

"Is he out of it ?" Amarok asked directing his question to Luna, who was hiding in the woods, "He took a direct hit from me, he will be for a while" Luna confirmed as she came out of hiding, Amarok looked over to where Denzell was to find him passed out on the forest floor, "We have to get them out of here before anyone sees us" Amarok ordered before taking a half naked Denzell and carrying him fireman style, while Luna carried Arlen's fox form bridal style, Arlen looked peaceful when he was unconscious, no one would think that he's the person he is, "How did Arlen teleport like that ?" Asked Luna as she swinged her fingers through Arlen's fur, "It's an ancient technique that only void foxes could do, how Arlen's fox knew that is beyond my understanding" Amarok explained before he suddenly came to a halt, causing Luna to bump into him and almost lose Arlen, "Wha-?" Luna asked before she saw that Amarok put his finger on his lips, gesturing for her to be silent, Luna took the clue and remained silent, Amarok then pointed at his ear gesturing for Luna to use her fox hearing, Luna obeyed and listened carefully to her surroundings, she could hear four extra weak heartbeats except for her family, Luna looked forward and realised where weak heartbeats were coming from, there were four naked humans laying on the floor, looking extremely sick and pale, and what was most extraordinary was that Arlen's faint scent was coming from them, "Arlen .... fed on them" Luna said wide eyed in realisation, dropping Arlen to the floor, "Meaning that he controls either they live or die" Amarok continued for Luna.

*Meanwhile in Arlen's head*

Arlen's fox growled in anger and frustration not taking in account that he's human host was there, "I want to be back in control" Arlen demanded with determination clear in his voice, "Don't make me laugh" Arlen's fox teased as it let out a mocking laugh towards Arlen, "Oh you're serious" Arlen's fox said as it stopped laughing, "Damn right I am, you may be my fox or whatever but this is still my mind" Arlen said with anger clouding his determination, "It may be your mind, but part of it is mine" Arlen's fox said dismissing all of Arlen's demands, "Don't you realise I'm protecting you ? Protecting us ?" Arlen's fox admitted as it got closer to Arlen's personal space, "Protecting me?" Arlen asked in confusion gesturing for the fox to go on, "If I'm in control, you won't have to worry about anything, you won't worry about a choice, about what other people might think of you, about what you think of yourself, or do you want to repeat from square one ? From your other family ?" Arlen's fox asked waiting for Arlen's answer, "No but-" Arlen said before getting cut off by his fox, "Then let me be in control, you won't have to worry about anything, ever again" Arlen's fox reassured being completely honest as it put it's hand on Arlen's cheek, "Okay" replied Arlen hesitantly as he leaned into his fox's touch, Arlen's fox hugged Arlen, wrapping it's arms around Arlen's body, making him feel secure, Arlen returned the hug as he wrapped his hands around his fox, "Oh and by the way, never trust a fox" Arlen's fox said as it smirked and booped Arlen's nose before disappearing from the stage of the mind, leaving behind a angry Arlen.

"s'taht thgir" Arlen's fox said as he returned to the stage of reality speaking in the fox language calmly , "tub I thguoht ouy wenk taht ? I mean I wasn't going to try and kidnap Denzell if I wasn't well fed" Arlen's fox explained as he switched to his human form mid sentence, "How did yo-" Luna asked but got interrupted, "Recover from a direct hit from a moon fox so quickly ? Well, it's easier when I ate one of the souls" Arlen kept explained gesturing to the 4 werewolves behind him, only 3 living now, "WHAT DID YOU DO !?" Amarok asked as the fires began covering him again, "What did I do ? More like what you forced me to do, if you haven't tried to intervene, the one I killed would've been alive now, hmm, I wonder who it is" Arlen explained as he rose his hand to air, "The mother" Arlen said as a green huge flame began covering his index finger, "The daughter" Arlen continued as another green flame began covering his middle finger, the flame on the middle finger was much huger than the one on his index finger, "The son" Arlen continued as a third green flame covered his ring finger, the flame on his ring finger was much smaller than the other flames, "Guess it's the father that died, unlucky" Arlen said not really meaning it as he turned his hand into a fist, and the three flames were gone, following with the scream of three humans, Luna rushed in but Amarok held her back, "Relax I didn't kill them, well, not yet, even if I did, their blood will be on both your hands, and I promise you, that blood will keep on growing until you have a river on your hands" Arlen threatened with a low tone his voice rumbling with anger, "Unless .." Arlen continued as he pointed to an unconscious Denzell that was being carried by Amarok, "Not a chance" Amarok immediately said not giving Arlen the chance to continue, "That's fair, I'll give ya both a night to think about it" Arlen said as he raised both of his arms where Amarok and Luna could see them, "But remember, their blood and a lot more will be on your hand, if you don't give me what I want" Arlen said as the green flames returned and covered his three finger, the ultra violet aura surrounding Arlen returned and grew brightly, to bright for Luna and Amarok to see, and Arlen was again gone from the spot.