

RUN !! RUN !! RUN!!, the voice kept yelling in Denzell's head, Denzell tried to run but it was as if something was holding him back in the closet, something that wouldn't release him, Denzell could now hear someone kicking the door, Denzell only hoped that the lock and the table would be enough to stop whoever it was, suddenly Denzell could hear the lock of the door being opened, then through the little opening he had of the closet he saw the table almost fly to the other side of the room, he immediately closed the door of the closet hoping that this alleged attacker wouldn't find him, a pair of footsteps entered the room, and with it a loud screeching noise, like a key was being dragged against a metal surface, Denzell covered his ear so that the loud screeching noise would lessen, suddenly it all stopped, and the pair of footsteps continued to walk, with each footstep the sound was getting closer, and closer until Denzell could feel someone outside of the closet, the door started opening slowly causing a loud creak, when the closet door did finally open Denzell was face to face with Arlen, but something was different about him, Denzell could tell, before Arlen had the chance to open his mouth to say something the door opened revealing Amarok in his police uniform, "Oh good! You're both here" Amarok said panically before rushing over to both of them and hugging them, "I feared the worst might happen" Amarok said as he struggled not to let tears escape, Amarok let go of his children and started examining them for any sign of harm, he found nothing but the dried blood at Arlen's fingers, "Denzell, go outside with the rest of the deputies,  I have to talk with Arlen, privately" Amarok said as he got prepared to fight Arlen, Denzell obeyed Amarok and exited the class looking for the deputies, once Amarok was sure that Denzell was gone Amarok caught Arlen's collar and pinned him against a wall harshly, "Release my son, fox" Amarok threatened in a low tone as his eyes flashed an orange Amber color, it was as if the color was dancing in Amarok's eyes, representing fire, Arlen's eye in response flashed the ultra violet color, "It's funny you think you have a choice in the matter" Arlen said as he took Amarok's hands from the collar of his shirt, outpowering him just like that, "How are you ?-" Amarok tried to ask before being interrupted by Arlen, "You know the myth about the older the fox is, the stronger it is, it applies to all type of foxes, except for ...." Arlen said gesturing for Amarok to continue, "A void fox" Amarok said as his eyes widened in realisation, "That's right, and you've heard about the other myth right ? If a fox finds an equal, that one fox would be unstoppable" Arlen said gesturing to his previous encounter with Denzell, "Now you either have two, hand over Denzell peacefully, or well, wind up dead like the kid I left in the closet" Arlen said as he struggled not to laugh, after Arlen was done he snapped Amarok's hands, Amarok hissed in pain and let go of what little hold he had on Arlen, Amarok looked down to re-snap his arm back to it's place so that it won't be snapped like this for a while, when Amarok looked back up Arlen was nowhere to be found, his laughter echoed through the walls of the school until they were gone, "Fuck!" Amarok exclaimed as he punched a nearby wall in frustration, leaving a burn mark on the wall, "I have to tell Luna" Amarok said as he straightened his posture, unbeknownst to him Arlen was watching him from the shadows.

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As Arlen was coming back from school by walking, he noticed the wolf from yesterday, lurking in the woods, so Arlen used his stealth powers, to follow the wolf without being noticed, the wolf kept walking until it stopped suddenly, there wasn't one wolf any more, there were 4 wolves, one is the black one from yesterday, a new brown wolf, a grey wolf, and a snow-white wolf, bone cracking could be heard and in the next minute there weren't 4 wolves, there were 4 humans standing in all naked glory, including Linda Lup from yesterday, "Linda that was immature of you, to lose control on the night of a half moon, and more importantly what happened to the poor boy ?" A woman in her thirteens asked Linda, Arlen assumed it was the white wolf, "That's the thing mom, he or it wasn't a boy, whatever it is it's supernatural !" Linda exclaimed recalling the the events of the previous night, "And what makes you think that !?" The mother asked as she struggled to find where'd they hid their clothes, "He's eyes!, they flashed a purple color!" Linda exclaimed again but no one was taking her for granted, "Pretty sure it was an ultra violet color" Arlen said as he came out of hiding, everyone growled defensively at him, "Relàjate I'm not going to kill you, I mean, I had my chance in school" Arlen said as he shrugged it out, "Who are you ?" An older man asked as everyone hid behind him, "The new adopted-" Arlen said but was interrupted by a wolf lunging at him, of course he dodged the attack, "Now, that wasn't very nice, was it ?" Arlen asked sarcastically as he looked back to where the other werewolves were standing, only to find that they were all in their wolf forms, ready to attack, Arlen took a deep sigh before his bones started rearranging themselves, cracks could be heard coming from Arlen's body and an ultra violet aura began surrounding him, the aura only became brighter until Arlen wasn't standing there anymore, but a fox, not just a normal fox, a fox with nine huge tails, all the wolves started taking a defensive stance against the potential threat of Arlen, they striked him all as one working together, Arlen easily got out of their way by using one of his tails to swing on a tree branch, Arlen landed smoothly on the ground behind them, the wolves prepared to attack again, but they're planning was ruined when Arlen caught them all with his tails, the wolves tried to get out of Arlen's iron tight grip on them but to no avail, and while they were stuck in Arlen's tails, it was like something was being robbed of them, like Arlen was taking something from them, suddenly they each felt a stroke of pain go through them as Arlen's tails began to change color, it went from being completely black to having green highlights in them, and the more the highlights increased, the more pain they felt at, the wolves began howling in pain as Arlen tightened his grip on them, until they all lost consciousness, Arlen let go of them and once he did they all shifted back to their humans forms, and so did Arlen, "Thanks for the meal" Arlen said while standing naked, Arlen began searching for his clothes cursing that he had to shift into his fox form to feed on them.