
The Surrogate's Downfall

"I'm Pregnant!", Alice declared with a smirk on her face, "What did you just say?", Max asked while running his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time. Amelia was in shock as she dropped the glass she was holding, making the coffee spill on the tiled floor. "I said I'm pregnant", Alice said with so much confidence this time, making Amelia's body shiver as the thoughts of her being pregnant for her boss clouded her mind. A jilted billionair tries to salvage the emptiness his fiance left in his house when she left him standing at the alter. He feels it's time to take charge of his life and the big decision was to get a son who would carry on with his empire when he died. He was far too hurt to trust women now. Presents Alice Richardson, a sweet, humble girl who the agency chose for him because they were the perfect match. Are they? Find out more in the surrogate's downfall...

Fash_Lois · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 13

Cecilia's POV

"Why on earth were you not able to carry out that small task, after all she was your ex, you could have just done it!", I screamed at justin who just sat at the corner of the bed.

"Cecilia, just calm down, Max came in to save her, immediately i tried to put it in, he spoilt the whole show, I'm severely injured because of the punches he ruined on my handsome face, you are of no help, you just keep on shouting and yelling.

If Amelia funds out i cheated on her with you, you'll be a dead meat, so just stop whatever you're planning on doing"

"Hey Justin, just stop okay, I've heard, but why would Max come to the office at that time, he hasn't showed up at work for about 3 days now, and he shows up when I'm about to make the life of his personal secretary miserable". Damn, i was so frustrated and couldn't think we'll, i found out that Amelia had been going to the bosses place for work, i just wanted to teach her a small lesson and it turned into a big mess, i really need to do something else.

"Don't even think of sending me back, i never loved her in the first place,i just needed her to quench my thirst, but you spoilt the whole thing when I was almost there, i wonder why she dresses that way to work, she was really one big hotcake, I'm sure you don't want to see her pretty dressed, you'll bow. If your boss really wants her, I'm not sure you can get her, she's too precious to lose, it seems she changed because she didn't want attention".

"Hey, just don't talk about her anymore, it's driving me crazy, I'm beautiful and all that too you know, and I'm good in bed as well, don't you dare belittle me because of that little witch, you'll only make me hate her the more", i said to Justin dragging him closer to me and kissing him so roughly, he gave in holding my ass as we both sucked our tongues, giving space for each other to breath, he ripped off my clothes, taking my big boobs in his mouth, he sucked on them as though his life depended on it, which made me want more of him.

"Just fuck me already Justin!", I whispered in a moan, he tore off my panties and started by putting one finger in my clit, i was wet, he dipped two more fingers, they entered freely, it was breath taking, he help me by my neck and thrust deep into me, making me moan out.

"Aarghh, Justin, right there... Fuck me harder, make it faster", he continued as we rode the doggy style, we switched positions and increased pace, he released on my breasts, i had a quick shower and we both smiled at each other's reminiscing on what we had just done.

Maximilian's POV

I woke up and felt someone was looking, i opened my eyes and saw Amelia leaping to the bed, she tucked herself in, was she staring at me?, I walked up to her and urged her to open her eyes.

I asked her to tell me everything that happened to her last night. "Ehmmmm....it.....i...hmmm, that guy was my ex-boyfriend", she said and bowed her head. I was eager to know what was happening, i didn't know why, but i think i had the right to know, since i saved her from him.

"Why would he want to do something that terrible to you?", I asked her looking directly into her crystal clear eyes. "Truth be told, I really don't know, we dated for a month, i caught him cheating on me the day i planned to give him my virginity, I really don't know why he came to me yesterday", she said in tears.

There was one question infeally wanted an answer to, "Did he touch you at all", i asked her starting directly into her eyes, Tears gushed out of her eyes, what was happening?, Why was she crying so uncontrollably, Did something bad happen before i came in?, "He...he....he.... Kept touching me everywhere, he almost thrust it in before you came in, it was terrifying," she said sobbing, i better not ask her anything again, i couldn't make her leave already, she would definitely have to stay over, luckily, it was a Saturday.

"It's alright Amelia, I'll tell the maids to put your bathing water, you'll be fine here", she nodded and i left the room, i met Alice passing by, she was headed to the dining, time had gone, the food was prepared, i didn't have appetite, today was going to be a fun filled day.

Alice Richardson's POV

"It's alright Amelia, I'll tell the maids to put your bathing water", i heard Mr Max say, it seemed he was walking towards the door, so i hurriedly came out, it was a Saturday, it was always a boring day, there was literarily nothing to do, i had breakfast and sat down to watch TV.

I saw the maids carrying a tray of food up the stairs, i called them back. "Hey, who owns the food you're carrying?", I asked them, "It's for Mrs Amelia,the boss ordered us to bring it in now.

"Okay then,", i said, pretending to smile, i hissed loudly when they were out of sight.

This was so sickening, she got all the special treatment and I'm being treated like this, What could have happened to her last night.

Why was the boss making a big deal out of it, I'm his Surrogate and i am meant to be greatly taken care of.

"Alice, we would go to the pool to have some funz would you like to join us, later this afternoon?". Mr Max asked as he came downstairs. "Of course sir, i won't miss it", i said as polite as i could be. He replied with a smile and left this gave me so much joy, but what did he mean by we?, Would that witch also follow us?, "Damn!, I didn't want to see her ugly face, truth be told she was really beautiful, i needed to dress to kill, but we were only going to swim, I'll choose my my most revealing bikini. I was so excited.

The maids gathered around and brought out a popcorn maker, what was going on?

"Hello, what is this for?", I asked one of the maids, "Well Mr Max plans of making plenty of popcorn for a movie in the evening", she said and left.

It was going to be a long day, we were going to watch movies and it was definitely going to look like a theatre, with lights out.

I couldn't wait, i was so excited to pick out a dress for a 5 people party.