
1st day of school

When Arlen reached his first class he was lucky enough that it hadn't already begun, so Arlen just sat in a random desk in the front of the class and looked around, until he spotted Denzell, his adopted younger brother, but Arlen didn't have the time to interact with Denzell because the teacher entered the class, "Alright class, I'm your new chemistry teacher, you can call me Mr Nelson" the teacher said as he put the paper in his hands on the desk, "Before we start I'd like to introduce out new student, Mr Vulp would you like to tell us a little about yourself ?" Mr.Nelson said directing his question at Arlen, suddenly all of the eyes in class were on Arlen and if he was in his old school he'd probably have a panic attack, but it doesn't bother him now, nobody knows, and nobody has to know, even if they find out I'm sure they'll be accepting, "My name is Arlen, I'm 15 years old-" Arlen said as he stood up from he's seat, "Wait are you the adopted kid ?" One teen interrupted from somewhere in the class, which caused the attention on Arlen to drop and murmurs to spread between everyone in the classroom, "Silence" Mr.Nelson called out but nobody listened to him, "SILENCE" Mr.Nelson yelled and only then did everyone stop murmuring, "I'm sure that Mr.Vulp doesn't have anything else to say, so make him feel welcome" Mr.Nelson said before turning around and grabbing a chalk, he started writing on the board using the chalk, when he was finished writing there was a chemical equation on the board 'Mg + O² = MgO' "Now as I'm sure you had to come across an equation like this one in your previous year, so can anyone tell mr what kind of chemical reaction is it and balance it ?" Mr.Nelson asked as he finished writing on the board, dead silence went through the class gesturing that nobody knew the answer, "Mrs.Lup, would you care to answer ?" Mr.Nelson said directing his question at a blonde girl sitting at Arlen's side, "What was the question ?" Asked the blonde girl which made Mr.Nelson facepalm, "Hey, what's your name ?" Arlen asked in a hushed whisper to the girl sitting besides him, "Sorry I don't date strangers" the blonde girl replied in the same hushed whisper, "You say it like you actually have a chance of dating me, now what's your name ?" Arlen asked as he leaned in closer, "Linda lup" the blondie said seemingly intrigued as she grinned, "Mr.Vulp, would you like to answer?" Mr.Nelson asked as he spotted that Arlen wasn't paying attention, "Yes actually, synthesis and 2Mg + O² = 2MgO" Arlen answered back, he had to hold back a snort at the look of pure shook in Mr.Nelson's face, "Well then, what type is it ?" Mr.Nelson asked thinking he caught Arlen off guard, "Ionic" Arlen answered back as he grinned and rose an eyebrow in amusement, "Wrong, it's metallic" Mr.Nelson chuckled out, "Actually it is ionic" Denzell said as he scanned through a textbook, "Let me see that" Mr.Nelson said as he walked from the front of the class to where Denzell was, Mr.Nelson took the book from Denzell's hands and scanned through it, "Well Arlen, it seems that you're right" Mr.Nelson said as he gave the book back to Denzell, Arlen's grin grew only bigger, the rest of the class passed in a blur, introductions were made and what not until lunch break, Arlen walked through the gates to the cafeteria and was dumbfounded at how many students were there, he considered sitting with Denzell but he didn't want Denzell to think that his desperate for friends, so he just sat at a table, alone while poking at his food deciding it was not too edible, until a certain blonde put her tray of food on his table, "I thought you weren't the loner type of person ?" Linda teased as she sat opposite side Arlen, "I thought you weren't the the type of person that digs into others business ?" Arlen teased right back managing to hit a nerve, "Sarcastic, I like it" Linda replied as she ate a spoon of her food, "And how do you manage to eat that food ? I thought it was poisonous ?" Arlen asked grossed out by the food, "It's just mashed chicken with mayo, I think you should try it before judging it" the petite blond said as she ate another spoon, "No thank you" Arlen replied, he already got shivers just by looking at the food, "What's the matter ? Is the adopted bookworm afraid of trying new things ?" Linda teased managing to hit a nerve in Arlen, "Fear,  isn't in my vocabulary" Arlen stated as he glared daggers at Linda, "Prove it" Linda challenged as she glared right back at Arlen, Arlen used the plastic spoon to get a spoonful of the mashed chicken and ate it right away, not caring to taste it but swalloed it before eye could taste it, resulting in him to scrunch his nose as he wasn't able to swallow it whole, when he got that little taste it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, "Don't scrunch your nose, you're face is too pretty for that facial expression" Linda continued teasing which made Arlen realise his nose is still scrunched, "Don't challenge me, you're innocence might get ruined by it" Arlen teased right back, "Oh trust me it is already-" Linda said but realised that Arlen wasn't paying attention to it, "Hold that thought" Arlen said as he got up from his chair to already forgetting the mashed chicken, he started walking to his brother who was apparently getting bullied, "I won't eat that, nerd" someone said as he crept in Denzell's bench, "Yeah, wouldn't need you to get more fatter" Another one said as he crept in closer to Denzell's bench, Denzell was pretty much getting sandwiches by the bullies, the first one was chubby but definitely had some strength with a bald head, the other was pale and skinny with curly black hair, "Hey, fat and skinny, I'd advise you to pick on someone you're own size" Arlen said threatingly as he slowly walked forward to the bullies, the bullies jerked their head to Arlen as they heard a new voice, "What's the adopted kid gonna do about it ?" The skinny one mocked as he walked forward to Arlen and pointed his index finger at Arlen's chest, "This" Arlen said as he took the skinny one's finger and twisted it upwards, managing to snap it the bones of his finger, the crack of a  bone could be heard in the entire cafeteria, "Hey fat ? Want one ?" Arlen teased as he let go of the skinny one's fingers, "You're gonna regret that" The skinny one said as he groaned and whined in pain, clutching his index finger with his other hand, "You will if you keep talking, you still have plenty of fingers you know" Arlen teased as he gestured to the other fingers on his hand, "Come on Bruce, they aren't worth our while" The fat one said as he dragged the skinny one now known as Bruce away from Denzell's bench, "You okay ?" Arlen asked as he sat on Denzell's bench and hung his arm around Denzell's shoulder, "Don't act like you care" Denzell replied showing an uncertain emotion in his voice as he ate another spoon of the food, "I actually do, I might seem like I don't want to interact with you as much as possible but you're my brother, and whether you like it or not I will protect you or try to" Arlen said determined to make start conversation with Denzell, "How did you do that ?" Denzell asked with admiration in his voice instead of the previous voidness, "Did what ?" Arlen asked clueless about what Denzell was going to say, "You know .... snapping Bruce's finger like it was a legend piece" Denzell said as the admiration only growed, Arlen opened his mouth to answer but got interrupted by the school bell ringing, signifying it was the end of lunch break, "Tell you what, I'll teach you later" Arlen said hurriedly as he retrieved his arm from where it was hung around Denzell's shoulder, "I'm counting on it" Denzell yelled so that his voice could be heard through the crowd of teens in the cafeteria, Arlen nodded and made his way to the exit of the cafeteria.