Two days have passed now and no escape plans were made... The keys were always left hanging near the door, away from the prisoners, and the only one who has access to it seems to be the dungeon master.
The only useful information I managed to get was that Jeffrey was somewhere on the same floor as me, and Beech was on the main floor, getting ready to be sold... In other words, I didn't have much time to think of anything.
"You can think of something, Dagger, come on...", I told myself while walking in circles, but my options were very, very limited. To make things worse, it was nearly impossible to focus with all that noise of people hitting the bars like crazy.
"Oh, will you stay quiet? Or will I have to punish you?", one of the guards shouted, clearly annoyed with all that noise, walking through the halls with his spear in his hands. Suddenly, in front of my cell, he stopped and sighed for a second...
"At least you are not being troublesome..."
"Why would I, anyway?", I asked him, approaching the bars of my cell, carefully subtly.
"Well, you're still here... I am pretty sure many people would have lost it already. So I am impressed that you're not angry with us or anything like that"
"I know you're only doing your duty, so my anger would never be justified..."
"Huh, exactly what I was thinking... It's just my duty, why those other prisoners can't understand it, just like you did?", he said, approaching while showing his annoyance regarding the other prisoners.
He was careless now, however, and I took my chance, grabbing his spear and pulling him against the bars of my cell, his head letting him stunned for a second... Before he could recuperate, I pulled him again against the bars, knocking him out.
The spear was a little heavy, but the material they used on both the handle and the blade was gold... Not on the literal meaning though, gold as in very valuable and of great quality. Possibly capable of breaking the cell lock.
It was a bit awkward to use it, though... I received some basic spear training at Coventry, but my forte has always been my trustworthy sword... But it was lost to magma, melted away inside a volcano. Well, we work with what we have.
After hitting the lock several times, it broke and I was free... The strangest part was that no extra guards were sent to contain the noise that both I and the other prisoners were doing... But it became clear why soon when a shout could be heard from outside.
"May the Roseblood Empire fall!"
Taking a look through my cell's window, I saw it... A group of people was fighting the Roseblood soldiers just outside the building with some others apparently getting inside.
Not wanting to be caught in the crossfire, I hurried up, getting the dungeon keys and searching for Jeffrey's cell. Even though I knew it was on the same floor, there were still many cells here.
"Jeffrey! Shout so I can find you!", I shouted and my voice echoed through the floor.
"I am here!", the voice came from my left and I quickly followed it... I almost passed right through his cell, but he alerted me before I could go away, still searching.
"Right here! I thought we would end being executed by Roseblood forces...", he said, sighing a little in relief while I unlocked his cell with the keys... Which took a while to find among the many other keys.
"None of my friends going to die on my watch... Now hurry up, we have a rebellion downstairs and we don't be caught in the middle of it", I said and then started running again, the spear in one hand and the keys on the other... We were too late, however, as part of the rebels was already on our floor.
"Damn it, the key isn't here... Let's spread and find it, it won't take long for our distraction to be forced to retreat...", the rebels said. Jeffrey then looked at me, as if asking if I was thinking the same thing as he was... And probably I was.
"Excuse me, are you searching for this?", I asked showing the keys to the rebels. Surprised, they pointed their weapons at me... But their leader quickly signed them to point down their weapons.
"She's no Roseblood soldier, stand down... They don't recruit women", he said and his friends did as he said. "So, tell me, why are you here if you're not one of them?"
"I... I was caught on the volcano, two days ago... I need to go back to my continent...", I explained to him, and his eyes, as well as his friends', wide opened in surprise.
"You're from outside? It's a wonder how you're still alive... We can help you get out of Roseblood if you help us in return...", he said and I nodded in agreement.
"Just don't go thinking you can backstab me just like the last person I and my friends trusted...", I answered him and then tossed him the keys I had.
"Sure... Our rebellion was never built on betrayal and trickery, but intelligence, bravery, and trust... Follow us, we have to free our friends here first", he said and they quickly rushed through the hallways, unlocking every single cell of the floor.
After all the cells were unlocked and we were on the main floor, ready to leave, I stopped... Beech was somewhere here, I wasn't ready to leave the building yet, and somehow, Jeffrey got lost among the people we freed.
"Wait, I still have one of my friends to find...", I said to the leader, but then someone touched my shoulder. When I looked back, there was Jeffrey, with Beech in his hands.
"No worries, I got this", Jeffrey said to the leader, who nodded and then led us out of the dungeon.
Just as we got out, we saw a rebel, running away from the Roseblood ground forces that have not even lost a single person, apparently. Just when this one rebel saw us, she got hit through the head by a spear coming from the sky.
"Damn it, thought their winged knights would be busy... Everyone, spread... We meet at you know where after you lost the people seeking you!", the leader said while gesturing for me, Jeffrey, and Beech that we should follow him instead.
The streets in this place were, however, way too large... Hard to hide anywhere... It remembers Coventry, doing exactly this to avoid having revolts blocking streets entirely with ease... I should've guessed we weren't the only ones.
As we followed the leader, the armored Roseblood forces lost us... But one of the winged knights still kept an eye on us, flying high and preparing to dive. I had my spear ready for combat if there was a need...
"We almost there, just wait a minute", he said...
When I looked around, I kind of understood what he meant by we're almost there, with the high glamorous buildings starting to become smaller and smaller... Less and less glamorous...
Until we were in a totally different place, with small houses, two-floor buildings at best... Most with precarious conditions, falling apart, or looking extremely dirty... This place even stank like sewers.
It was hard to believe we were still in the same city, but the good part was the narrow streets of this area, allowing us to squeeze into areas that the winged knight couldn't enter, and sometimes, couldn't even see it... This way, eventually, we escaped.