
The tale of a Demon

"When chaos arrives, the terrible demon lives again. Flesh is devoured, bones are crushed and blood is drained. He scorches the earth and melts iron. He boils rivers and uproots trees. It stirs the winds and lights the fires of hell. They call me..."

DARKZENO · Fantasía
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36 Chs

The Seven

'So difficult..'

Zeno was exhausted, he had been through countless battles, fled from beast monarchs, spent countless hours on the verge of collapse to resist the danger of the monsters, overexploited his energy core to power the boat because of this, burns appeared on his skin where the energy pathways that made up his circuit passed through.

He can barely channel his energy to strengthen his body, let alone use his auras.

He's getting closer and closer to land.

The sea was churning around them. Many waves were throwing them about like toys. Making him lose time, energy and his hope.

He will die and Guizhong.

But he persisted.


I'm cold, it's so dark...'

When dawn came, Zeno finally managed to reach the land.

He lifted Guizhong and they reached the white sandy beach before falling to their deaths from exhaustion.

For a long time, neither of them could move. Zeno remained motionless, trying to relax his energy pathways and his muscles.

Guizhong, on the other hand, was busy holding her breath as she tried to fight against fainting.

The pressure from the depths had also damaged their internal organs.


"What a pity, we've lost our only weapon and all our food...luckily the worst is over...the compass is still there."

Zeno stood up and bent down to shake Guizhong.

"Get up, the sight of water makes me sick."

She flinched and stood up wearily, her skin deathly pale.

She was still in shock. Some ten minutes ago, death was right in front of her.

Guiding Guizhong by the hand, Zeno climbed up to the top of the beach and onto a black rock.

Sitting down on the cold stone, he leaned his back against it and looked up at the only star shining in the blue nightmare sky.

"Every journey has its destination. There's no point in rushing to get to the city, let's take turns sleeping a little, you go first."

She nodded and settled on Zeno.

The star shone with a golden glow.

Suddenly the sky changed as she looked up, and there was not one star but seven adorning a golden sky.

"Nothing can be achieved without the seven. Whether mortals or cultivators, everyone has their place here on earth. Without the Eleven, there can be no lasting peace in this kingdom."

"Mars...these stars are our treasure. Their blood runs through our veins and makes our hearts beat. Do not deny your origin. Fate may have made you a demon, but nothing can stop your heart from shining like that star...my star.

"That remains to be seen, Xiao." Zeno said in a voice full of melancholy.


Many tears flowed from his eyes. The world changed, the seven stars became one again, the golden sky returned to its dull colour.

Xiao, who are you? Whose memories are these?

"Idiots, they're yours." 

Namiel materialised in front of Zeno, or rather his projection.


"Yes, or rather the memories of your past life."

"My past life ??"

"Those chosen by the celestials are destined to live through the great eras through reincarnation. You are called pioneers, heroes of all ages. What you saw there is one of your past memories... the age of Uruk. These stars symbolise the seven Empyreans who created the blue nightmare, or rather the Lapis kingdom."

"I'll tell you more next time, see you later."


Namiel vanished.



"Zeno, Zeno get up!"

He opened slightly, watching Guizhong shake him.

"Look over there!"

Lingering a second to regain his senses. Zeno turned round.

Behind them, a stretch of land rose above the beach.

And down there, a high wall made of black stone dominated Zeno's view. 

[Welcome Zeno, you have finally arrived at the last bastion of humanity from the Blue Nightmare, Heliohapt, the city of wonders].