
The tale of a Demon

"When chaos arrives, the terrible demon lives again. Flesh is devoured, bones are crushed and blood is drained. He scorches the earth and melts iron. He boils rivers and uproots trees. It stirs the winds and lights the fires of hell. They call me..."

DARKZENO · Fantasía
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36 Chs


Zeno entered his room as soon as he returned. 

His aura technique was one that absorbed the energy of the world and accumulated the aura in his spiritual core. If he was interrupted at an important moment his spiritual core could rupture.

Zeno sat down on the bed. He closed his eyes, breathing in the energy of the world and filling his body with fresh air. Then he exhaled the turbid air from his energy circuit.

The flow of Draconic Culture flowed from his heart. It was raw, ferocious energy.

The energy coursed through his body. It swept away the impurities in his energy circuit.

He tried to force the flow of Draconic Culture into his spiritual core.

But the energy of the Draconic Culture dispersed.

According to the book, you can't aquire the aura in a single attempt. With repeated practice, the flow would naturally accumulate in the spiritual core.

'What kind of aura will I get with my dead element?'

"I have to learn it properly!"


Zeno opened his eyes.

"So hard..."

He hadn't slept all night, using the time to cultivate his aura, but he hadn't managed to form it.


Zeno arrived at Vildred's house after a good breakfast in the cafeteria.

"From now on, you'll cultivate your technique until you can form an aura."

"That's the priority."

"You can start."


Zeno sat down in the middle of the training field and began to cultivate.

A cold, chaotic energy erupted around Zeno.


The amount of energy Vildred felt coming from Zeno's energy circuit was much more powerful than normal. 

'It can't be due to his technique, maybe his origin gave him a gift with the aura. Or that his element is in perfect harmony with this aura technique...'

'It's 100 times better than the one at the academy. Lucky bastard...'

"I can't wait to see your aura kid."

The aura is as unique as the origin. It depends on many factors. The element, the personality, the technique used and the origin.

"It's going to take a long time... He's only got 20 days left before the big departure."

'It's safe to say he's got a gift for the aura. There's no way he's that controlled with energy. People his age are half as good.'

'If he manages to learn this cultivation technique properly...a new hero could be born.'