
The Tale Of Menma Uzamaki

The Tale Of Menma Uzamaki A boy who had read fanfics on naruto and had skim-watched naruto as a child was thinking about rewatching or should we say watch naruto properly and something had wrong. Watch as The Tale Of Menma Uzumaki and his companion begin. Hope you enjoy my first try btw it's gonna be non-accurate so don’t flame me for such things, hope u enjoy it. (got trash grammar)

Ulric_Eclipse · Fantasía
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5 Chs


(Still 1 year ago POV)

Menma had arrived at the Uchiha compound "anyone here? ?" he shouted suddenly a kunai was thrown at him which he caught with his thumb and index finger "lovely hospitality, I presume you must be Sasuke?" a black-haired boy with pale white skin and black eyes walked out of the Uchiha clan compound entrance "who are you state your business," he said irritatedly Menma replied "I should just show you," he said while activating his two tomoe Sharingan suddenly Sasuke dashed out with a kunai which Menma had anticipated and spoke "actions and not words huh I thought you had more brains than that" while blocking the kunai and offputting it to the side of his forearm, then proceeding to lock his arm behind Sasuke's shoulder blade with another arm around his neck "listen I am an Uchiha I just found out who my parents are you, dimwit, I just wanted to know if I could have a room"

Sasuke had seemed to be confused by this revelation but somewhat happy and spoke"I thought I was the only one left but if you are also an Uchiha you can help me with my training so I shall let you have our Uchiha techniques" he said solemnly for once


(POV Menma)

I have been training since then I still don't have enough power I have gained the three tomoe Sharingan I have trained my taijutsu and my kenjutsu and my ninjutsu but not my genjustu I have also been sparing with Sasuke over this year and he looks up to me as a big brother he wished he had I almost forgot I need to train my shurikenjutsu.

(unknown location)

"awaken my consciousness I am ready" after being put in his semi-conscious state the reincarnate is going to transmigrate to the body of Menma once again with a new companion the Black-tailed beast

(POV Menma)

-at the training grounds-i was practicing my shurinkinjitsu when "arg...my head!" my mind felt as if it was splitting and then 'we are one' I was Menma I am still Menma now we are Menma[and I am the blacktails ]suddenly he started to laugh 'i have to potential to gain tremendous power within the tailed beast's abilities and the power of it being an unknown existence

'black tails what powers can I learn from you as of now?' thoughts directed to the black tails[black ball Rasengan, shadow manipulation minor and shadow dimension if you keep training your body as you have been doing you can unlock more of my chakra which will help you have more power over the shadow element]spoke the blacktails in, my head I have a new element the shadow element I could say the tailed beast caused a mutation if anyone asked but Danzo is a very big problem and I need more in detail knowledge as this might be an AU version of Naruto I am currently 7 I am enrolled in the ninja academy ill have to train hard to be top of the class and try to get a good sensei there's a specific one id like I would talk to him now but I'm not strong enough if something goes wrong I should train these powers for a while.

-time skip 5 years-

(Menma POV)

I have been training these past years andgotten closer with Sasuke I have met others from the story such as shikimura and choji,ino and some others and also been in the nijnja acadmey and this year I graduate , I have also mastered the use of blackball resengan and gained some experience in shadow manipulation enough to make shadow constructs such as sword and project at a certain distance I can also store anything in a dark domain/space where I gain boosted damage and regeneration where I can also summon the black tails for a certain time I can easily make clones and water walk and walk up trees however it is difficult to control such high amounts of chakra which lead to me almost destroying Sasuke in a sparring match which inspired me to create my Jutsu the chakra collapse/black hole creation where chakra will be disrupted and regathered creating a zero-point drawing in the hostile chakra or targeted people by my chakra I aslo bribed I mean talked to the old man and learned the shadown clone jutsu which is hard for me to maintain as it is hard to control shadow clones,yes my shadow elemnt helps but interfres as they arent real shadow constructs which made me create a jutsu called shadow mimicks which creates a clone which looks like a shaow howver i can only make ten and they are fully black and can poses/inhabit someones shadow copying what they do and see partially so if sent a shaow mimick to inhabit hasirmas shadow i could copy the hand seals and chakra distubution but not the level of skill and power however i could create normal shadow clones but less in number which can practice it.

As of now, I can make 15 shadow mimics and 30 shadow clones not the original naruto's level but still high but I need more power I can make just 60 shadow clones or just 30 mimics I also have the healing bite however it's a unique version from the blacktails which however I bite or if I achieve high enough mastery in the shadow element will allow me to siphon others chakra for a short time and will leave a permanent mark for me to know there location in a certain vicinity I shadow chains that will weigh the enemy down depending on how much light there is so more the light the heavier the chains they can only be broken if fed half the victim's chakra or if the chakra is too strong for the chains to handle the more black tails chakra I have the more resistant they will be.

[Now that you have sorted out your thoughts and can get more assistance from me Menma I will allow you to gain impartial beast transformation where you get one tail worth of chakra but the instinctual side of my beast will take over, by the way, my name is Noir or you can call me Shadow you can start practicing the shadow teleport from now on but it is very taxing on the body so I recommend you train your taijutsu you proficiency in swordsmanship is perfect but not at the level you can reflect damage to your adversary]spoke Noir in my head 'i need more power if I want to survive in this damned world'

Menma got ready in his clothes and headed to the ninja academy to find out his genin team.