
The Supreme Wolf

Agility, Strength and Cunning teamwork. Those traits make up a Wolf, but, what if there was a Wolf that had more? What if it could see things others did not? What if it could understand the forgotten? What if it had an ever growing intelligence that would aid it many a times in the future? Wolves are Leaders. Wolves are the rulers of the Forest. Wolves are Cunning. Created by Ancients, defying fate, fighting if he so desires, watch him fight and rise! Also, here is the link of a drawing of a friend called 'The Tempest', it is the drawing of the base form of the MC. I think that it looks really good. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469201063551959060/505890662747734027/20181027_194800.jpg Our discord serv: https://discord.gg/Mja6jam I do not own the cover as it belongs to the artist that drew it.

Wolfy_Charles · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs


The Wolf was currently walking again. He searched for a place to sleep in for the time being.

After about one hour of running, he found a cave.

The cave was very dark. It was also very large since he couldn't see the end of it at all. He decided to go inside for now and see if it was suitable. Not that he had much of a choice anyway.

The sun was already setting by the time he got inside the cave. He was glad to have found a place to sleep in for now.

The Wolf decided to go further to explore the cave.


He saw it.

The cave had stairways that led downwards and he felt quite a few aura's from there. It seemed like here were other beings already…

Well, he didn't have anywhere else to go, so, he just walked them slowly down, trying to hide his presence. It was actually very hard for him to hide his presence since he couldn't even walk the stairways down very good with his four legs… not to mention that he couldn't even properly control his own aura very good.

Some of the Beings seemed to notice him. He knew that because he felt their killing intend. He was quite surprised to find out that he couldn't hide himself good. What he didn't know was that some of the beasts down there had a very keen nose and just smelled him.

Those who did though didn't direct any killing intend at him since they could only feel a very small aura. It was like that of a child. They needn't pay attention they thought.

Some of the smaller beasts hid in the corners of the rooms where the staircase ended. The Wolf just arrived at the end of the staircase and suddenly felt many aura's in his surroundings. Although not too strong, the amount and feeling was weird.

There were exactly 4 aura's in the first room, each waiting and looking at him from one corner of the room.

The weird feeling he got was that the aura's weren't just similar, they were the exact same. As if there would be the same beast 4 times and it surrounded him.

Strange was that they also all had the same amount of strength in their aura.

However, he also had a keen nose. He only smelled one beast here. He didn't know how the beast that wanted to attack him did it, but, there was only one beast, that could split and plant it's aura around in different places.

He smelled it. It was in the left corner just behind him. He was walking a bit forward, pretending to not have noticed anything and looking like exploring the room.

As expected, the beast attacked him. However, he was surprised by how weak it was…

The beast directly jumped at him. Revealing its form by doing so. With its claws pointing at him.

He quickly dodged by going two steps backwards diagonally and turned around to bite the beast.

After he bit it, he felt the flesh of it. It was very very easy to chew, the exact opposite from the two mountains of flesh from a while ago. It was so tender that it felt like it would melt if he ripped it from the body apart.

He decided to not do that now though as he still wanted to look at it clearly.

It was a Kitsune. He didn't know what it was, but, that word popped up in his mind when he saw it. He also got to know that those get stronger with age.

No wonder this one was so weak! It was barely even one year old!

Kitsunes usually need a rather long time to get strong, but, if they get the chance to get older, they will be very strong and will be feared if made an enemy. They also gain the ability to turn into humans after reaching a certain age.

The main feature of a Kitsune was its red-orange fur and nine tails. Yep, it was a very young kitsune. Also, adding to its weakness, it was now injured and could die at any moment now.

He was truly surprised though. He thought that since it dared attack him, it would at least be strong enough to block a few of his attacks even with an weak aura like that…

Most people would be shocked to find out about this. This was mainly because Kitsunes were known for their illusions and ability to mislead one's senses. Even beasts with a good sense of smell would normally get affected by their abilities and wouldn't be able to properly locate the Kitsune like he did. They also gain the ability to turn invisible, generate fire or lightning to shoot out like a bullet, and last but not least, the ability to fly.

He was very shocked when he found that out. This little beast had so much potential in it…

If he had known earlier, he obviously wouldn't have injured it that much. He would instead have tried to use it, to make it his pawn and let it become his right hand.

But, what was done, was done. He couldn't change it anymore. He decided to kill it and eat it since it was already on the brink of death.

He felt his body grow stronger when he ate its flesh. He had a vague guess, but, he needed to confirm it by doing it a few more times now.

He explored the room after eating the Kitsune, finding a big closed door made of stone. While the door wasn't gigantic, it couldn't exactly be called small or usual either, the doors length was 4 meters and its with was about 2 meters too…

It was large, closed, and he felt 5 aura's behind the door. They felt stronger and were all slightly different though. There couldn't be another Kitsune in here. He knew it. He knew that Kitsunes are a rarity among raritys. They would be ranked S in a list from SSS being the highest to F being the lowest.

He also knew that although the beasts behind the door were certainly stronger than the Kitsune, he could still try to handle them with his claws and teeth.

He made his resolve up. He decided to enter the second room.

He didn't know how to open the doors though.

…...That was a problem….

He didn't want to think too much anymore and just decided to strike it with his sturdy head after running into it.

The result was… unexpected to say the least.

The door just shattered. It crumbled down, just like that. Maybe It was because it was very very old, but, chances where that it was the headbutt of this Wolf.

The 5 beasts in the room were already prepared for him to storm in when they felt the killing intent disappear and the smell of blood appear, taking its place. They knew it was not from the Kitsune since there was only one aura, and not 4 scattered aura's.

The Wolf looked at them and saw that there were 3 Goblins and 2 Hobgoblins, the names and traits of their races again appearing in his mind.

He Decided to go after the stronger ones First.

Thus, he made the first move.

Well, I made it in time! I will go to sleep now, so don't expect any other chaps until tomorrow.

I would also be happy about Power stones :)

I hope you had fun reading this chap too ⁽་º་⁾

P.s. Here is a drawing of a kitsune http://listverse.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/kitsune.jpg

You can also just imagine it as the nine tailed fox from naruto that was newly born if you don't want to look the picture up.

Have a nice day~ m(¬0¬)m

Wolfy_Charlescreators' thoughts