
The Tale Of The First Demon Lord

Death is not the end, the future Demon Lord, will rise from another world in this tale of souls bound together by the red thread known as fate find out what the true meaning of the word monster is in this story written in the thick crimson liquid that runs through your veins

REDEYEofBLOODmoon · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Arc2: Heroes and villains chapter I: the true story (POV: Elrith Barnette)

I was walking to the convent store to buy some chips when every went south.



"Haha ha hahaha, that was quite a beautiful spray," a man said starring at the splattered blood that now painted the alleyway crimson, he looked up at me.

"oh that's no good we can't have any wittiness can we?" The man asked, hunched over looking at a nonexistent accomplice, "No Good, no good, no good, no good, NO GOOOOOOOOD!," the man continued as he got up from his hunchbacked position, and started scratching his face until his cheeks, dripped a crimson liquid.

I turn around to run and managed to dial 911, before.



"What the heck, where am I?" I tried to verbalize, as my eyes took in a new scene, I was in a lavishly decorated room, in the arms of a woman with long pointy ears, with two men standing next to us, one wearing a large pointed hat, and the other wearing a crown with a face of expressing Pure unadulterated Joy and happiness.

"Welcome to your future domain, Prince Elrith," the man with the pointed hat said taking a knee and saluting, with his right hand over his heart and his head bowed.

I look up at the woman holding me thanking what ever higher power blessed me to be born a royal after witnessing an insane man violently kill someone in a dark alley.

I had gone out to get some chips and become the son of a king.

Popcorn_me, here to ask a thought provoking question that may or may not play into the main themes of the overarching narrative,

Who will you choose to believe? and even if you've heard both sides how do you know they aren't both lying?

I hope you are enjoying this story I am crafting

The World of Torian (the world the story is set in) is huge and after this story is finished I will likely continue to tell stories set within it.

Please look forward to the next chapter.

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