
Глава 2: Десять отжиманий!

"Pfft, too easy!" Lee snorted, easily agreeing to complete his first task from the system and taking a comfortable pose for this, that is, for seemingly ordinary push—ups from the floor.

Ten push-ups? No problem!

In his previous life, he did a lot more of them, and the original Rock, judging by the memories, was not physically weak, since he constantly trained on the edge. The kid showed himself from the side of that masochist, because not being able to do one thing, a student of the Shinobi Academy immediately took on another, thereby often dying by the end of the day from fatigue.

But he didn't give up, which is very commendable!

It's just a pity...

In this cruel reality, something definitely went wrong with Li's fate...

"Okay, let's not talk about sad things!" — the guy put an end to his thoughts, deliberately bumping his forehead on the wooden floor. The fact is that he just didn't want to continue to overshadow his life with excessive worries for nothing. After all, there is no way to fix the past.

However, Lee then pursed his lips and put on a confident grin of a man who will not give up on the desire to become a master of martial arts, or rather a master of Taijutsu.

Having taken the position of the stop lying on the floor, Rock Lee exhaled, and then the next moment he felt pressure on his back, comparable to how a mountain descends on you along with an ice block in the appendage, not even allowing you to straighten your trembling hands. From such a round eyes naturally bulged, and thick black eyebrows terribly frowned.

"What the... Unless at first the system throws up such unimaginable difficulties... Was it really imposed on me... Some kind of damn magic or jutsu with the attribute of gravity!" — the guy reflected in real shock, having managed to do push-ups only once and then with difficulty and with a squeak in his teeth.

After doing push-ups a couple more times, Lee could no longer feel his hands. The body quickly became numb, and did not really obey, as if it whispered to give up and stop squeezing the last juices out of itself to the sounds of sagging wooden floor boards. However, is this the way out?

"I don't know... What awaits me for failure... But if there is a fine, then I definitely don't want to fall under it..."―thoughts flowed slowly and abruptly, as long as only a guttural growl came out of his mouth.

Maybe it would be much easier if the chakra in his body circulated more actively, bringing cheerfulness, but under the weight of gravity increased several times is it possible to use such, especially when it comes to such an inept student of the Shinobi Academy, and in fact a hitman without practice?

Accordingly, after counting eight push-ups, Lee stopped seeing anything, because sweat simply obscured the view for the eyes, and the lungs were clogged with incoming air. The muscles threatened to clog with hateful cramps and convulsions, so the pressure was impossible. It seemed as if the muscle tissue would tear and spill blood in all directions. However, the fear of the unknown served as an excellent motivation not to be saved in the end.

And exactly on the cherished ten, some doubts were sharpened in the mind of the guy...

If even more hellish exercises go on, is it worth ruining yourself? Isn't that how he ends up exactly the same as the original Rock Lee? What is all this for? To feel like a good fellow, and then die alone from overexertion?

Maybe it's better to finally give up then...


"No!" the current Lee exclaimed to himself at the same moment, whose round eyes instantly opened wide and then turned red due to the stinging and dripping sweat from his forehead. He lifted his heavy body in the plank pose for the last time with a corresponding ragged cry, as if from the very underworld:


And then I received a cherished notification from the system with a predominant cold and mechanical voice:

[The infernal exercise has been completed!]

[Congratulations to the user]

[You can pick up the bronze box from the inventory]

"I didn't even get any bonuses... It is indeed a hellish and merciless system... Just some push—ups, but what did it lead to..." - the guy immediately fell face down in a puddle of his sweat, not being able to not just stupidly get up and sit down, forget it, but there was simply no adequate strength to lift his head. He was squeezed to the last.

It remained only to take a breath in silence under the sun, but still rejoicing that the pressure had disappeared and now Lee could at least take a break and relax to begin with.

[Name: Rock Lee]

[Shinobi Rank: Academy student]

[Health: 90%]

[Endurance: 5%]

[Chakra: 100%]

[Taijutsu Rank: C]

[Ninjutsu Rank: —]

[Genjutsu Rank: —]


[List of hellish exercises: 3]

― Hey, how's my son doing?

Suddenly, the calm was broken by a loud and energetic voice. A man with shoulder-length black hair and round eyes with eyelashes that were clearly inherited climbed into the open window of the room. He was wearing a typical greenish Shinobi bulletproof vest, as long as the protector with the symbol of the Village Hidden in the Foliage was on his forehead. A wide snow-white smile of a fool adorned his face.

It would be more accurate to say, she decorated it until the so-called father noticed his half-dead son from fatigue…

― Rock!

A man screamed in panic, abruptly turning over the lying young man and hugging him with a tragic and idiotic face, almost with tears wailing the following:

― Rock! I knew that your frenzied training would not lead to good, but... so much! Rock! Can you hear me? Say something, son!

And such veal tenderness continued with signs of tactless stirring until Lee gathered his strength and whispered a quiet and dry:

― Leave me alone…

― Oh! So you're all right! That's good! ― the man nodded with lightning speed, putting his son on his feet and finally letting him go into "free swimming", when the latter was nevertheless able to fully stand on his own two feet, albeit a little staggering.

"Father Rock Lee… By the name of Song Lee… In the anime, it seems like it was never shown, although many parents were left behind the scenes ..." ― the guy noticed this detail, wiping the remnants of moisture from his face with the sleeve of a sweat-soaked kimono shirt. However, he still felt dizzy and sleepy. In addition, the status in the system indicated that a twelve-year-old student of the academy had spent as much as 85% of the original number of stamina during the performance of just one exercise.

But what! Hell, if anything!

― Okay… Rock, I understand your desire to follow in your father's footsteps, but... it will be very difficult for you without Ninjutsu and Genjutsu even in the rank of Chunin, and there's nothing to say about Jonin, so you don't need to overdo it, right?

In the end, the first did not delay the silence between father and son, having given out what he had given out. But Lee fell silent, not talking, not only because of general fatigue, but also simply because he did not know exactly how to communicate with a seemingly close person, and it seems that he did not, because he only occasionally flashed in someone else's memory for him.

Therefore, he only nodded, but did not take seriously the words of the so-called eternally busy "father".

"They don't believe in me... however, I have a bronze box that I got as a reward after completing the first exercise. I don't know what will happen there, but ... with him, I will most likely be able to ascend to a higher level than some student of the Shinobi Academy ... Well, at least I hope so ... Ha ha ha, another world and rebirth… Unimaginable stupidity..." — that's what contradictory thoughts were wandering in Lee's head now…