

A thousand years ago, the land of the five kingdoms was not in the sky, no it was under the clouds. With hills and mountains, forests and land continuing as far as one can see. Those days the only creatures in the skies where the birds and dragons.

It was peaceful back then, with one of the arch dragons standing guard over each kingdom. Hom, the red dragon stood guard over the southern deserts and its people. Lao, the blue dragon guarded the eastern archipelago and its sailing inhabitance. Tai, the yellow dragon watched over the citizens of the central plains. Zie, the purple dragon looked after the northern swamps filled with small villages. And last but not least Lus the green dragon protected the forests to the west and the tree house cities of the kingdom there.

But all of this changed when one day a force of pure evil came from underground, shadows, creatures living in the darkness, who drain the light out of everything they touch, even the souls of living creatures, leaving behind just a soulless body, not death, but not alive either, that's why we call them souleaters.

Everything seemed lost when in one last struggle the five arch dragons used all the power, they had left to split up the land and let it rise to the skies. They created a solid cover of clouds to protect these newly formed islands from the darkness of the souleaters, it is said that whenever a cloud turns black and thunder sounds through it, that the souleaters try to break through this ancient shield, but it is also said that one day they will succeed and when death seems certain that a young hero will find a newly hatched dragon and together they will be able to push back the darkness once and for all.

The dragons also left us with the magical Arvon crystals so we could navigate the ocean of air in between our lands in search for this hero and his dragon.