
The Tale Of The Blue Wolf

Life is like a playground the gods use to play fate. Nineteen year old Velma has extraordinary and forbidden powers but is yet to wolf out making her an outcast in the society. When she finally does— at the blood moon festival, she is rejected by her mate the Alpha of Aysun because she's the wolf that was prophesied about. The coming of the Blue Wolf would be the beginning of chaos. Artemis is only an Alpha in replacement of his sister's dead mate. As Alpha he has the responsibility to protect the people and reinstate his sister back to her position. He is ready to go to any length to restore his sister's sanity and take revenge on who killed his sister's mate. When he finds out his mate is the blue wolf that was prophesied about, he must make a hard decision to abandon her in order to protect the things he holds dear to his heart. As events unfold, he realizes the deeper meaning behind the prophecy and unravels dark secrets; his enemies are closer than he thinks. Velma is the one that holds to the key to the chains that binds him but it might just be too late for him...

Inkbank · Fantasía
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205 Chs

Chapter Four: The Beginning Of Chaos

Cyrus, watched with keen eyes the festivities around him. He saw that Artemis had donned his royal robe which he only did on important events. If he had known Artemis would put on his full Alpha regalia he would have done so as Beta of the pack.

"I did not expect you to open the forte tonight. It must be a joyous occassion indeed,'

"It is not everytime we are blessed with two moons successively," Artemis smiled. He was fond of the old man who had become a father figure in his life since his father's passing.

"So it is a blessing, then. I thought Maha was not quite certain," the Beta said trying to goad information from him.

"Only the moon goddess blesses us with blood moons, I'm trying to stay positive," Artemis returned.

"Is that so? What about the prophecy of the blue wolf, what if it were to appear here? That would not be good, no?" Cyrus whispered.

"I'm hoping to see that wolf tonight, I intend to..." but Artemis was interrupted by Creon walking towards them.

"Nice party for such short notice," Creon commented, Cyrus ignored him; he did not like the man.

"I had a lot of help," Artemis replied with gusto trying to ease the tension between the two older men. He respected Cyrus a lot but Creon was responsible for their many battle successes; he was a formidable ally and he did not intend to lose his friendship.

"Artemis, I think everyone's here," that was his cue to leave, he followed Vallus as Vallus led him to the central stage.

As Artemis mounted the stage, Vallus signalled to his mate, Adelaide to signal fr everyone to gather round. She howled a tune that the Aysluns knew too well and the hall became quiet at once.

Just as he was about to give his speech; a low murmur enveloped the room. His eyes wandered towards the cause of the distraction and his eyes fell on a young girl with waist long hair as red as flames; her eyes were a raging storm of the blue-gray hue of the ocean; her lips seemed to be made of fine wine; even in her dress Artemis could tell that her body was a graceful one that curved ever so seductively. Yes, she was a beautiful one but a beautiful girl was a common sight in Ayslun so why was she drawing attention? Then he saw it. She was writhing as if in pain; twisting and turning her body as if a fire burned in her. Slowly a blue glow blanketed her; she was invincible for several minutes until suddenly in a puff the blue glow was gone and in place of her beautiful face was an even more beautiful wolf head; the rest of her body had refused to transform but what elicited gasps across the room was the colour of her fur which was an unmistakable blue.

She raised her head then and Artemis heart skipped; she was calling for him. He noticed with dismay that he stood transfixed watching her and a part of him yearned for her. He had found his mate but why?

Two blood moons...

Blue wolf...

Artemis had never been more conflicted in his life. Had the moon goddess made a wrong match? He was an alpha he could not have a blue wolf for a mate. The people would mistrust him; there could be a civil war. He had to think fast before anyone noticed the connection.

"Take her away," he ordered through clenched teeth.

He was in deep turmoil but he had to give his speech regardless. He said a few words he hoped made enough said then concluded with, "May the moon goddess bless us all."

As he left the stage his mind went through a battle of sorts as he tried to hide the blue glow that threatened to burst through him. Why had the moon goddess rejected him? As Alpha, he could not be joined  to an ordinary servant. Yes, she was beautiful but her clothes had betrayed her station in life. Imagine that, the moon goddess had not only humiliated him by choosing a blue wolf for him but had picked a servant.

He increased his pace determined to avoid everyone but that only earned him suspicious looks from the Beta and Adelaide whose eyes had never left Artemis. His eyes were drawn for a second towards where his fated mate was being dragged away; he noticed that she seemed vaguely familiar but then she was his servant; it was possible that they had run into each other one time or the other. He also noticed she looked dead; wolfing out had really taken a toll on her and it seemed as though she had not wolfed out completely.

He walked away, anger brewing deep in his soul, ready to erupt at any moment. How could the moon goddess be so wicked? He could never be joined with a servant that would only put a stain on his bloodline. He could not deny that her beauty had captivated him but his mind was again drawn to the odd familiarity of her face.  It looked like a face he had seen several times and in important circles but then he could be wrong. Or perhaps she was the illegitimate child of some Lord?

"What bollocks!" Artemis cursed under his breath as he reached the entrance of his chambers. He did not bother to acknowledge the greetings of his guards that opened his room. Sinking down on his bed I  anger, he threw off his footwear and stared outside the window. The moon had reached it's peak already, it seemed like it was bleeding into the sky.

"Celeena," he prayed to the moon goddess, closing his eyes. "Forgive your servants for the scornful thoughts towards you."

Just as he stood up, his eyes caught those of Creon who had been standing by the door, watching him closely.

Fear gripped his heart at that moment. Why was Lord Creon standing there, watching him like a hawk? How had he come in without alerting any of the guards? Perhaps  Cyrus had been right that Creon could not be trusted.