
The System of Reincarnation

When one gets summoned to the other world they probably act as hero to the realm. Though Kore shortly after getting summoned gets slaughtered by the king and reincarnates thinking 'Lets Kick this king's ass'

Somnusnorth · Fantasía
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36 Chs


"Kore! Kore!" A teacher yelled at a student who was sleeping during the class.

The classroom began to be filled with laughter and chatter about the sleeping student, Kore.

When the loudness of the room peaked to a point that it would wake up even the heaviest of sleepers, So the student named Kore slowly opened his eyes and sat up, looking calmly at the teacher screaming at him.

"Is something wrong?" He spoke. Normally, saying something like that would upset every teacher out there in the world, but that was just who Kore was.

"Look, I don´t care if you have perfect scores and that despite sleeping in class, but don´t snore that loud." The teacher calmed down and sighed, "Next time I´m going to stuff your mouth so you don´t distract the other students."

"Sure." Kore said as he stood up, "I'm going to the bathroom."

The teacher sighed again "Please don´t come back" he said under his breath so no one could hear.

Kore was on the hallway on the way to the bathroom. ´That teacher is annoying´ He thought ´Didn´t they tell the teachers to be careful around me? Well. It´s not like there is much trauma left from my parents' death. ´

Seven years ago, when Kore was 10 years old, his parents, at least his mom was his blood-related parent, got married and went on their honeymoon. At least, that was what they had planned. When Kore and his elder sister were at home, they got a call that their parents' plane crashed. The two of them only had each other after that. Their real father was a criminal and was in prison. Their parents never wanted to tell Kore why he was there, but he didn't even remember his face, so he didn't care.

The next few years, Kore often missed school and stayed at home. Because he didn't have anything to do there, he basically taught himself and even learned things far above his grade through books.

Anyways, back to the current time.

17-year-old Kore walked to the bathroom when he saw a person wearing a white robe with a few red and blue lines on it. ´ Is it Halloween already? ´ He thought. The person walked the same way as Kore and even walked in the boy's bathroom. Kore didn´t want to look like he was following the robed figure, so he walked slowly in the bathroom but as he did, he saw the person with the robe standing there waiting for him.

Kore was startled and swiftly went around the corner, but as Kore did, the person grabbed Kore on the forehead and pushed him on the ground.

That person had immense strength, which Kore couldn´t even think about resisting. A smile could be seen under the hood of the robed person when under both of them a dark shadow formed in which they both sunk in. It all happened so fast that Kore couldn't even try to scream for help.

When both of them completely sank into the darkness, the shadow vanished. They emerged from the floor into a big room with many robed people. The person who pushed Kore to the ground stood up from the floor and went to the side when another person came but without the robe. He looked like he was around 60 to 70 years old and was dressed really nicely. "Welcome to our world" The old guy spoke excited. "My name is Theodore vi Grisgame and I´m the King of the Grisgame kingdom."

Kore also decided to stand up and looked the king directly in his eyes and after that looked around the room, which seemed to have some kind of mark all over the room. Even one big one on the floor where they were standing. "Hey old dude." Kore stated, "Did I just get kidnapped?"

The two guards that were also in the room quickly rushed to Kore "Be more respectful to the king!" They shouted. "Hahaha. It's fine. " The king laughed it off, "He just got summoned from another world, so he must be shocked. And yes, I'm not exactly in my prime these days, so it's alright to return to your positions."

"Yes Sir!" The guards said as they went back to where they stood before.

"The name is Kore" Kore said. "So would you mind explaining now why you kidnapped me or like you call it, summoned me?" The king laughed again spoke "Of course but we have to do a quick check-up to see if the summoning affected your health." Kore nodded and the two went in another room that was just next to the room he'd been summoned in.

It looked like a normal room for a doctor except that it had an orb of the size of a watermelon floating in it. "If you would please touch that orb. We will see the results right here" The king said excited as he looked at some kind of tablet made out of wood.

Kore sighed and put his hand on the orb while looking to the king ´I hate that guy. He gives me a weird feeling. ´ He thought.

The smile on the king's face seemed to remain until it dropped in an instant. "That´s nothing again. Please clean it up" The king said as he left the room back to the summoning hall.

"Wait wha-?" Kore wanted to say but one guard swiftly slammed his head on the ground but this time there was no shadow in which they sank in. The only thing there was a sword pointed at Kore´s face and- it went black.

[Reincarnation System Installed]

[Starting Reincarnation]


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