
The Tale Of Crimson King

This will be my first novel that I had ever written so there can be some mistakes in my grammar so, you can ignore them or inform me so I could improve on those points. This story began from the summoning of our MC from Abyss by the Demon King to fight against the Hero. The MC that is summoned by the Demon King is someone who knows the Hero and is very familiar with one of the members of his party. But the Hero and his party were summoned from a modern world and MC is summoned from the Abyss which said to be even more worst place than a Hell. Just what happened to MC? Why was he in the Abyss? And will he help the Demon King or will he join the Hero and his party? Find it out all in this novel! As this story progress, I might add other tags like romance or maybe even harem. For now enjoy!

Kyo_Kasanagi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
35 Chs

CH 20+(Bonus): Hero and His Party....

After glowing, the light coming from the orb began to dim. And other multiple colors other than blue become to form inside the orb.

Finally these colors emerged and a scene was displayed in which a battle was happening. Many soldiers in brown armors were running towards somewhere likely fighting with their enemies.

But the strange thing was none of these soldiers were humans many of them were who had same horns as Igor, likely demons.

And among them there were also some different species different from demons.

They almost look like fantasy creatures mentioned in many novels like Goblins, Orcs, Beastkins and there were also some Dark Elves too.

Goblins had same green skinned as in novels but the difference was that rather than having a big swollen belly they had some muscles and were tall about the chest of an adult human.

As for Orcs they also had green skin but rather than pig faced Orcs in the novels, they were much taller, muscular and had two huge fangs sticking out from their mouth, growing from the lower jaws.

Due to their appearance, they were like a natural soldier made just for battles. 

As for Beastkins, some of them had animal like face while some had human like face but each had humanoid body walking on two feet and had ears of beasts and tails sticking out from their armors.

Some of them had even transformed into different complete animals while running towards their enemies. Likely some kind of specialty of these Beastkins.

And as for Dark Elves they were same as the Alice and Emily the twin maids. From their movement you could tell that Dark Elves were quite agile and faster then others but the strange think was that each of Dark Elves were female.

And had beautiful appearance looking completely unsuitable for battles. In this army most of soldiers were Goblins, after that Orcs and Beastkins.

Demons and Dark elves had the least number within this army. But each were carrying many different weapons on there hands with anger and fear showing on their faces and were running froward.

"What is this?"

Kai asked since It could be seen that this is some kind of record of some battle but It didn't show the purpose of summon him.

'There is no way Diablo would summon me just to win some small wars, there must be something here.'

As Kai was thinking this, Diablo explained.

[Actually this is the record of the battle which occurred in one of our border fortresses which was attacked by the Hero and his party who were summoned from another world to defeat me.]

When Kai heard this, he again looked closely and found some debris laying on the ground and in surrounding, It was likely that the fortress was breached and battle was occurring inside the fortress.

Kai than looked towards Diablo and gave a wry smile.

'Isn't this kind of like some setting from a fantasy novel?'

Kai didn't knew what to think about this.

Usually the setting was that a hero is summoned from another world, he defeats the Demon King and some other villains that were threatening the fantasy world.

And in the end the hero wins, later he creates a harem and lived in that world or he just go back to his own world.

This storyline was quiet popular within modern people such that either It be a smaller or popular novel, they all follow this storyline. Of course they make some changes to avoid copyrights.

'So….I'm a villian now, huh?'

And there was also few novels in which the Demon King or other villains also summon a being from another world, who later becomes a villian too and fight against the hero.

'But this is not so bad to be a villian. Rather I am more suited to be a villain than be a hero.'

But for Kai being a villian is much more preferred because no matter what in every story the hero had to struggle through many challenges before he could defeat the villian.

While a villain spent most of his time freely and he also doesn't had to worry about what people would think of him. As he is free to do anything what he wants.

And this prevllige can never be obtained by a hero. And also….

'This is not some novel where the hero will always gets a happy ending rather this is real life, filled with many twists and pain.'

After Kai thought of this, he shifted his focus back on Diablo as It looked like Diablo wanted to say something.

[I am showing this to you so you could know the Hero and his party and also could assess their strength.]

After saying this Diablo again looked towards the orb, and the scene being shown inside the orb began to shift towards the direction where the army running to.

There five individuals were fighting against the whole army inside some kind of glowing barrier. Each individual was covering each other and fight with the army were different ways but still their was no kind of tension on their face.

With these individuals there were only one male and other were females but that one male was much stronger than the others as with each swing of his sword a huge light was produced which burned anyone whoever were in front of him.

Even through there was no swordsmanship behind his attacks but they still easily make the many of the soldiers to be killed.

And the one who was doing this was wearing gorgeous shining golden armor with beautiful golden hair and his face was so beautiful that in modern world he could easily won the title of most beautiful man in the world.

If Kai was a celestial beauty that leans towards cuteness, feminine and innocence then this person was a celestial beauty who leans towards handsomeness and mature.

And anyone could tell that he was definitely the Hero among these five people.

"Hey girls, I think we should quickly end this. I'm getting bored after just swinging my swords on them."

Said the Hero, as he was still swing his sword killing many of the soldiers with the light It produced.

"Don't worry Arthur, just wait for a minute and we can finish this."

Answered one of girls who was much smaller in height than others, had red colored hair wearing a red beautiful dress which was strange in this battle to wear and some small blue, red, green and brown lights were glowing around her who were protecting her from any attack and even firing balls made of water, fire, wind and stones at the soldiers.

She was just standing there without doing anything and was still causing causalities among the soldiers.

"Yes, you could even rest If you want, we can easily handle this. Right, Ayaka?"

Then replied another one of the girls who was of as same height as the first one but she had blue hair along with white tail and cat like ears sticking out of her head and cat like green eyes almost like the Cat-Beastkins, wearing some leather clothes suitable for scouts.

With her only one small punch, anyone who was struck by her would get sent flying and after falling they were never able to stand up again.

Even the giant Orcs were being killed and sent flying by her. It was almost as same force as Igor's Mana Strengthening.

But there was no sign of Mana being used inside her. It was strange that how such a small body is able to produce such amount of strength.

"Yes I can handle this amount easily."

Then answered long black haired girl named Ayaka who was wearing blue light armor along with helmet similar to a Samurai's armor and was using a sword whose blade was thin, slightly curved and had only one sharp side.

If any modern people had seen this, they would immediately recognize this sword. It was a Katana which was one of the most popular swords in the modern world.

Ayaka was a tall girl whose figure showed that she was the sport type of girls who prefer to move their body and even had modest breast making a healthy body.

Her swordsmanship was much refined than Arthur who was just casually swing his sword, striking her enemies whenever she found any opening and parrying and dodging attacks from her opponents with her agile footsteps.

Even though she had not as much stamina and strength as the blue haired girl she was still much stronger than an ordinary human.

"But I can't let such beautiful girls to bare burden because of me, right? I can even fought whole day for you girls."

As Arthur said this with a beautiful smile on his lips. The three girls who saw his smile and heard him began to blush.

"Rem!, Ram! And Ayaka Stop talking and focus in front of you. And Arthur same for you too and just focus in front of yourself. What you will do If you somehow get injured, huh?"

Suddenly they heard a scolding from behind them. Behind them there stood a girl who looked much more mature than others, had long black hair just like Ayaka but had bigger breast and butt than Ayaka.

Her figure was so alluring that she would definitely look like a succubus If she cosplayed and wearing a black beautiful robe which didn't hid her figure completely was slightly open near the leg section showing white smooth ans soft looking legs which would enchant any male's desire whoever look at them.

But she was also not to be underestimated as every time she throws a small ball of fire on her enemies, there would be an explosion like a grenade. And there were these types of fire balls floating around her.

Whenever she throws one, a new one takes It's place. It was like a never ending grenade attacks.

And she scolded Arthur because she saw how making any mistake here can endanger them, even though they were able to manage against the whole army easily. Any mistake right now can still be fatal.

"Don't worry Suzuki, as long I'm here no one can hurt anyone and even If I get injured somehow Mia can heal me right?"

"Y-yes, You don't have to worry at all. I-I will make sure so you don't get Injured."

If such line was said by someone else anyone would had thought of him as a weird person but by the handsome person like Arthur, It was like he was prince on a white horse in many girls fairy tale.

And here Mia was just the example who was blushing and had a happy expression on her face. And Suzuki who saw this could only smack her forehead as she saw how Arthur had not listened to her at all.

Mia was of average height, innocent and kind looking, wearing white nun like clothes.

But out of all four girls, Mia had the most biggest breasts. And her speciality was not in fighting but in supporting.

She had the ability to heal almost any injures or disease just like a saint in novels and she was also the one responsible to make the glowing Barrier around them which protect them from any projectile attacks whether they were magical attacks or physical projectiles.

And this Barrier was also replenishing their stamina slowly along time.And also cleanse the air inside the Barrier because of It no one was disturbed from the smell of blood and other disgusting smell outside the Barrier.

Even though a large number of soldiers were trying to kill them and there were many corpses, blood and guts around them. They were still talking with each other like they were in some kind of vacation.

While this was being shown inside the orb, Diablo began to continue from where he left.

[And as I saying-!?]

But he couldn't complete his sentence, as he saw the expression on Kai's face which had become completely emotionless and cold along with them his crimson eyes were glowing.

Sorry guys, I was busy so there has been late release. But for that I have wrote this chapter which is about two chapters long as a bonus. So Good Luck.

Kyo_Kasanagicreators' thoughts