is in present in this valley is likely not going to be welcoming…keep your eyes open and your guards up" the four nod and Relyan resumes his lead with the recruits wondering who could be responsible for the dark feeling they sense in the air.

(The Pass To The Forsaken Valley)

Relyan breathes deeply as the dark feeling grows worse, he looks up at the rising moon and notices the winds have also darkened "Dark winds…the sign of dark magic…forbidden magic" he continues leading the recruits down the narrow pass until Zaren poses a question "So do we know anything about this valley?" Relyan nods "It's called the Forsaken valley it's namesake because it was the site where an old kingdom rests buried under the earth…the forsaken is because when the kingdom asked for aid…no one answered their call" Zaren and the others gasp and Relyan turns his head to them slightly his left eye slightly glowing in the moonlight "After that not much else is known aside from some shadows that me and Ciran cleared out of here five years ago…whoever or whatever it is here now, is likely worse than that" he draws his greatsword "Now be on your guard there's a lot of open space in this valley…great place for an ambush".

They nod and draw their weapons as well and slowly walk into the open part of the pass. The recruits gasp internally at the dark beauty of the valley it's blackened slopes and formations resembling claws and maws of various creatures; however they also shiver slightly as the dark feeling begins to grow worse, evoking a feeling of coldness in them. Relyan breathes deeply seeing his breath in front of him, he growls "Could this be a Lich or some sort of necromancy if so we have a fight on our hands" they approach an entry point in an alcove near one of the outer walls of the valley.

Relyan enters first followed by Garen, Cara, Zaren and Sorin, he notices dark runes still littering the walls from when he was here 5 years ago but brushes them off and continues walking through the cave. He says nothing as they venture further in making the recruits nervous so they make conversation amongst themselves, Zaren turns to Garen "You think we'll find anything in here" Garen grins "I hope so I wanna fight something for once rather than standing guard for hours" Cara sighs "Always the hot head as usual Garen".

Garen laughs "Damn right I'm bored you guys can stand guard if your scared I'll happily fight whatever comes our way" Sorin sighs "And then you'll get overwhelmed and start screaming for our help like you did in training when you thought you could take Commander Relyan in a fight" Garen goes silent a look of silent anger and embarrassment on his face. Relyan hears their conversation but says nothing; however it triggers a flashback in his mind.

(Flashback, Elite Knight Training Ground)

Relyan sighs as he and Ciran oversee the newest recruits training together "That Garen has great spirit though his steel could do with tempering" Ciran looks at him confused "His sword looks fine to me" Relyan sighs "I wasn't referring to his blade" Ciran looks at him still confused until it hits her "Oh…yes I agree he could do well if he tempered it a bit" Garen knocks another fellow recruit to the ground before pointing his sword at Relyan "Commander, wanna spar?" Ciran puts her hand over her face and the other recruits look at Garen in shock before they turn to Relyan and gulp as their Commander slowly walks down the stairs "Very well Garen, I will entertain your request" he pulls his great sword from his back and Garen raises his sword though he can't stop his hands from shaking. He growls and takes a swing at Relyan only for it to be parried and to be punched in the side of the head and knocked out.

Relyan sighs and slots his great sword back into its sheath "Don't be so arrogant and you might get through this training after all".