
The System of Prosperity: The Ring of Wisdom

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/zyrcVGTe In the bustling city of Starcity, where modern science and technology reign supreme, a resilient orphan named Lucien defies all odds to rise to the top of the prestigious Alderbrook University. He's a double major in Business Management and Science, armed with an unparalleled intellect and unwavering determination. However, his intellect and superior mindset also causes bitterness among his peers. As Lucien approaches the final exam, his academic excellence becomes a catalyst for relentless bullying. Envious classmates subject him to a brutal physical assault that leaves him battered and on the brink of death. In his darkest hour, just as hope slips away, an extraordinary turn of events unfolds. The ring on his hand that he got from his parents started to shine, and his head began ringing, he felt unbearable pain, but after several minutes it was all gone. Suddenly a holographic screen appeared before his eyes and he finally understood what happened. He wasn't going crazy or dying, no, he actually got a system. With this enigmatic system as his guide, he embarks on a journey to not only survive, but to seek retribution by becoming the wealthiest man in the world. He wanted to stand above all and never be looked down upon again. In a society driven by cutting-edge technology and ambition, Lucien's quest for success and vengeance begins. With his newfound abilities, he stands poised to reshape the world as we know it. Discover the secrets hidden within the system as Lucien's journey unfolds, blurring the lines between science and ambition in "The System of Prosperity: The Ring of Wisdom". How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week! Author Note: It is completely fictional and not based on a real story, so do not take it too seriously. It is my first novel and will be something like a prototype, so if you want anything included you can write me, and I will try to incorporate it into this story. Hope you enjoy it and have an enjoyable time reading my novel. If there is anything wrong or if there are mistakes, please help me out and write them into the comments. Your Author, Easy :)

Easy_2560 · Fantasía
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26 Chs

The End or Not?

Lucien felt his head throbbing, waves of immense pain washing over him. It was as if a thousand needles were relentlessly piercing his skull, one after another, leaving no room to catch his breath. He clenched his teeth, his face contorting with determination. Surrendering was not an option; he knew that if he yielded to this agony, it would be the end of him. 

Inside his mind, he pleaded, repeating over and over that he had to endure, promising himself that if he survived this torment, he would never allow anyone to trample over him again. "I'll make it through! I've endured years of mental exhaustion and abuse, not because I'm extraordinary, but because my determination surpassed all others. I won't yield, no matter what!" Lucien screamed within the confines of his thoughts.

"I'm only 22... I won't let this pain take me!" he roared inwardly, even though outwardly, all that could be heard was his labored breathing. He was left with nothing but the silent screams inside his head. 

Seconds stretched into endless minutes, and finally, the pain began to recede. As it gradually subsided, he released a long, shuddering breath, collapsing onto the grass. He remained still, not moving a muscle, just drawing in one breath after another. 

Gradually, he became aware of his surroundings—the chirping of birds in the trees, the rustling of leaves, and the distant sounds of the world. It took a moment to recall where he was. "So, I'm still in my apartment..." he muttered softly to himself. 

Then, unexpectedly, a bell chimed, and his eyes shot open. 

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Three hours earlier, he had been pacing anxiously in his kitchen, glancing nervously at his phone's clock. It was as if he was waiting for something or someone, and that was precisely the case. Just two days ago, his bullies had issued a chilling ultimatum: leave Starcity, or they would hunt him down and kill him. 

The deadline loomed, and he hadn't left. He felt anxious and trapped, knowing that his bullies might carry out their threat. Not because he doubted them, but because he had nowhere else to go. 

He might be intelligent and have a resilient mind from years of adversity, but those attributes wouldn't save him. He needed money and shelter. His problem was that he had neither. Every penny he earned went toward rent and food. Fortunately, his scholarship covered his tuition, but after paying his exorbitant rent, there was hardly anything left for food. 

His phone rang, and he anxiously glanced at the screen, dreading what might be on it. To his relief, it was just his aunt and uncle sending him messages of encouragement for his final exams. They probably knew it wasn't helping him much, but it was their way of showing support. 

His aunt and uncle don't have much money, and have a daughter who is six years younger than him, who is currently in high school and soon to attend university. They've been saving money for her education for years to ensure she doesn't have to worry about her study fees. It's not that they're poor, but after his parents passed away, they did their best to take care of them four, including Lucien but their jobs didn't pay enough to support them all. As a result, he had to go to an orphanage when he was 12 years old. 

Being a teenager already, he was considered too old for most families, and others found excuses to bring him back to the orphanage. So, he focused on his studies. He was always brighter and more gifted than others, quickly becoming the top of his class and ahead of his peers in terms of academics. He spent countless hours in the library, reading books on science and business-related subjects, which gave him a wealth of knowledge. 

As he excelled in school, some universities offered him scholarships, but he aimed for the best university. He sent his essays and thesis to top universities and was fortunate to receive a full scholarship to Alderbrook University, the country's top institution. He was elated when he started university, thinking that the bullying from high school would stop, but it intensified instead. 

Alderbrook University was full of students from wealthy backgrounds, and he became an outcast from day one. Some girls talked to him initially because of his appearance, he had white hair with dark brown strands, was 1.79cm tall and really skinny because of his food situation, but for the other boys, it was just another reason to bully him. So, the bullying he thought he had left behind in high school resurfaced, even more severe than before. 

He gradually withdrew and didn't communicate much with his aunt and uncle because he didn't want them to find out. He knew they couldn't afford to upset anyone at the school, and he didn't want to implicate them. So, he remained silent, focused on his studies, and climbed to the top of his class and then to the top of the whole school, hoping for a better future. 

But then, two days ago, he received a deadline from his bullies. He had always been their target because he was better than them, and they didn't like that. Now, he was scared, waiting for any sign or message from them, all because of his existence and his achievements. 

His phone's alarm jolted him back to the present. He looked at the cracked screen and saw that the deadline set by his tormentors had passed. He waited anxiously for several minutes, but there was no knocking on his door, no threatening messages or calls. He breathed a sigh of relief. 

It seemed that, for the moment, he was safe. He took a moment to gather his thoughts and consider his options. He didn't believe that they would let him go scot-free after showing up on campus for the final exams tomorrow. But he also knew that he had to go; it was the last step before his graduation, and afterward, he could hopefully secure a job with a reputable company and finally achieve freedom. 

He knew he couldn't simply stay in his apartment, but he was also aware that going out posed the danger of encountering Francis and his friends. So, he quickly prepared a meal for himself and resolved to stay home until the final exams were over. 

Once he had finished eating, he settled onto his couch, put on his headphones, and played some tranquil and soothing music. Closing his eyes, he attempted to unwind and find some peace. 

Suddenly, he felt strong hands grip his arms. His eyes snapped open, and there stood a young man, about his age, with ash-blonde hair, a slight build, and a protruding belly. He wore a smirk as he stared at him, and anger surged within him as soon as he recognized him. 

"Francis, what are you doing here? Why are your henchmen holding me down?" he demanded. Despite his predicament, he wasn't afraid; instead, he was filled with anger, not only toward Francis but also toward himself for thinking that Francis wouldn't come for him, even though he knew all too well that they had threatened to kill him if he didn't leave. 

Glancing around, he noticed two of Francis's henchmen restraining his arms, with two more pinning down his legs. Francis approached, their faces inches apart. A swift kick to his gut made him cough, causing everything to momentarily blur. 

Then came a stinging slap. 

His vision cleared, but his cheek stung. Francis glared at him, spit flying into his face. "Since when did you find the courage to speak to me like that?" he sneered, his grin widening. 

He struggled against his captors, but they held him firmly, regarding him as though he was a mere insect that they could crush at any moment. Francis laughed and drew even closer. "It appears that the rat has nothing more to say. Let's get this over with. You knew the consequences of not heeding our warning. You're about to find out just how real they are." 

Lucien met Francis's gaze with defiance, then spat in his direction. "You're despicable, Francis. You're nothing without your family's connections. With your brain, you're as insignificant as a speck of dust. I would have loved to watch you ruin your family's business with your stupidity. It wouldn't have taken long," he taunted, grinning as he watched Francis's face flush with anger. 

In response, Francis lunged at him, seizing him, and subjected him to a flurry of blows and merciless kicks. His henchmen joined in the assault, and soon, everything faded to black, and he lost consciousness. 

When he finally roused himself from the abyss, his body was wracked with excruciating pain. It wasn't his first encounter with such torment, but this time, the intensity was beyond anything he had experienced before, and it might very well be his last. 

Lucien let out a pained grunt, the agony pulsating throughout his entire being as he struggled to regain consciousness. It was a familiar, harrowing ordeal, yet this time, it felt more brutal than ever, possibly even life-threatening. 

With deliberate effort, he tried to open his eyes, but his vision remained blurry, and his head throbbed relentlessly. 

Reaching up to touch his face, he realized that blood was trickling down his cheek. It was a grim sign, and yet, an odd sense of calm washed over him. Thoughts of reuniting with his long-lost parents, after years of separation, filled his mind, and he welcomed the prospect. 

Then, out of the darkness, an intense light seized his attention. Lifting his arm, he noticed the ring his parents had given him. Its glow emanating not from the ring itself, but from the ancient runes etched into its surface, he never noticed them before. 

His vision began to fade once more, and he slipped back into unconsciousness, the pain and despair threatening to engulf him entirely. 

As he lay unconscious, the ancient ring he wore began to react, its once-dormant runes awakening with an insatiable hunger. The spilled blood on his face and body seemed to invigorate the runes, causing them to glow brighter and more vivid with each passing moment. 

Deep within his subconscious, a distant bell chimed, and a mysterious panel materialized before him, its cryptic messages slowly filling his field of view. 

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