
Chapter 12 Disgust_1

Li Mingkai's temper as a privileged young master, because of Huang Jingli's reminder, he forcibly held back and did not show it.

Li Mingkai was in a bad mood, but he also knew that since he was new here, getting angry and offending people would be a mistake, so he turned his head and said nothing.

A flash of displeasure crossed Qi Dazhu's eyes, but to comply with the call to leadership, he couldn't afford to have a disagreement with these young people from the city here, especially since his late arrival was a mistake at work. He was almost fifty years old and didn't want to be petty with these youngsters from the city.

"Haha, the oxcart broke down on the road, and we're late, so please don't be angry," Qi Dazhu said heartily. "It's dark already, and we can't go any further. Director Wu, please give us a certificate so we can stay at the guesthouse for the night and leave early tomorrow morning."

"That's all we can do then," Director Wu said, looking over. "The four of you, follow Village Chief Qi and wait outside, I'll go make a certificate for you."

Li Mingkai didn't say a word, just took his things and walked out.

He Tiantian packed her things, carrying them in her hands and hanging them around her neck, looking quite burdened.

Qi Dazhu smiled and said, "You have so much stuff; let me take some for you," and without waiting for He Tiantian to express her thanks, he picked up He Tiantian's rattan suitcase and walked in front.

The other three, seeing Qi Dazhu help He Tiantian with her things, felt uneasy. They were also young people from the city; why should he treat He Tiantian differently? Just because He Tiantian had spoken well of them earlier?

Upon leaving the train station, they saw an oxcart a few dozen meters away.

Arriving at the oxcart, Qi Dazhu placed the rattan suitcase on the cart, wiped the sweat off his face, and said to the others, "Get on the cart and have a sit, we'll be going soon."

He Tiantian caught up, very politely saying, "Thank you, Village Chief Qi!"

"Haha, no need to be so polite, no need at all," the Village Chief Qi laughed, finding He Tiantian very agreeable. Those other three older city youngsters were not as polite as this girl. Too full of themselves; they really thought they were coming to the countryside for a good time!

They needed to be straightened out!

And as to how to straighten them out, that was for him, the village chief, to decide!

Lin Xiaoru settled her things and sat in the oxcart, suddenly smelling a strange odor. She turned her head and discovered a basket next to her. She quickly pinched her nose and complained, "Why is there cow dung on the cart, too? It stinks to death."

The oxcart driver, named Qi Ergou, a distant nephew of Village Chief Qi, was unhappy when he heard this, "This is all good fertilizer, why shouldn't it be brought along!"

Huang Jingli also pinched her nose and said, "Hurry up and throw it down, it's too smelly in the heat."

Disgusted by the dung, they should have the guts not to eat the grains grown from it!

Feeling looked down upon, both Qi Dazhu and Qi Ergou felt uncomfortable. But since these people had just arrived, they didn't want to gain a reputation for bullying at the train station.

He Tiantian settled her things and took a seat, saying, "I still have space here; put it by me."

In her previous life, He Tiantian had done dirtier, more difficult jobs, so why fear a basket of cow dung next to her? Now, chemical fertilizers were scarce, and most of what was used was still manure; when driving an oxcart, it was common to carry a basket to pick up cow dung.

In such a comparison between attitudes, the differences were clear to see.

Seeing He Tiantian take the initiative to have it placed by her, Lin Xiaoru, Huang Jingli, and Li Mingkai couldn't be more relieved! For the moment, they overlooked He Tiantian's slick nature.

Before long, Director Wu handed over the proof to Village Chief Qi, asking him to take a few young people from the city to the guesthouse for accommodation. Rooms were scarce, but fortunately, Qi Dazhu knew the people here, and he managed to get two rooms open. One room for men, one for women.

Each room had three beds but no bathroom. Bathing wasn't convenient; you had to go to the west end of the floor for the women's bathroom and the east for the men's. There were faucets inside; you just needed to collect some water to take a quick bath.

He Tiantian, who had stayed here in a previous lifetime, remembered this place. After getting to the room, she immediately grabbed her pajamas, washbasin, and her simple toiletry bag, and ran to the restroom to use the toilet and take a bath. By the time He Tiantian returned, Huang Jingli and Lin Xiaoru were still complaining about how hot the guesthouse was and how small the beds were.

"Eh?" Lin Xiaoru noticed He Tiantian's wet hair and that she had taken a bath and changed clothes, and she quickly asked, "Is there a shower room here?"

He Tiantian didn't really want to get along with Lin Xiaoru and Huang Jingli, but she didn't want to rebuff them completely. She was a young person from the city and couldn't break away from this circle. Plus, she was an adult, not fifteen; she had to deal with everyone with a mature attitude.

"There's no shower room, but there are two toilets. Inside one is the toilet, and behind a partition in the other you can take a bath. It's not hot water, but the weather is hot now, so the water isn't cold either. You two sisters should hurry and take a bath. You'll feel much more comfortable and cool when you get back," He Tiantian said with a light laugh, feeling refreshed now that she had a bath and gotten rid of that musty smell.

Previously, when Lin Xiaoru, Huang Jingli, and Li Mingkai had complained about the smell of cow dung, He Tiantian had thought to herself how the three of them had sat on a train for a day and night, sweating so much that their body odor was almost as bad as the cow dung.

Hearing what He Tiantian said, Lin Xiaoru and Huang Jingli also quickly grabbed their clothes and toiletries to go and take a shower.

He Tiantian was left alone in the room. She didn't idle about but stood by the window, letting the breeze dry her long hair.

Just then, Village Chief Qi came by, bringing with him three steamed buns, one for each of them.

"Girl, everything's expensive here, sorry for the inconvenience," Village Chief Qi said. "Make do with this for now. Once we get to the village, we'll give you some food supplies."

He Tiantian smiled and took the steamed bun, saying, "Having a steamed bun to eat doesn't inconvenience me at all! Thanks so much, Village Chief Qi."

"Don't call me Village Chief Qi. My daughter is about your age. Just call me Uncle Qi," Village Chief Qi said. He thought the young lady was sensible despite her youth.

"Thank you, Uncle Qi," said He Tiantian brightly, accepting the kindness shown. She couldn't refuse it. In the future, in the village, she would inevitably need to ask favors of Village Chief Qi. Leaving a good impression now would make things easier later.

"Alright, I won't intrude any longer. Have a good rest; I'm going down," Village Chief Qi said. After all, it wasn't appropriate for a man to stand too long at the doorstep of a room full of girls.

"Uncle Qi, take care," said He Tiantian, seeing Village Chief Qi off.

He Tiantian then went to get a bottle of hot water, waiting for Lin Xiaoru and Huang Jingli to come over so they could eat together.

Sure enough, before long, Lin Xiaoru and Huang Jingli returned after their baths.

Feeling refreshed and in high spirits, the two's mood improved significantly, and they started chatting and laughing.

"Hey, where did these steamed buns come from? Did you go out to buy them?" Huang Jingli asked. She had been hungry for a while.

"These were brought by Village Chief Qi, one for each of us. I've got some hot water, so both of you sisters should come and eat something," He Tiantian said with a smile. "I've been starving for a while now."

Lin Xiaoru and Huang Jingli found He Tiantian, the young girl, to be quite likable and considerate, as they drank the hot water together. For the moment, they forgot the morning's incidents and no longer ostracized He Tiantian.

Seeing that the two were no longer giving her sidelong glances, He Tiantian sighed with relief. Actually, there were no conflicting interests between them for now. Even if there were some minor displeasures, as long as one party gave the other face, the latter would be willing to step down.