
The Takeover

Originally a guy with no meaning in life they wait on top of a sky scrapper on a dark and stormy night. They saw a a blue screen and teleported to another world as a girl.

RuArgus · Fantasía
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2 Chs

I will become the world's ruler

It was a normal day for most. Although for others the day was abnormal like are main character. They go by the name Frost. Its simple and short although it's not easily forgotten.

It's a rainy night or more accurately a thunderstorm. Frost is sitting on top of a skyscraper during the storm which is considered stupid. Frost is looking up at the clouds with his emotionless eyes. He was waiting for it to start. Something you've probably heard in fantasy novels. A global transmigration to another world far away from earth.

Finally he saw it. A blue screen in the sky that not many are seeing since it's night and raining.

[ Humans for most of you your days of peacefulness are going to end. A higher being has decided that he'll teleport you all to a world that they have created. He has high hopes for you all that you'll entertain him. You will be transported in 10 seconds. ]

" Finally i've waited for to long for this to happen " Frost said. He jumps of the skyscraper which is basically suicide. Although before he hits the ground Frost and everyone else was teleported. The first thing everyone saw was a blue screen like the one from before.

[ First things first we have to make things more interesting. You get to change your race or, you can stay a human although that would be rather boring. Anyways get to customizing yourself ]

Race selection - Choose one of the following races:

Beastmen - You get to choose which beatman you want to be. They have superior natural physical attributes and physique which is hard to increase. They aren't as proficient in magic usually but the variety of them makes them though foes.

Human - They're jack's of all trades master of none. Their potential is average although they still exist because they are really good at reproducing. Although they are weak individually they horde together because of this and they are ruthless.

Dwarf - Master blacksmiths that remain number one in their craft. They are neutral they have a rather bad impression on humans as they tend to do. They kidnap dwarfs often and make them make them gear. Either way dwarfs are rather slow but they have the best natural physique as a result of their forging. Their magic potential varies but they are usually better than humans at it.

Elves - They have a good relationship with the beastmen and dwarfs but bad with humans. Why? They constantly cut down and burn forest! Not to mention making some species extinct as a result the elves hate them. They are exceptionally good at the basic elements. They have a dark elf variant that specializes in dark magic but, that doesn't mean they're evil.

[ Choose which race you will become. ]

" Well i'm not being a human again that's not fun or exciting. Dwarfs aren't really good at combat since they are rather short, bulky, and plus they aren't fighters their forgers. Elves or dark elves are indeed a option for me. But I want to be a beastman because I like animals and I feel like being a beastman. "

[ You've chosen beastman I see. Well which beastman variant will you choose? ]

Wolf - Fast and agile.. are they the same thing? Anyways they get a buff in the night and they're footsteps are silent and they get a buff in the night. When it's snowing they don't get a speed debuff and they get a buff when hunting in packs and when they're in their territory. They also get a buff when hunting.

Bear - They are basically the opposite of the wolves. They're big and bulky and strong they get buffs when alone. They aren't fast but not slow. One hit from this tank can be deadly. Gets a strength buff when hunting. Also gets a buff when in territory.

Cats - They are faster and more agile than wolves but they're physically weaker. They aren't fighters they are more skilled at hit and runs, assassinations, and good scouts. They may be small but they are certainly deadly. Gets a buff in everything when hunting because their little savages.

[ So, what's your choice gonna be mister Frost? ]

" I'm gonna choose to be a wolf. I'll be the leader of the pack and rule the world with me and by pack. Not of just wolves but every beastman race. I will gain the dwarf's favor and elves. Annihilate humans because I don't like them. I will become this world's ruler. "

[ That's a bold statement and my creator likes that. My creator is also the creator of this world. My creator says that if you conquer the world you can have it but after a few years he'll make monsters invade your world. It has to stay interesting right? ]

" I like that idea but, i'd like it if I could create how I will look.

[ Oh yeah, i forgot about that here you go. Also the creator has allowed you to have more options. You have to look unique and he'll give you a slight boost in everything. ]

" This is rather interesting. It says that i've unlocked some special customization features. My eyes will be like the night sky as, clear, dark, and full of stars. My hair is a bit difficult. I've decided to have dark purple hair. Wait I can choose my gender? It says it's exclusive to me as well. Well I want to be a futanari because why not be able to experience both since I died a virgin. Although i'd like to live as a girl so long dark purple hair. Cup size is easy not to big as that'll be annoying and it'll hinder me. After some... investigating I choose a C cup. My skin is going to be tanned because I think it looks good and is more attractive. Finally, my height is going to be 5'8. " My voice is now as calming as the ocean waves when its being smoothed by a god which is smooth as hell. "

[ Your done now I see i'm going to show you your states and tell what normal people have. Wait make a name first. ]

" Oh yeah that slipped my mind. How about galaxy... actually how about Violet Galactic Star. "

[ I may have to say your naming ability isn't the best but not to bad. Anyways here's your stats. ]

Name: Violet G Star

Level: 1

Titles: Favored by the Forgotten

Passive skills: Bleed, Charm, Royal Presence

Skills: You create your own skills. Since you've yet to make any you have none. congrats.

Strength: 90 ( 15 )

Endurance: 72 ( 12 )

Stamina: 120 ( 20 )

Speed: 108 ( 18 )

Attribute points per level: 18 ( 3 )

" Isn't that a bit to much? I have 6 times the stats of others I believe. I don't want it to be easy that's boring."

[ Don't worry the other races have someone close to your stats. They're are also some wild monsters just as strong and stronger than your stats at lvl 1 like phoenix's. There are also 8 elites in each race. 4 commanders and 2 Generals and of course 1 King/queen. Also the average stats vary with the race nut, they all have the same amount of stat points in total. ]