
The Surrogate Father

How does it feel to get married because of the circumstances? If you refuse, you will deal with the police, but if you accept, it means admitting that she is a lowly woman who has done inappropriate things in someone's village. Adelia Nidya Adiwangsa is a beautiful, cheerful, and sociable twenty-one-year-old girl. Her mother has been gone since giving birth to her. For her father, Adelia was his only treasure. Something terrible happened to Adelia. Squeezed by circumstances makes the only choice, and a forced marriage ensues without his father's knowledge. ... “Mr. Chan Dewangga Putra, is it really you who have committed the theft?, "A policeman with a fierce face has stood before Chan and Adelia. “I didn't do it, sir?” “If not you. Where Were you when it happened?” Chan and Adelia thought hard. With a heavy exhale, Adelia spoke up, " he was with me last night Sir. We spent time together.” “Adelia, what are you saying? Are you out of your mind?” Immediately the police and citizens became more and more. “Adelia, are you sure?” “Adelia, take your words back!"Chan insisted against Adelia. "Yes sir. Last night he came to the Princess basecamp. And we did it.” Oh, my God! This is what it's like to get out of a lion's den and into a crocodile's den! What will happen to Adelia and Chan next? Enjoy the story of Adelia and the ambitious man Chan in 'The Surrogate Father '

Arsheto_Widhi · Urbano
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37 Chs

30. Shadow Puzzle

Hendra and Diyana are still in the CEO's office. The appearance is messy. Their shirts parted at the front, showing pure white breast skin without any bandage.


"Hendra has someone coming."

"Hurry up and hide Diyana. It's very dangerous if anyone who comes still sees you in this place." Diyana rushed to find a hiding place, she jumped behind the sofa while fixing her shirt and skirt that had barely slipped out of place.

"Ahem, please come in."

A man appeared from behind the door. He barged in with a tense face without the slightest smile. His two keen eyes examined every corner of Hendra's room. He suspected that his son was still playing with fire with his former Secretary.

"Papa, what is it? Are you looking for something?"

"Oh no. I just wanted to talk to you."

"Please sit down pa."

"Dad wanted to talk about what happened today Hendra. About it division. Did you already know that?"

"Yeah, Dad. The IT manager had already called me, he was about to deliver his report but I couldn't be bothered at the time. So I asked Adelia for help to deal with it first."

"It's good that you already know. Understand Hendra, you have a lot to thank your secretary as well as your wife. She was a great woman. Adelia can make the right decision even in times of urgency."

'Hah Adelia, this old man is very flattering to his daughter-in-law. It makes my ears even hotter to be in this place.'Diyana is still sitting on her knees behind the sofa. He wags his hand haphazardly as an outlet.


"What's that sound?" Wibisana trying to find the source of the sound.

'Gosh it must be Diyana, she's been there a long time

"Em... there's no need to look for it pa, maybe it's just the sound of an object falling due to the wind." Hendra tried to distract his father. "Oh yes, pa is there anything else we will talk about? Otherwise, I'm going to Adelia's room to say thank you and check the report from the IT manager."

"Good decision. We're going to Adelia's room together."

"Oh, yeah ... all right."Hendra looked doubtful. His mind was still fixed on Diyana behind the sofa, but all his limbs followed Mr. Wibisana.


The next day, still in the office atmosphere. Mr. Bayu and Chan are still busy with the repair case that has been done. They conduct further surveillance as well as make a report on the problem.

"Chan, it's time for lunch. Let's go together!"

"Wait a minute Mr. Bayu, a few more minutes to be able to end the process of this system. Please leave first, I'll catch up."

"Oh well. Remember Chan work is important, but health is more important. You've been working so hard these days, man."

"Hahaha, Good Lord. Don't worry about me."

A few moments later, the coding process that Chan was working on was completed. He tidied up his desk, took the keys to his favorite motorcycle, then rushed to catch up with Bayu. Chan stepped out of the room. His gaze went around looking at every corner of the other division that had been deserted by its inhabitants.

While staring at the secretary's room, Chan's steps stopped. He saw the door of the room open. Vaguely a woman was seen creeping weakly trying to reach the doorknob that was not far from her.

Is that the new company secretary? What happened to him?'. Chan immediately ran up to the woman.

"Mom, are you okay?"Chan threw a question at the woman in front of him. The look of the eyes that were already very weak as if asking for help was clearly depicted in both eyes.

'Oh my God, isn't this Adelia?'


The woman also fell. His head hit the doorknob hard and rendered himself unconscious. Seeing the events in front of him, Chan immediately acted. He held the woman's body from falling to the floor and immediately lifted her up.

Chan laid Adelia's body on a small sofa in the secretary's room. The knowledge he gained when he was still a member of the PMR at school is also useful today. He performed first aid on the person who fell unconscious and then treated the wound on Adelia's forehead.

'Adelia, is this really you? I'm so happy to see you back, my wife.'

"Ah, it hurts."

"Oh calm down. Your forehead hurt from hitting the door when you fell."

"You? Ah... " again, Adelia held her head. He looks very hurt. Suddenly a shadow of a man appeared in his memory. Adelia looked dazed. He looked at Chan who was still beside him.


"Yes, I'm Chan del. Are You Really Adelia?"

"Yes, that's me. You?"

"That's right, del, I'm Emily's friend, and we met before when we were in college. Do you remember him?" as if understanding what Adelia was thinking, Chan, threw a question.

Adelia was silent. He is still trying to translate the memories that just appeared.

'No. That's not it. The shadow of the man was very similar to Chan. I can remember it clearly. But why this man? What's wrong with him?' Adelia's mind clashed. "Ah, it hurts."

"Adelia, you are still weak mom. Do not impose your conditions."

"Oh yes. Thank you, Chan, for helping me."

"No problem. I was about to go out for lunch, but saw you crawling for the door. I approached you and you fell."

"Ah yes. I don't know if my head is heavy. Em ... by the way you work for this company too Chan?"

"Yes, del. Not long ago I started working at this place. What about you? Are you the new Secretary?"

"Um ... yes. How can you tell if I occupy that position in this place? I don't think I saw you at the introduction to all divisions."

"Hahaha, I'm del's IT staff. Sometimes you have to jump into the field directly, sometimes you have to standby in the office. Maybe I was in the field at the time."

"Right. It might be like that."

Joy filled Chan's heart. The news that Adelia also works in this company is very happy news for her. After a long time lost news Adelia since graduation, he was finally able to reunite with the woman he loved.

"Oh yes del, do you want to have lunch? I'm going with Mr. Bayu. He was waiting for me."

'Lunch together? Um ... no. I need to be able to keep my attitude. I am married and my parents are here. I can't possibly disappoint their trust'.

"What about del?"

Still, with the same attitude, Adelia fights with her mind. 'I also can't possibly tell Chan about Hendra and papa right now. Let everything go like this.'

"What Are you thinking, Adelia? Are you thinking of something serious?"

"No, Chan. I didn't think of anything. I just remembered that I brought lunch from home. It would be a pity if it was not eaten. Go on, I'm fine now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Well, oh or maybe you want something? I'll get it for you."

"No, not Chan. I don't want anything yet. You're still as good as before, haha."

"I've been good since Adelia was born. Hahaha."

A happy laugh was the end of their meeting this afternoon. Chan stepped out of the Secretary's room, leaving Adelia still trying to understand the enigma of the shadow that was plaguing her mind.