
The System: Resistance of the Marginalized

In a world ruled by a powerful technological system, a marginalized young man named Alex seeks revenge for the death of his parents, who opposed the system's control. With the help of a rebel group, Alex infiltrates the system and uncovers its dark secrets. Meanwhile, Alex must fight to increase, improve, and understand more skills, which will make him a target for the system's forces.

exial_31 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

The sun had not yet risen when Alex woke up early that morning. He got up from his hammock and began to carefully prepare for his journey, packing provisions and making sure his machete was sharp. He knew today was the day he would finally leave his tribe and travel throughout the jungle region in search of help for his mission to destroy the system and avenge his parents' death. The weight of his mission was overwhelming, but determination burned in his chest. For too long, the system had oppressed the marginalized, and now was his time to act. Alex wondered what he would find outside the jungle, what the people and the landscape would be like. Would he find new allies in his fight, or only enemies? Despite all these questions, he had never felt so hopeful. The fight against the system had begun, and he was willing to lead it to the end, honoring the memory of his parents and defending the marginalized from oppression.

As he left his hut, Alex met his friends and fellow tribesmen who were waiting to say goodbye. "Good morning, Alex!" said his friend Julio with a smile. "Are you ready to leave?"

"I am ready," Alex replied with determination. "Today is the day I finally leave the jungle in search of help for our mission."

His friends' eyes shone with the sadness of seeing Alex go, but also with the hope that he would succeed in his mission. "We'll miss you, friend," said one of them sadly.

Alex said goodbye to them with a hug, feeling a lump in his throat. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon with more allies for our fight," he promised firmly. "I can't stay here while the system continues to oppress our people."

His friends nodded silently, knowing that Alex was right. As he walked away from the village, Alex promised himself that he would do everything in his power to find help and avenge his parents' death.

"Don't forget about me," exclaimed a young man as he approached Alex.

This young man is Diego, a dark-skinned and muscular young man, typical of someone who has grown up in the jungle and is used to physical work in his day-to-day life. His hair is black and short, with a few strands falling over his forehead. He has thick eyebrows and an angular face with marked features. His brown eyes are bright, with a shrewd look that reveals his intelligence. He wears comfortable and simple clothes, usually made of natural materials like cotton or linen, which allow him to move easily in the jungle. He carries a backpack on his back, in which he keeps his tools and provisions for the journey.

"Of course not, I would never forget about you," Alex responded without surprise at Diego's presence. He had been his friend since childhood and had always been by his side to help him in his adventures. In fact, Alex couldn't see himself traveling anywhere without his faithful and reliable friend by his side.

Alex and Diego headed to the nearby river, where a small boat was waiting for them to take them through the jungle and out of their region. As they made their way down the river, Alex looked back and saw the dense and lush jungle behind them. It was the home he had known all his life, but also the place where he had lost his parents at the hands of the system.

As they sailed, Alex couldn't get the night everything changed out of his mind. The night he lost the most precious thing he had: his parents. It was a dark and stormy night, the wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling relentlessly, as if the sky was crying for what was about to happen.

Alex was trying to sleep in his hammock, but something inside him kept him awake. He heard footsteps outside and knew that something was wrong. He quickly got out of his hut and found himself in the most terrible scene of his life. His parents, brave jungle warriors, fighting for their lives and for the life of their son, against several armed men.

Alex tried to help them, but there were too many of them, his father fell to the ground and his mother pounced on one of the attackers, giving her son time to escape. Alex ran towards the jungle, his heart pounding heavily in his chest and tears running down his face. He knew his life had changed forever.

Now, sailing down the river, sadness and anger mixed inside him. He couldn't help but feel that he had to do something to avenge the death of his parents and to fight for his people. He looked towards the dense and lush jungle they were leaving behind, and knew he was leaving his home, but he also knew he was seeking justice and a better future for his tribe.

The boat stopped at the riverbank and Alex and Diego jumped onto solid ground. The jungle stretched out before them, imposing and majestic, but also unknown and dangerous. The trees were taller and denser, the vines thicker and the leaves sharper. The humidity in the air was heavy and the heat suffocating, but Alex and Diego advanced with bravery and determination.

Alex knew the jungle could be treacherous, so he made sure to be attentive to every sound and movement around him. He kept his senses alert, listening to the birdsong and the buzzing of insects, watching the movement of the leaves and the trail of the animals. Diego followed his example, trying to adapt as quickly as possible to this new environment.

Every step they took brought them closer to their goal: to find allies in the fight against the system. Alex was determined not to let his parents' death be in vain. He remembered his father's teachings on how to survive in the jungle and put them into practice. He knew how to find food and water, how to build shelters, and how to protect himself from the dangers of the jungle.

Excitement pulsed in his chest as they advanced further and further into the heart of the jungle. Adventure awaited them and they knew it wouldn't be easy, but they were prepared to face any challenge that came their way. Alex felt determined to do whatever it took to achieve his goal and bring justice to his parents. The jungle could be hostile, but it was also full of possibilities and exciting adventures that they were willing to explore.

After a long and exhausting walk, Alex and Diego finally arrived at the village, surrounded by a thick green cloak of vegetation. The village looked like a postcard from an ancient time, with small wooden huts and palm leaves rising in harmony with the nature that surrounded them. The market in the center was full of life and activity, with villagers selling and buying their products. The laughter and shouts of the children filled the air as they played in a corner of the market.

Despite the cheerful atmosphere, Alex and Diego remained alert, aware that they were in unfamiliar territory and that their mission was not an easy matter. As they advanced cautiously, they noticed that some villagers were observing them with curiosity, as if they were foreigners who had arrived in an unknown place.

Alex approached a middle-aged man who was selling fruits and asked if he knew anyone who could help him in his mission. After listening to Alex's story, the man suggested that he speak with an elder from a nearby tribe who was known for his wisdom and experience in fighting oppressors. Alex thanked the man for his help and followed his directions, with Diego closely following him. They walked for several hours through narrow and dense trails, navigating natural obstacles and avoiding dangerous creatures that lurked in the jungle.

Finally, they arrived at a small community hidden among the trees that seemed to be from another time. The community was made up of mud and thatch huts, surrounded by fruit trees and gardens. As they approached, a wise old man with a long white beard came out to meet them. He was a man of wise appearance and advanced age, with deep wrinkles and a look full of knowledge and experience. Alex introduced himself and explained his situation, seeking his advice and help in the fight against the system. The elder listened attentively to Alex's story, nodding occasionally and meditating silently for a while.

After a few minutes of reflection, the elder spoke with a calm and wise voice: "Son, the fight against oppressors is a difficult and dangerous task. But if you want to succeed, you must seek allies everywhere, not just in this tribe, not even just in this region. You must gather allies from all regions to be able to do something meaningful. I am willing to help you, but first you must earn the respect and trust of my tribe. Show us that you are a brave and just warrior, and then we will help you in your fight." Alex nodded with determination and respect, thanking the elder for his advice and accepting the challenge. He knew he had found an important ally in his fight against the system, and he was determined to do what it takes to gain his support.

The wise old man stared at Alex with his penetrating gaze, as if he could read his soul and determination. Alex felt both nervous and excited, knowing that he had the opportunity to earn the respect and trust of the tribe. "How can I do that?" he asked the elder. "What must I do to show that I am a brave and just warrior?"

The elder gave Alex some instructions on how to earn the respect of the tribe, explaining that he must demonstrate his ability to hunt and gather food, his physical and mental strength, and his ability to work as a team. Alex nodded in understanding towards the elder, feeling excited at the challenge and the opportunity to prove his worth.

Alex and Diego worked hard to earn the respect of the tribe. They spent their days hunting, fishing, and gathering food with the members of the tribe, and learning about medicinal plants and the nature that surrounded them. Alex also demonstrated his ability in combat and defending the tribe when they had a confrontation with a dangerous creature.

Over time, the tribe began to trust Alex and considered him a friend and ally in their fight against oppressors. Alex felt honored and grateful for the opportunity to earn their trust and respect, and he knew that he had found a home in the jungle.

With his new group of allies, Alex was ready to face the challenges that came his way in his fight against the system. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to do whatever it took to achieve his goal. He knew that his determination and commitment to the cause were stronger than any obstacle that presented itself.

Alex knew that this would be a long and difficult struggle, but he was determined to continue until the end, honoring the memory of his parents and defending the marginalized from the oppression of the system. With his cunning and intelligence, and the help of his new allies, he was ready to face any obstacle that came his way.

Hi guys, here's a new chapter, I hope you like it and enjoy reading it.

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