
The Systems Force: Terra Indomitus.

After a helicopter crash, Navy SEALs Captain Avery Gallahan woke up to find out that he was in a completely different reality than his own with no idea of how he got here or where his team was. Now he has to survive the harsh world and the villain and hero in it. But first, he has to figure out what happened and why this mysterious Doctor is so interested in him. (Crackish)(Lemon)(Some Harem Element and if you don't like it too bad)

Tofu_Misu · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 13: The Kryptonian clone.

This is a kind of !CRACKISH! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor am I some sort of loremaster.


Chapter 13: The Kryptonian clone.

DC Universe.

Omega Earth.

The USA.

The State of Virginia.

Cadmus Alpha.

The medical center.

Christmas of 2006.

Jade Nguyễn AKA Cheshire.

Third POV.

"Okay… That was… quite… nightmare fuel…" The Assassin shuttered as she watched the body of the COC captain turn into a big disgusting-looking bug-like creature. "What the fuck is that thing?"

Right now, Cheshire has her mask taken off and put away for now after she lost communication with Doctor Ianite and the same goes with her cloaking module after it began to show signs of a malfunction and began to flicker erratically. The Half-European Half-Vietnamese femme fatale remembered that the doctors had warned her before she proceeded with the plan about the potential risk of the surprise EMP weapons messing up her mask and gear and distorting the communication between them.

Luckily, Doctor Ianite also said that the effects are temporary for Cheshire, and the specially made equipment that the doctor designed and made for her will be back up and running in no time. But until then, the assassin is going to have to deal with the situation without her tech and mask, instead relying only on Lady Shiva's training and her honed skills for the time being.

"K̸̭̆E̷͔͒E̵̚ͅE̵̲̽E̴̝͂E̶͘͜e̵͎̕ḛ̵́ȅ̵͉e̴̗͝ë̴̡́!" The bug monster thing chitters challengingly at Captain Avery Gallahan who has taken up a defensive stand, and in his hand surprisingly is what looks like… a spear from out of nowhere.

The Assassin should probably get down there to help her target but yet… her curiosity got the better of her and she decided to stay back, for now, to see how well the man could handle himself against the menacing threat, her attention was now on the spear-wielding Captain Gallahan who was facing off against a monstrous mutant/alien bug thing.

Looking at Captain Gallahan as he expertly and skillfully dodged the large hulking bug as it rushed forward with the intent to trample him. Jade had to admit the man was certainly a sweet eye candy for sure, the man was very fit and lean, not an ounce of fat could be seen on his body, and despite the man being a soldier, his movements and his posture were smooth and graceful, reminding the assassin a bit of herself when she is fighting.

The man has a handsome visage and a strong jawline, his features are chiseled and masculine, his eyes are red and piercing, his ash-color skin is flawless and unblemished, and his black hair is cut short and cropped with a hint of stubble. The man wore a black tight shirt, a pair of camo pants, and a pair of combat boots, the assassin did not doubt that the man had a rock-hard and lean body underneath that clothing.

Cheshire has to confess… the Man is a very fine specimen... So fine in fact, that she wouldn't mind taking him to her bed and getting freaky for a couple of rounds, the assassin would definitely not mind tasting and ravaging the soldier's body… Wait, what is she thinking? The assassin shook her head to clear her perverted thoughts and focused on the matter at hand.

Back to the fight, the man is certainly holding his own. The Captain wields the spear with practice ease and finesse, and it was clear the man was a master at wielding a spear as he stabbed and struck the beast repeatedly, drawing blackish ichor, the tip of his spear glowing and crackling with electrical energy, his movements are fluid and graceful, and the man is using his smaller size to his advantage and is staying close and keeping the beast at a distance while the man is constantly looking for an opening and striking the large monster with quick and precise strikes.

"Come and get it, you son of a bitch." The man challenged.

"K̸̭̆E̷͔͒E̵̚ͅE̵̲̽E̴̝͂E̶͘͜e̵͎̕ḛ̵́ȅ̵͉e̴̗͝ë̴̡́!" The bug monster thing chitters once again before unexpectedly spewing what looks like some sort of hot boiling acidic fluid at the captain like a bombardier beetle from what looks like its feelers.

Captain Gallahan's eyes become wide for a moment before the soldier quickly rolls out of the way as the stream of unknown fluid impacts the floor and begins to melt the tiles and the concrete, creating a smoking crater on the ground.


The femme fatale watches in fascination as the captain then jumps up and throws the spear, the weapon embeds itself in the beast's carapace, the sharp tip crackles with electrical energy, and the spear glows brightly. Before the spear unexpectedly blew up in a small explosion taking a small chunk out of the monster and shocking it slightly.

Cheshire's eye widened slightly when another Spear seemingly materialized out of nowhere in the man's hands with the captain beginning to sling spear after spear at the creature and rolling out of the way when it tried to spit at the man. The assassin had seen magic in the past when she sometimes accompanied the doctor on various "business" trips in and out of the world but she didn't expect her primary target here to be able to perform such a feat.

If the captain didn't have her interest before, the man surely does have her full attention now.


Back to Avery's POV.


"Come on Buggy, show me what you got!" I yelled out challengingly as I rolled and ducked out of the way like I was the Dark Soul protagonist fighting against a boss, the sound of explosions and the beast's screech was deafening as the creature kept spewing its acidic spit at me and the medical center was becoming a complete and utter mess.

I dragged this fight out long enough and the whole thing was beginning to take its toll on me mentally. I am getting sick of everything getting in my way and I was tired of all of this shit, the Chao, the death, and the destruction but most of all I am officially done with Cadmus.

I have had it up to here with all of the madness, the death, and the chaos, and I want nothing more than to go to my home in Chicago and spend the rest of the days away playing some goddamn video games and forget everything that has happened to me and pretend that everything was a bad dream.

But as it stands, It is time to end this bullshit.

I roar and run towards the large bug monster and thanks to my enhanced reaction and my enhanced speed, I expertly zigzagged around the creature as the thing continued to spit an acidic stream towards me. Picking up the momentum, I jumped forward like a speeding bullet towards its target with the spearhead aimed towards the creature's body.

The Bug monster continued to let out a stream of acidic liquid toward me and splash me slightly but it didn't stop me from flying toward it like a fucking tomahawk missile. I could hear the sounds of its screech as I plunged the spear right into its chest, and the spear tip glowed brightly.


The large bug let out a screech of pain as it was sent flying by the momentum with me holding on to the spear that was still lodged into its body with my dear life. With a loud crash, the massive creature slammed into a wall with the spear piercing through its body and into the concrete wall, pinning the large insect monster in place.

The beast flailed and let out another ear-piercing screech as I landed and stood next to the monster, its feelers waving around erratically and wildly and squirting acid everywhere with some of it hitting me in the arm but luckily, It was only a slight ticklish sensation before the feeling go away as I slice off one of its feelers with the spear and the beast screeches and squirts more acid.

I growled and jumped on its back and with all of my strength, I grabbed a hold of its head as it thrashed around when I was once again splashed by the acidic liquid but I didn't care as I began to pull. The creature's body was hard, and I could feel its armor-like hide and exoskeleton crack and split as the muscles underneath its flesh strained. But I continue to pull on its head with the neck of the large creature snapping and popping.


With a mighty cry, the monster's neck finally snaps, and I can feel its head separate from its body, its flesh and blood vessels snapping and its spine and vertebrae separated with a sickening crunch. A massive spurt of acidic fluid splashes onto my face but at this point, it was like being sprayed with water as I threw the monster's decapitated head aside.



I was breathing heavily as the adrenaline coursed through my veins and the ache that I was feeling was beginning to fade slowly but surely, the adrenaline was also beginning to wear off and I was feeling tired but I couldn't afford to rest just yet. I jumped down from the large corpse, and the dead bug monster's body began to shrink and turn into something akin to a large blackish ichor slime that was dripping on the floor.

Suddenly I spotted something shining in the monster's carcass, I slowly crouched and began to make my inspection then froze with my eyes becoming wide and immediately snatched up the piece of mirror from the slimming puddle before trying to wipe the slime and blood off the reflective surface. Thankfully a familiar visage appeared and was staring back at me making me breathe a sigh of relief.

"Tala," I called out and the woman didn't reply, not that I expected her to do so, the sorcerer was staring at me with a look of relief, and tears were falling down her cheeks. "Are you okay?"

The lovely magic user nodded with a smile which I returned. Thankfully the piece of mirror still looks very intact for a few noticeable yet minor cracks and chips. I don't know how this thing is going to hold up for the time being but I am not going to take any chances. I exchange a few words with the Sorceress beauty, and thankfully it seems that she is okay and is unharmed. I told her that I would try and get her out soon, the Sorceress simply smiled, gave me air kisses, and then the image of Tala disappeared.


I quickly spun around with my spear raised in defense and pointed out toward the throat of an… admittedly attractive woman in her late 20s or early 30s. Her face was sharp and angular and she had an Asian yet also European complexion that was adorned with a pair of bright red lipstick and a green bandana tied around her forehead with her long luscious raven hair tied in a bun.

Tan skin with a lithe yet toned frame, her generous bosom was perfectly rounded, her hips were wide and curvaceous, and her tan skin was smooth. She is wearing some sort of skin-tight full-body suit made of some sort of green-scaled armor that hugs her figure and her curves with the design give off a distinct wushu heroine style. And what looks like a pair of sai strapped to her thigh, the woman has a large duffle bag behind her, and at her waist is what seems to be some sort of utility belt with what looks like a very familiar and very distinct cat-like mask strapped to it…

"Are you here to kill me?" I snarled, immediately recognizing the distinct Cheshire mask from the comic and Young Justice show.

Cheshire merely grins at me as she looks at me up and down like she is appraising, checking me out, and not at all intimidated by the large spear that is pointed at her throat. "Hmm… No. At least not yet. That depends on you, handsome guy. You are quite an interesting man but I think the correct question is... Are you here to kill me, Avery Gallahan."

"You are an assassin," I stated matter-of-factly as My eyes narrowed slightly and my jaw clenched. How the hell does she know my name?

"Yes. I am." The raven-hair femme fatale said smoothly and honestly, then she put an armored finger on the tip of my spear before moving it away. "But one sent by Doctor Ianite to get you out of Cadmus and away from here."



"Huh? Doctors Iamizaki sent you?" I inquire with a surprised tone as I lower the weapon, putting away the mirror into the pocket of my pants and dissipating the spear. "You're here to get me out of here?"

"That's right," The raven-hair assassin affirmed, her smile becoming genuine. "You can call me by my code name of Cheshire and I'm here to get you out of here, Captain, both you and the Kryptonian clone."

I was a bit hesitant and skeptical but I decided to listen. There was something about the assassin's voice and body language that told me she wasn't lying, but I couldn't exactly take the risk that she was being honest. However, that wasn't until she suddenly put her hand to her ear into what looked like an earpiece.

"This is Cheshire to Continental here, solid copy." The Raven-hair woman nodded. "Yes… he is here."

I could see Cheshire nod again like someone was talking to her on the other side of the communication line, and then she glanced at me, and then her gaze shifted behind me to look at the very battered state of the mercenary who… somehow… despite all of the chaos and bullshit… looked sort of unscathed somewhat. The assassin's brow creased and nodded as she reached out behind and put the duffel bag on the ground before taking something out of the bags and handing me what looked like… a ring-shaped device of some kind… before taking out another… this time what seemed to be a phone?… from her utility belt.

"Here, take this and talk to the Doc. She should be able to explain everything." The raven-hair assassin instructed before walking away with the bag in hand towards the pod.

"What are you doing?" I question with a narrow eyebrow as the phone in my hand suddenly begins to buzz and a familiar name appears on the screen with the symbol of a phone and the word calling.

"Taking care of our little friend there. The doc will explain everything, Captain," The raven-hair femme fatale stated simply before she looked back at me with a wink and playful grin on her lovely feminine visage. "Promise."

"O… okay?" I raised an eyebrow before sighing and then I hit the button, and the phone stopped buzzing and began to ring, I put the phone to my ear. "Doc?"

"Three, good to see that you are still alive and kicking." The familiar voice of the good doctor replied and I could practically hear her smiling through the phone.

"Doctor Iamizaki?"

"Yes, It's me, Three." The doctor replied with a firm tone. "Turn on the video function if you want to see my face but I know you are a little busy, and the fact that you are talking to me right now means you are already convinced, but we are running on a tight schedule here, Three, so let's make this quick."

"Doc, I'm going to be laying it straight to you… but what the fuck is going on here? Just past day We were talking and congratulating on finishing my training but today Cadmus Alpha was suddenly attacked by both these unknown forces that called themselves the COC and these… horrific monsters… at the same time."

"Hmm…These attacks are no coincidence, I am afraid, it seems that one of my primary enemies has finally caught up to one of my doing much earlier than expected and unfortunately, this attack is only the beginning and there is going to be much worse to come for Cadmus Alpha if we do not leave here now. I am sure you've seen the state of Facility Three, and the casualties are only going to increase, and that is why you have to get out before they decide to bomb the whole facility. So you need to trust me, Three, and do exactly as I say, please. Do you understand, Three?"

"Fine. It's not like I have anything better to do" I begrudgingly agree. "But who is the COC?"

"Yes, about the COC. They are a secretive and powerful group of people that could rival the League of Assassins in some fashion and are being directed by a former old friend of mine… old rival, they call themselves the Circle Of Chaos but we can talk about them later, now is not the time. I'll explain everything later, once you get out of here."


"Alright… what do you need me to do?" I question with a hint of exasperation, and the doctor wastes no time in telling me what to do.

"In your hand is a prototype device for various medical purposes that I developed, and the main one is to induce temporary loss of sensation below the neck and prevent agonizing suffering from reaching the brain and causing the patient's mind to shut down without the need for anesthesia. Deathstroke is in a lot of pain right now from what I could tell so this should help with whatever is happening to him. Just attach the ring-shaped device to his neck."

I looked at the ring-shaped device in my hand and back at the mercenary, I nodded and began to move towards him. "Okay. You can help him, right Doc?"

"I have a few ideas in mind but not all of them are guaranteed and the process is going to be painful as hell for the mercenary but he is strong, and I believe he can pull through. But It should buy him enough time At least for a while. Now go! After you are done with the mercenary, regroup with Cheshire, and follow her lead, we will meet again, Three or… Captain Gallahan."

"Okay," I reply, and then the phone goes dead, and the connection cuts off, leaving me with a bunch of questions that need to be answered, and no time to do it.

I walked towards the mercenary, his face was covered with sweat and he was breathing heavily, and his teeth were clenched tightly together, and his whole body was shaking and convulsing slightly. The vein was more black and the corruption had spread further, his eyes were closed, and his breathing was labored, he was obviously in a lot of pain.

I put the phone aside and knelt down next to the mercenary. Before trying to tinker with the medical device. I took a look at the ring-shaped device in my hand but it was more like a collar of some kind, and the device opened, and I attached the ring-shaped device around the mercenary's neck and the device beeped.






Then the ring-shaped device let out a loud *ping* sound, and I could see the ring-shaped device begin to glow and pulsate as it began to do its work and I could see that the mercenary visibly relaxed and the tension in his muscles eased up a bit. I could even feel the slight heat radiating from the glowing ring but for now, it seems that the mercenary was stabilized.


With that taken care of, I took the phone and then began to approach the assassin and the Kryptonian pod, the pod was open but there wasn't anything inside, and the raven-hair femme fatale was leaning on it with something in her hand, as she watched me approach with a slight smirk on her face, she kept looking me up and down causing me to look at her questioningly.

"Why the hell do you keep looking at me like that?" I inquired with a raised brow and Cheshire's Grin only widened. "Is there something on my face?"

"Hmm… close, Captain Gallahan, but no it is not that." The assassin approached slowly with a sway in her hips, her emerald eyes glinted mischievously. "You are shirtless."

I frowned when I realized that she was right and wondered how I had not noticed that before. Being spattered with the acidic liquid must have caused the fabric to melt away but luckily my pants remained intact somewhat or we are going to have a very different story here. Either way, it was not important and I don't have time for this, and neither did the assassin.

"I have no shirt on, so?"

"Nothing," The raven-haired woman smirked. "It's just a shame that you are going to have to put a shirt back on. You are quite an eye candy if I have to say so myself, Captain. A fine specimen."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere." I rolled my eyes at how blatant the femme fatale was as I handed her the phone.

"Aww, too bad, but anyway" Cheshire pouted cutely as she put the phone away in her utility belt before giving me a familiar device of some kind which turned out to be the biowatch to me. "I believe that this is your?"

I cautiously took the device from her hand and put it back on my wrist, I looked at it for a moment and cursed silently. It looked to be completely dead or unresponsive and I tried to tinker with it for a moment before sighing in complete disappointment to myself before looking back up at her.

"Okay then, uh... thank you?" I replied, unsure of what else to say.

"Anytime, Handsome," Cheshire said, giving me a dazzling smile.

"Wait… Where is Doctor Hamilton?" I Questioned As I was suddenly reminded of the traitor. "Where is that Asshole?"

"Not sure… I didn't see where the guy went after the explosion because… Well… I was entirely focused on the battle between you and the bug monsters." The assassin shrugged helplessly which made me mutter a curse before I shook my head in disappointment. "Don't worry captain, Hamilton will get what he deserves, you can count on that, but for now, let's wake up our Kryptonian friend and get out of here."

"Hmm…Fine… but are you sure?." I question with a hesitant tone in my voice. "This is the Kryptonian we are talking about here… Sure, she is just a clone but a Kryptonian nonetheless, are you sure she is not dangerous and will not freak out or anything once she is out of the pod? And are you sure this is a good idea? This girl could be a ticking time bomb waiting to explode for all we know."

"Oh, Don't worry about her, Captain. The doctor has assured me that Miss Galatea here has been "fixed"…" I raise an eyebrow at the word *Fixed* in the air quote. "…by her, whatever she means, and is very stable from last time and will be more than willing to cooperate once she wakes up, So don't worry about her freaking out, Captain. The doctor is completely confident that everything is under control and… She hasn't let me down yet so I trust her." The assassin has a faraway look with a hint of a smile as she suddenly puts her hand on my shoulder. "…So you should too."

I looked at her questionably when she said that. "Huh… sound to me that you and the doctor are close?"

"Hmm… Let's just say that she helped me out in a very difficult period of my life, and I am forever grateful for her help, and because of that, I owe her a debt. I would do anything to repay the doctor, and I mean anything. And if the Doctor is saying that we can trust the clone and that we need her, then I'm going to trust her and her judgment."

"Uh-huh. Fine, I'll take your word for it. Do what you have to do. But if something goes wrong, I am blaming you." I warned Cheshire.

"I can live with that," The raven-haired woman agreed with a smile as she put her hand off my shoulder before she reached into her bags and pulled out some sort of strange-looking yet sleek USB device before inserting it into a well-hidden slot, the pod suddenly beeped, and all of a sudden, the bottom inside of the pod suddenly opened allowing a bit of white mist to come out before something… a glass tank begins to rise out of the pod.

And inside of the large glass Tank… my god…

The girl… no… the gorgeous woman was the right word, in the tank was simply stunning. Probably one of the most beautiful women I ever laid my eyes on and if the pictures and news were accurate, it was almost the spitting image of her genetic template, Supergirl, only taller and a little more mature, but still possessing a girlish charm. The beautiful blonde-haired woman was sleeping peacefully and had this ethereal visage, her eyes were closed, her eyelashes were long, her lips were full and kissable, her skin was flawless, and her blonde hair was in a curly bob-cut style.

The beautiful naked blonde-haired woman had a tall and slender hourglass figure and was adorned with a big yet perfectly rounded bosom, wide hips, and a shapely bottom, her breasts were perfect globular teardrop-shaped melons with rosy nipples. There was a patch of blonde pubic hair between her legs, and her legs were long, lean, and toned. She was breathtaking, and the beautiful blonde-haired woman looked so delicate, innocent, and fragile, and it is almost hard to imagine that she could tear a mountain in half if she wanted to.


All of a sudden the pod beeped, the fluid in the large tank began to drain, and then it opened. The Kryptonian clone's eyes fluttered open and her gaze focused first on me, the blue vibrant of her eyes widened then she turned to look at the other women in the room. She looked confused and disoriented, and she was breathing heavily for some reason, her ample fleshing mound rising and falling…

I felt my face burning hot then shook my head, and suddenly was reminded of the fact that I was staring at a really naked and really beautiful woman. I coughed awkwardly, trying to calm myself down and look away, spotting the raven-haired femme fatale with a faint blush on her cheeks also.

"Daddy? Mommy?"




"Huh? What the Fuck?" I blurted out in confusion at the blonde-haired clone. "What did you just say?"


I blinked multiple times in total bafflement, not quite believing what I was hearing, and saw the clone's gaze focused on me. Her eyes were filled with hope and desperation, and I saw tears welling up. But before I could say anything else, the Kryptonian clone tried to get up out of the pod only for the clone bombshell to suddenly fall forward with a yelp but before she could face planted into the ground. I moved quickly and swiftly like a blur and before I could comprehend what I was doing, I was able to catch her in time, her supple body was pressed against mine, and her bare breasts were pushed against my own, I felt the heat rising to my cheeks again when I felt her nipple hardened.

"Are you okay, miss?" I shook my head and asked worriedly, helping the clone stand up, and keeping my gaze locked on her face, avoiding the temptation to look down. That was when I noticed that the Supergirl clone wasn't completely nude because around her neck was a very familiar power negation collar… like the one I wore when I first woke up here in Cadmus Alpha.

"I'm fine, Daddy," the clone replied, smiling brightly, her eyes were full of adoration and love. "I knew both of you would save me. I always had faith in you, Mommy and Daddy."



"Doc… What have you done…" Cheshire muttered quietly behind me and I couldn't help but agree with the raven-hair woman… but before I could say anything else, we then suddenly heard a familiar yet also awful screeching noise followed by the numerous sounds of shambling coming closer towards us…


Goddamit… Can I please catch a fucking break here for once…


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoy it. As always, please remember to leave a review and tell me what you think.