

"Is that so? So there is no place for other women in your life?"

"It all depends on feelings, my dear princess. Love can flare up unexpectedly

for the creature it attracts," - Rohen answered softly. - "It's unpredictable."

"Do you have many lovers?"

"A very personal question. I am an ancient multidimensional being.

What do you think?"

"A lot, I suppose," - Zarmina grinned. - "How about friendship? I like you."

"What do you like in me? My appearance or my status?"

"Rohen, you are so different from the syrinxes. You don't flirt over any

carnal desires either. Your restraint is attractive."

"I am a warrior and a protector above all. Are not you tired of men's


"Yes, over three hundred years of my life, I have accumulated fatigue

from the endless series of spouses and childbirths. I am looking for a calm

relationship without intimacy, but aristocrats treat me in user's manner and

therefore none of them arouses awe in my soul, no matter how handsome he

is. My heart seems to have cooled down and there is no inspiration to live


"How sad! Your soul needs oblivion. I can arrange this."

"No, I don't want to lose my memory and experience at all. I need one

constant friend who would understand and support me."

"What kind of man do you see next to you?" - The phoenix's voice sounded


"Caring and kind, who is interested in communicating with me besides

bodily pleasures."

"As far as I know, syrinxes are almost always caring and attentive, and

also quite self-sufficient, preferring male friends for conversations. It's hard

to know who you'd like."

"Are you saying that the ideal guy for me does not exist?"

"As you describe, there are such persons. I know them well. The only

question is, can they love you?"

"Do such men live on Zaria?" - The princess got excited.

"Not only there, there are plenty of them everywhere. In fact, the main

thing is an inexplicable gravitation. Your heart will beat with joy if you meet

such a guy. I'll introduce you to some of them someday. They will

undoubtedly be attracted by your beautiful singing."

"Do you know that I am a singer?" - Zarmina was surprised.

"Of course, honey! I know everything about everyone."


No matter how all-seeing Rohen was, one day he did not have time to

escape from Lamronius, who lay in wait and harshly grabbed him by the wing

in the hotel.

"You won't escape!" - The Ruler growled threateningly. - "Stop running

from me."

He pushed him into the room and closed the door.

"I will not move Farenia here. She got sick because of you."

"Why are you so worried about women?" - Lamronius was indignant.

- "You brainwash them, turn them against us."

"I just want happiness for you all! Let me go, you, monster, or you'll

regret it," - Rohen shouted.

The Archon loosened his grip.

"You run away from me all the time, how else can I stop you?"

"I will not fulfill your requests."

Lamronius let go of his wing, looking arrogantly at the Phoenix.

"Who gave you the right to interfere in our society? Your job is to kill

enemies. So do this."

"Ha, you still don't understand that I'm going to rule over all of you?

Victory over the enemy is just around the corner, soon you will have to pay

me back with your Kingdom."

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Edit and develop at my own discretion!"

Lamronius frowned, piercing him with his gaze.

"You will be executed for attempting to change the Government."

"Just try, and I will destroy you. These are not empty threats. I defeat a

countless army of Zirux and can definitely cope with the Archons. No magic

will save you if you contradict me. It is in your best interest to comply."

"What interests could I have in order to kneel before you?"

"You have everything except love. Princesses can barely tolerate you."

"Actually, I'm Lamori and I know how to please to the point of insanity."

"Yeah, and the woman you're in love with ran away from you."

"With your help!" - Lamronius got angry.

"The ability to please with love does not count, and the ladies are simply

afraid of you," - Rohen besieged him. - "Don't come as a phantom anymore: you

are killing Farenia with your energy. If you want to win her heart, then you need to

comply with her desires, and not take her by force. I can help if your pride


"Do I have any chance of meeting Farenia?"

"It depends on how much you are able to sacrifice for it."

"Do I need to sacrifice something?"

"Certainly!"- Rohen smiled. - "Think about what divides you."

"My size? But I can not shrink!"

"I can change any appearance! This is the ability of the Phoenix."

The Archon blinked his eyes in confusion and laughed nervously.

"Can you shrink me to the size of my son Lantas? I can't believe it! Are

you kidding?"

Rohen looked at him with a serious look.

"Of course, you won't want to give up your status as a giant Archon for

the sake of a Zarian princess, how naive I am. There are chances, but

thousand-year-old pride gets in the way."

"Indeed? Are you capable of this?"

"It's up to you to decide, my job is to offer!"