
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Ciudad
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41 Chs

Chapter 29

In the Black Hound Mansion

-Ma'am, here is the information you ordered.

She took the file and read the contents in it. She furiously threw the file away. Everyone present in the hall got shocked at her behavior.

-Ma'am, please calm down. Anger is not good for your health and also you're already sick. Please calm down.

Several maids of her begged her to calm down.

-How can I calm down when I'm watching them making such silly mistakes during their missions?

The participated members in the missions got shocked to hear her say something like that. One of them asked her to clear their doubts.

-Ma'am, what do you mean by "making silly mistakes during the mission"?

-Didn't you notice anything strange while you were there? Didn't you?

-Can you please be clear what you're trying to say? We can't understand it at all. I mean we moved and worked as per boss's orders. And also while we were at it, we didn't notice anything strange there.

-You fools. Did you check all the victims thoroughly?

-No, ma'am. We wanted to but boss told us to leave them alone there. They're not that important. So we left them.

-Can't you understand you boss's mental state? He wasn't in his right mind. You should've checked them all when he wasn't around you.

-Sorry, ma'am. We can find them all and check them. But can you tell us why do you want to check them? I mean they're just victims.

-That's the reason I want to check on them. Only because they're victims, they might know something very important which might be important to us? And also try to find them as soon as possible. I'll personally interrogate each one of them.

-Ok, ma'am. We'll get right into it.

-And also first make a list and send it to me. I need to see it first. Also don't let your boss find it out, you got it?

-Yes, ma'am.

They went out immediately leaving her alone in the hall room with her helpers. She let out a big sigh and leaned against the sofa.

In her thoughts

"Why did you have to die like this leaving us all alone?"

"What will we do without you?"

"I'm scared. What if I can't avenge your death?"

"What if I can't handle myself and our son?"

End of her thoughts

A tear drop rolled down her cheeks.

"I love you, Harry. And I miss you."

Her closest helpers noticed it.

-Ma'am, is there something wrong? Are you worried about young master? Don't be so worried about it. I'm sure he'll definitely manage himself well. He'll surely avenge our master's death.

-Thank you. I'm not worried. I'm just thinking.

-Ma'am, don't think too much. It's not good for your health. We're here for you. We won't let anything happen to you and to the young master. You sleep, ma'am.