
The Supreme Harem God traveling the Omniverse

Hello my name is William Marksberry, this is my story of how I went from a regular 15 year old teen to {The Supreme Harem God} just because my friend made me become one. So come see how I went from world to world grabbing beauties. All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author of this fanfiction is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material

wolfdstroyer · Cómic
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: The beginning and a bit of info dump

Have you guys ever thought of where you would go after you die? Well to answer your question you go nowhere well you can say you go to the void like those fan-fics Alex keeps talking about. By the way if I haven't said it before. Alex is a big weeb he is so deep in that hole that there is no way he can't go back to a normal life he says that he at least spends hours trying to find new fan-fic or waiting for chapters , he also has 1,300+ pictures of anime girls in his phone, and he said he wants to learn how to code just to make a AI anime wife. I tried to confront him about it, but he keeps denying anything is wrong with him by saying he is appreciating "ART" and that I am not a "man of culture" which doesn't make sense because I introduce him to anime culture but whatever.

Leaving my thoughts about Alex's degeneracy aside I started looking around the voids to see if I can find the supposed "God" that lives here. I couldn't find anything after a while and it was difficult to see if I was moving because it is the same thing everywhere I look and I don't even have limbs. I'm pretty sure I'm just a ball of light. When I gave up searching the space in front of me distorted and someone teleported in front of me and that someone surprised me because it was.

((Alex)) "Yo"

((William)) "..."

Yup it was fucking Alex, he somehow teleported in front of me even though he supposed to be on earth mourning my death. Wait, did he kill himself!? I know he would be lonely, but I didn't think he would kill himself over it.

((Alex)) " Bro calm down I didn't kill myself I just deleted our existence on earth now nobody would ever know we were there, our parents would alway think they just had our siblings."

Huh!? How did he even read my thoughts and did he just say that he deleted our existence!?

((Alex)) " Whatever we have to go and start our next life before your wife finds out that I let you die and this time we are not starting in two different bodies because I can't do shit with it and not starting as a child that was hell for me."

I'm so confused about what's happening but I'll just question him when we get to the "next life?" and why did you just take out a computer and started typing on it? After Alex finished whatever he was typing he closed his computer and put it back wherever he even got it from and literally went into me I don't how. When he went into me I felt completed for some reason like I had a piece of me that finally came back. Is that why he said he didn't want to have different bodies in the next life. I couldn't continue contemplating before I lost consciousness.

[Alex's POV]

Hello guys, I'm here to try to explain some background information so you won't get confused during the explanation given to William when he wakes up and info about me. First thing first Will is going to have all the girls because I am genderless and I can't have the emotion called love. I'm basically an AI that will just operate the system and sometimes bring some trashy comedy lines I also "collect" information about future targets. Let's see what else I need to explain before I let you guys go back to Will...uh … OH I remember, the world we are reincarnating to is DXD, I know DXD is overused (trust me I read the fan-fics), but there is so many girls to start the Supreme Harem and I'm going to need your help to list the girls you want from DXD and a bit of their story well the uncommons ones at least. I also chose DXD for Grafiya and Yasaka, but don't worry like the title says we are traveling to different worlds and I kinda want to go to HOTD x Triage x world. Oh if you want to know what kind of powers Will and I will get I don't know yet if you haven't guessed Will and I are based on the Author and his best friend, William so they have to talk about it first. That's all I have for right now. I guess my POVS are here to answer any of the reader's questions and to give my opinion of what is happening during the journey. Next chapter will be the start of our pokemon catching, so I hope you guys will enjoy it. I'll see you guys next time.

Hello guys this is my last chapter for right now I have to go to sleep it is 2:36 am where I'm at and I am tired. This chapter wasn't much because I didn't know how to start it off. I will be answering questions through Alex so if you have any drop it on the comment section. That's all goodnight.

wolfdstroyercreators' thoughts